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Mars in a Sign |
Mercury in a Sign |
Moon in a Sign |
Sun in a Sign |
Venus in a Sign |
Age of Aquarius |
Jupiter in Gemini |
Neptune in Pisces |
Neptune in Pisces Retrograde |
Pluto in Capricorn |
Pluto Rising in Capricorn Part II |
Pluto in Aquarius |
Saturn in Pisces |
Uranus in Taurus |
The House of Windsor Royal Family Charts |
Scorpio Moon Shopping & Surgery |
How are horoscopes written? |
How can I be a Christian & practice Astrology? |
What is a Natal Chart? |
Folks, there are several factors to consider. Of course I will say PLUTO IN CAPRICORN because it's not over. We are only 01 degree into Pluto in Aquarius, which is still in the 'orb of influence' of Pluto in Capricorn. It's not like Pluto in Capricorn is a non-issue or completed-issue because it is still very much alive and kickin'. Pluto in Aquarius turned Retrograde on May 2, 2024 and on September 1, 2024 Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn and finish the job shaking the mountain and tossing off those power hungry crooks who are sitting at the summit. Let's call it the ol' coup de grace move or otherwise known as the final death blow. Oh you betcha the mountain is shaking and the power climbers are falling off the mountain. Be patient my dear little astrotators. Great movies are epic, and this one is Biblical with just as many chapters. On November 19, 2024 Pluto will move back into Aquarius and begin changing the face of Parliment and Congress. This is big heavy stuff. Pluto upends and turns the table over as it takes us through massive and morbid transformation. Remember, Pluto in Capricorn will be at 29 degrees, which is mastery. I have had many astrotators ask me about the 'critical degrees'. You may see in some writings that 29 degrees is a 'critical degree', but this is simply not the case. 0, 13, and 26 degrees are 'critical degrees' in the Cardinal signs of - Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. 08-09 and 21-22 and even more specifically 09 and 22 degrees in the Fixed signs of - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. And then the 04 and 17 degrees in the Mutable signs of - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. So you see 29 degrees is NOT a critical degree, it is the degree of mastery, when a planet is in its final degree before moving into the next sign, the culmination of all that needed to be learned is in that last 29th degree, which is also called the 'Karmic Degree' or 'Anaretic Degree'. Keep reading, there is a lot more . . .
Also currently Neptune in Pisces is at 29 degrees in Retrograde motion, which began its final 29th degree on May 3, 2024 until September 2, 2024. That's four (4) solid months at 29 degrees, then Neptune will retrograde back to 28 degrees, then 27 degrees where it will then turn Direct on December 8, 2024 and continue on in forward motion. So that will be after the 2024 General Election. NOW COME ON! Don't you find it very interesting that Nep-tune in Pisces at 29 degrees is current right now showing you the difference between - Real vs Fake - LIVE vs recorded - Dead vs. Alive - Fact vs. Fiction. Surely you saw the presentation of Real vs Fake last night and now the media sees it. They agreed to feed the LIES (narrative) without question or investigation and the public ate it up. Shamey shamey! But remember, I wrote to you several years ago, the media will begin agreeing with Trump. They will, they will, they will. There will be an about-face. What more do you need to see that something is not right beyond the wide-eyed-mummy you saw last night? Surely you are in-tune, if not somewhat in-tune. Nep-tune is all about intuition, especially in the sign of Pisces. By now, after all of these years of Neptune in Pisces (since April 4, 2011) you are 'mastering' tuning in and tuning out so that at 29 degrees, YOU ARE TUNED-IN like a Tune-ahhhh-Fish. Maybe you tuned-in last night to watch the debate and you saw 666iden standing there like a wide-eyed-mummy. I don't give a rat what you think of PRESIDENT Trump, sometimes you have to see past one thing in order to see something else. Surely you have had to do that at some point in your Life, sifting through and seeing through the BS. So during this Neptune in Pisces intuitive and I can see clearly now transit, you are going to be given some time, to go back in time (during Retrograde motion) to see the fakery, the bullsh!t, the lies, the corruption and the twisted upside down poison that has plagued our great nation and planet for so long. Grab the saline folks, your gonna need it. Why? You are going to learn some things that you won't believe, that is a fact, so you will need the saline solution to clear the smoke and mirrors from your eyes, as well as rinsing the tears from your eyes. We are going to find out THE MOST sickening things known to humans, that humans have done to one another. Those in a position of power abused their power beyond