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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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[Posted 11:30 a.m., EDT - Thursday morning, 5/11/2006]

Osiyo or 'Siyo~ [Hello in Cherokee]

The Moon affects us in so many ways, from our emotions, to our purchases, to successful surgeries. When the Moon is moving through the sign of Scorpio, do not buy anything that is 'new' to you. Either your purchase will be a lemon because you were not clear what you were buying . . . you will not use the item . . . you will not wear the item . . . . or you will go back later and return the item just because you no longer feel the same way about the item. In other words, you will not be happy with your purchase. Wait until the Scorpio Moon passes to make your purchase.

Being that Scorpio is THE MOST passionate sign, if you are really not feelin' the Love, want to make your purchase, just to be safe. If you simply cannot help yourself and feel the need to test the system, then do it. Experiment with your chart. And then call me so I can hear about the pattern. The pattern, your pattern is important.

In Astrology, in charts we look for a 70/30 pattern. Keep in mind, God is the One and Only 100 Percent so we stick to the 70/30 rule. So as far as the Moon in Scorpio goes, 70 percent of those who make purchases during a Scorpio Moon will be unhappy with what they bought and will more than likely return the item or have complaints about it; the other 30 percent will like what they bought, or that they are not using it, but that doesn't matter. This would be similar to purchasing workout equipment that is not used.

Now remember, above I said that Scorpio is THE MOST passionate sign, which is the key to understanding the no-no. If you do not know what you are in for, then DO NOT make the purchase. Certainly going to the grocery store or buying things that are in your normal pattern are not part of the "no-no" because you know the purchase. It's when you are buying under 'passion' and 'intensity' that you can count that energy waning. If you are making a re-purchase or something you already have a history with and know what you like, the Scorpio Moon is not a problem.

Sidenote added Fri. Sept. 1, 2022 An Astroator on FB (Jo) asked about some curtain panels that I said I bought on a day when the Moon was in Scorpio. I have experience with the 'theater grade black out curtain panels'. I know the product. It's a repeat buy. I had been thinking about buying them for the great room (living room) and since they popped into my head, I ordered them. And get this, of all signs of the zodiac, Scorpio energy likes to sleep in exceptionally dark rooms. And I mean as dark as possible. It's like the Scorpion is sleeping under a rock. Cool huh? In our bedroom we have these same 'theater grade black out curtain panels' and my Scorpion King (fiance') LOVES that kind of darkness. So I know this product well. Remember, Pluto rules Scorpio, which is 'the dark'. So now that I think about it, that particular purchase was even better on a Scorpio Moon. My passion for the product will not wane after the Scorpio Moon leaves.

Patterns are exactly why it is so important to have a copy of your Natal Chart so that you can witness patterns in your own Life and then you can change yourself from being 30/70 in one area to 70/30 in the same area. It is really just as simple as that. If you were 30/70 in the 7th house of relationships, meaning repeating the same 'type' of relationship over and over again, therein lies the pattern. Use the positive energies of that house or planets in the house to flip yourself like a pancake to 70/30. Believe me, you know if you are 30/70 in the 2nd house of money. You know what patterns you need to break in order to flip yourself to 70/30.

I always post what sign the Moon is in for the entire month in the daily horoscopes. If you can avoid having any surgery when the Moon is in Scorpio that would be best. The best placement to have surgery is when the Moon is moving through a sign that is distal (furthest) away from the body part involved.

For example: Aries rules the head, so if you need your knees operated on, then do it when the Moon is in Aries. Taurus rules the throat, so if you need your feet operated on, do it when the Moon is in Taurus. Capricorn rules the knees, if you need your heart operated on, do it when the Moon is in Capricorn.

Interestingly enough, the best person to have as a surgeon is a Scorpio because Scorpio rules surgery and surgeons. Scorpio's make THE BEST surgeons by far, hands down! Just like Capricorn's make the best dentists, oral surgeons, orthopedic surgeons and chiropractors. I'm a chiropractor and have a strong Capricorn chart (Moon and Saturn). My brother is a dentist in Champaign, IL and he is a Capricorn. And the best all around doctor to have is a doctor who has a North Node Virgo. If your doctor has a North Node Virgo, they will even be right on accident because Virgo rules the 6th house of health and hygiene. By the way, those doctors with North Node Capricorn's make excellent doctors too, especially if that doctor works with the skin, hair, teeth or bones because Capricorn rules those areas of the body.

And me? I'm a North Node Virgo! Yay!

Denadagohvyu - ['Until we meet again' in Cherokee]

A bazillion blessings~ Dr. Loretta Standley

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