anything you can or will comprehend. It's going to mess some people UP! Now folks, really really really really pay attention to these degrees and dates. I have created 'Transiting Degree Calendars' for your eyeball learning pleasure of all of the current transiting planets. You can find these calendars in the left side navigation column or at the bottom of the home page. Please use these calendars often because it will solidfy the dates in your mind's eye leaving a lasting impression. So you can spin your wheels entertaining what in the world is going to happen as they scramble for a new candidate (or not). Is it too late to file a new U.S. Presidential Candidate for the Democratic Party? That deadline for filing has come and gone because most states had a deadline in 2023, which you can check on Ballotpedia. So there ya' go. That means they are stuck with 'cabala harris'. Now come on, don't we already know that the 'Word Salad Queen' is more of 'The Joke(r)', than a President. I hope someone finds that meme that I am subtley referring to. I don't think it takes a genius or even a well-studied Astrologer to tell you that the 2024 Election is going to be exciting, but pulling off another steal by the left will not be easy. It's not like we haven't been tied-up over votes, missing ballots, hanging chads, mail couriering mules and mail-in's before. Count on it! Building on that information, Pluto in Capricorn will re-enter at 29 degrees for the 3rd and final time toward 'Ascension', which is into mastery before it moves into Aquarius until 2044, which that transit will last a solid twenty (20) years. Now all of your conspiracy theorists, surely you have seen that word 'Ascension' laying around. Think of Astrology and the mastery 29th Degrees of Neptune and Pluto staring us in the face telling us we are so close to mastering this damn thing called, 'Scorched Earth' at the hands of the powers that be. Don't give up. Not now. Please understand, the reason why I keep harping on the 'generational planets' is because this includes all of us as a collective, population, society and citizens of the world. As more and more citizens of this world begin to open their hearts, their minds and their spirit, pay VERY CLOSE attention to these 'generational planets' impacting the generations. The generational planets are - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. More exciting Astrology tomorrow. In the meantime, look over the transiting calendars so you are ready when I add more tomorrow. ![]() SCARED STRAIGHT |
You can see from the 'Transiting Degree Calendars' that this same thing will be happening this year with Jupiter and Saturn because Gemini and Pisces square each other.
Jupiter is E-X-P-A-N-D-I-N-G in Gemini, blowing it up so HUGE that it will blow whatever it touches to smithereens, while at the same time E-X-P-A-N-D-I-N-G something else to its greatness, to its BIGGEST form without popping.
Saturn is SQUEEZING, RESTRICTING AND LIMITING whatever it touches.
Jupiter is well-known as the Great Benefic, which brings about beneficial circumstances, prosperity, abundance, Good fortune, wisdom, the higher thinking mind and optimism.
Saturn is well-known as the Great Malefic, which brings about lack, poverty, limitation, restriction, stagnation, depravation, hardship and the like.
Again, Jupiter rules the Republican Party and Saturn rules the Democratic Party. I can't just make this the other way around, type it out and expect you to buy it. It's a fact! Any halfway decent Astrologer will tell you this same thing. FACTOID!
So why in the name of all this is Holy would anyone align themselves with lack and limitation, unless they have been programmed, convinced, and felt that's all they are worth and have no other choices? Everyone can do something. I know of a quadripelegic who literally drove himself to work every single day. He has now since passed. His sister is a friend of mine. I know this to be True. Absolute FACTOID! Granted this man had help to get him to where he was able and capable, and he worked, he drove, he had a pool, he had a girlfriend, he had his own house, he had a Life, and enjoyed it!
THE SCARED STRAIGHT aspect of Jupiter square Saturn will come around again in exact degrees on June 15, 2025 with Jupiter in Cancer at 00 degrees and Saturn in Aries at 00 degrees with the 'orb of influence' being April 5, 2025 until July 23, 2025. Eventually, due to Saturn turning Retrograde, it will move back into Pisces and trine Jupiter in Cancer in the Fall of 2025. So the SCARED STRAIGHT aspect of June 15, 2025 will not last long, unless it's in your 2025 Solar Return covering birthdates from April 5, 2025 through July 23, 2025 with an exact hit on June 15, 2025.
So the moral of this long-winded story is SH!TS GOIN' DOWN, whether you like it, believe it or not. What do you think I'm going to say next? Jeopardy music plays while you think. That's right, I'm going to say, PREP! PREP YO' ASS. Keep reading . . .
If you think another scamdemic, plandemic, and 'Baby Boomer Remover' is not in the works, then I honestly don't know what to say. You cannot just pick and choose the Astrology to fit your narrative. This is happening.
Now the initiated, meaning the enLightened, those who are top of this and take it seriously, they will prep, they will organize and realize according to the Laws of God. Remember, as it states on each Sun Sign page of this website, "Astrology is not Law; God is the Law! Astrology is 'the rules;' and the rules are often broken."
It will not take a genius, a junior astrologer, neophyte or even an infant at this point not even versed in Astrology, to figure out, the people of the planet HAVE BEEN HAD!!!
The people have been had for so long, you have no idea how much power you have in your baby finger. You just don't know. You have been lied to, denied, programmed, convinced and abused for so long, that you don't know any different because it began long before you were born, your parents and your grandparents. Folks, this is a long running deception of familial power.
As everything comes to fruition, you need to be ready for this. It will happen and you will have wished you prepped. The 'generational planets' are hard at work righting what was wronged over decades of deception. GENERATIONS!! That means this has been going on for GENERATIONS! The transpersonal planets are doing their best to join the generations so we are all on the same page - Grandparents, parents, college students and kids. Fooling, and I mean FOOLING the people has occurred decade after decade and now no one can relate to each other and we have become numb to children and the importance of them in our lives. Dogs have better lives than children and sadly some find the answer to be abortion. How f'ing barbaric and inhuman can a person be that they would choose that as the solution for children. It's a f'd and jacked up world and YOU are the entertainment.
And Wow Wee, that brings me into a whole new subject matter than I will save for another time.
In the meantime, Jupiter square Saturn will begin in the 'orb of influence' on July 15, 2024. Do you know what begins on July 15th, 2024? The RNC (Republican National Convention) begins Monday, July 15, 2024 until Thursday, July 18, 2024. The DNC (Democratic National Convention) begins Monday, August 19, 2024 until Thursday, August 22, 2024.
So the RNC begins when Jupiter square Saturn begins in the 'orb of influence' in applying degrees and the DNC begins with Jupiter square Saturn EXACT on August 19th. Day-yang! Keep reading . . .
SEE, Jupiter is the Great Benefic and Saturn is the Great Malefic. That's a bummer. What? Do I need to draw a picture to tell you how this plays out this Fall? I think a 'fall in the Fall' is the best way to explain this. Folks, watch all of that play out. You don't need anyone to tell the play-by-play, surely you can imagine the 'fallout in the Fall' as 'someone' takes the fall (heat or blame) or takes a fall (falls down) or removal from their seat.
Needless to say, but I'll say it anyway, both direct hits on, near or around August 19th and December 24th are going to make everyone SCARED STRAIGHT!
I wouldn't be spending all of my money on Christmas presents this year. Folks, you better get your priorities straight. Seriously. Material possessions laying in the yard will only look like wasted dollars that could have put food on the table.
SCARED STRAIGHT? WORLD WAR III? ANOTHER SCANDEMIC? Should I keep going? I think if you read the Jupiter in Gemini write-up and the Saturn in Pisces write-up, I don't have to rewrite what we can expect to happen, as well as who and what falls. It will become abundantly clear and obvious.
Now my strong suggestion is you beat a path over to the Jupiter in Gemini write-up, as well as the Saturn in Pisces write-up and re-read.
Mon. Dec. 21, 2020Applying degrees begin on Feb. 14, 2020Exact on Dec. 21, 2020 at 1:21 PM EST Separating degrees end on March 16, 2021
Aug. 19, 2024 & Dec. 24, 2024Applying degrees begin July 15, 2024at 5:46 PM EDT Separating degrees end on Feb. 23, 2025
I also can't tell you enough how ugly people were to me during that time, but I will be able to show you because I screenshot it all, just in case they became threatening I had to protect myself by documenting it. I hope I never have to use that information. These individuals were ugly to me because I said PRESIDENT Trump would win and they told everyone this information, so essentially they were embarrassed because their ego took over. They could not stay strong and hold tough so they were in it to be 'right'. Ego's!! Others were ugly to me because they were 'riden 666iden' so hard they were mocking me. And all of that is okay. Myy skin is tough so I don't need anyone coming to my rescue or defense. I use to have a political radio show back in the day with LIVE call-in, meaning the calls were not screened. I got this! If I can handle smart-asses LIVE on the radio, I can handle these individuals.
The reason why I am saying this is because if people can be THAT UGLY during a Jupiter CONJUNCT Saturn aspect, then imagine if you will, how these same individuals can be during Jupiter SQUARE Saturn aspect.
I don't have a lot of time today as this is a travel day for me, but I want you to know and remember this, "What comes around, goes around" and it has gone around and its coming around again. Paybacks are freakin' HELL!
Remember yesterday's write-up TEACHING you about what planets rule what parties? The right is married to the left and the left is falling off the ledge taking the right with them. The 'fall' in the 'Fall' and the 'fallout' will be great, deafening, scary as sh!t and I hope you prepped. #PREPYOASS.
Folks there is a section on this website giving you the straight and skinny on how to prep, camp and survive. I kept words to a minimum and included a lot of lists and pictures. Use them!!! I'll be back with a lot more writing in the coming days, weeks and months.
[Posted Tuesday - July 9, 2024]2024 MARS IN LEO - MARS OPPOSING PLUTO
With regard to the state of affairs globally and nationally, meaning politics, thereby impacting us all, on the June 28th I addressed the outer planets, which are the generational planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. On June 30th and July 1st, I addressed the transpersonal aka social planets, which are the yearly planets - Jupiter and Saturn.
Today I will address a couple of personal planets referring to their impact on these last six (6) months of 2024. The personal planets are - Venus, Mars and Mercury. The Sun is actually a star and the Moon is a luminary of the Sun and a satellite of the Earth. In other words, they are not really planets, but in Astrology we lump them in with the personal planets.
By now you should be wondering about Mars opposing Pluto and Venus opposing Jupiter on Sunday - November 3, 2024, just two (2) days before the U.S. General Election for President. Two (2) personal planets (Mars and Venus) are opposing a generational planet (Pluto) and a transpersonal or social planet (Jupiter). In other words, everyone is feeling the unrest, tension, chaos, free for all and lack of boundaries.
Mars opposing Pluto is the classic placement for 'Paybacks are Hell' as well as 'Win at all Costs'. And folks, it is going to look just like that. If you are surprised by anything political at this point, then you have not been paying attention or you have only been engaged in the alphabet news stories. Keep reading . . . there is a lot more . . .
One side is going to be focused on 'Paybacks are Hell', which I believe to be the Trump (Republican) Campaign, and the other side is going to be focused on 'Win at All Costs', which I believe to be the Mystery Candidate (Democrat) Campaign. What I can't believe is people are wasting the time, breath, focus and mind on something that doesn't even matter, and that is wondering who will replace 666iden. As if it matters!! The Truth is, it doesn't matter because it's all coming down!
Pluto in Capricorn at 29 degrees will be shaking off those at the summit, as well as those hanging on to their political seats for dear Life. Exactly two (2) weeks after the General Election, Pluto will re-enter Aquarius and continue changing the face of Congress and Parliament. You see folks, the game is already over. It's already won. We will just be witnessing the fallout, of the fall, in the Fall.
On or around October 10, 2024 we will begin feeling the 'orb of influence' of Mars opposing Pluto, which will last until the January 27, 2024. We will also feel the world going to hell in a handbasket around October 26, 2024 until November 11, 2024. I'm wondering if this will look like looting, rioting, anarchy, fleecing, and ravaging where it's pretty much a free-for-all and people don't give a damn anymore. For a period of time, I'm wondering if our homeland will become survival of the fittest. The cops have been defunded (did you forget about that) especially in BIG cities and our Southern border is wide-open, so what in the world could we expect?
As you may have read, July 15, 2024 is the applying (approaching) degrees of Jupiter square Saturn (scared straight), which is the outcome of the stolen and manipulated Jupiter trine Saturn back in December 2020. Well folks, that's what happens when you don't give a damn, you believe the alphabet news media and you spend too much time looking in the mirror and taking selfies.
Keep reading . . . there is a lot more . . .
July 15, 2024 is the opening day of the Republican National Convention and August 19, 2024 is the opening day of the Democratic National Convention. Interesting, dont'cha think? Is this just another coincidence? I think not. This IS THE culmination, outcome and results of not caring or not raising enough hell back in November 2020 when the election was stolen. This is what we get for not caring, not paying attention, or not wanting to talk about politics when we should have. I definitely won't have the sympathy, stomach or patience for anyone bitching when they weren't, didn't and still aren't paying attention.
So now we get to experience all of these disastrous, scary as sh!t and foracious aspects. Mars opposing Pluto guarantees 'Payback are Hell' (Republican campaign) vs. 'Win at All Costs' (Democratic campaign). Why isn't it vice versa? You will have ample time to see and figure that out by the time November 5, 2024 (election day) arrives.
Not only will Mars in Cancer oppose Pluto in Capricorn, but Venus in Sagittarius will oppose Jupiter in Gemini. This is some wild and unruly energy on both ends of the spectrum. Wild as in fighting and anarchy, and wild as in debauchery and self-indulgent. It's almost like anything goes. Anyone with a birthdate at the beginning of November needs to reel it in and initiate some self-discipline or it will be a rough year, quite possibly in the slammer.
Mars will move into Leo the same day (November 3, 2024) at 11:10 PM. Now pay attention here at the charts below. Honestly, I don't think it even matters to post 666iden's chart, he's worthless and pretty much a non-issue. And if he does get replaced, then his chart doesn't matter. But as of this writing (date), he is still all-in. Mars in Leo will transit his natal 10th house of career and conjunct his Pluto in Leo.
Hmmmmmm, Mars conjunct Pluto, which is the aspect of THE BEAST, of which killary has natally. Now you can NOT WANT this to be the case all you want, but that won't make it True.
It is a fact that Mars will move into Leo on Sunday - November 3, 2024 and IT WILL conjunct 666iden's Pluto in Leo in applying (approaching) degrees in the 10th house activating his Pluto in Leo square Mars in Scorpio natal aspect. There is nothing you can say or deny that will change that fact. You can hate Trump all you want and 666iden will still be the bad guy. Look at the chart. And Mars will continue to conjunct his Pluto in Leo well into January 2025.
PRESIDENT Trump has Mars in Leo at 10 degrees and Pluto in Leo at 26 degrees, which ARE NOT conjunct like killary's. So nope, he does not have THE BEAST aspect. You just can't make it up folks, he doesn't have it and you can't make him have it if you insist on thinking he's a beast.
PRESIDENT Trump has a Moon in Sagittarius and the South Node in Sagittarius, he severely suffers from 'hoof in the mouth syndrome'. Open mouth, insert foot. His off the cuff remarks 'can be' cringeworthy, but at the same time, he speaks the Truth and its hard to hear. Sagittarius is hell bent on finding the Truth, as Sagittarius energy is the sign of the Truthseeker. It's no wonder PRESIDENT Trump has his own social media platform called 'Truth Social'. It was tough to hear no Truer words after he came down the escalator in 2015, but as we can see now, nearly 10 years later. He was right all along. He was right.
Did you notice that 666iden has Mars square Pluto in his natal chart. He sure does! Connecting his 2nd house of personal finances to his 10th house of career. The two (2) are connected. Mars square Pluto acts as either the Superhero or the Bully. 666iden is hardly a Superhero.
Mars in Leo will RETROGRADE on December 6, 2024 and will re-enter the sign of Cancer and will conjunct PRESIDENT Trump's Natal Venus in Cancer on January 17th and 18th, 2025 and will also conjunct PRESIDENT Trump's Saturn in Cancer on January 22nd, 23rd and 24th. He is well-known as a non-smoker, non-drinker and has never done drugs.
Venus conjunct Mars is nothing but a LOVE BUG. Seriously. That aspect Loves, and Loves to be Loved. It's box of Valentine's Day chocolates and Hershey's kisses.
Mars conjunct Saturn is the aspect of strength and honor. It's the gladiator who is fighting for his homeland. Cancer is the sign of the homeland. Folks, I can't make this up, maybe other Astrologers can, but I can't. This man LOVES his homeland, his family and his country. And he was born on Flag Day (June 14th). There is no other way to slice it. Mars sailing over PRESIDENT Trump's chart is only going to benefit him.
Keep reading . . . there is a tiny bit more . . .
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So you can keep playing the hater-ade card, but PRESIDENT Trump is not giving up until every single one of the swamp characters goes to jail and lines up in front of the fir-ng squad or worse. Oh you bet your ass there will be trials and tribunals. GITMO never closed, in fact, it has EXPANDED. Do your research folks because if you didn't know that, then you have NOT been paying attention or doing your research.
The election is already won by PRESIDENT Trump, it's a done deal. What you need to do is prepare for the fallout 'of the fall' in the Fall, meaning the fallout of the corrupt judges, executives, celebrities and politicians this coming Fall when Pluto re-enters Capricorn for its final and 3rd time at 29 degrees.
**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.