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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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North & South Node Calendar
Major Aspects and Astro-Memes
2023 Void of Course Moon Calendar

  • Saturn Retrograde
  • Uranus Retrograde
  • Neptune Retrograde
  • Pluto Retrograde
  • Retrograde Motion There is a very likely possibility that you were born with one or more planets in retrograde motion. Planets that are retrograde in your Natal Chart would account for why some things would come to you later in Life than others, such as; a fulfilling relationship or marriage, financial abundance, career opportunities, college, children, etc. If you have a retrograde planet in your Natal Chart, look up the retrograde planet in question on the planetary symbols page and adopt the positive attributes of that planet. Retrograde Motion is symbolized by the glyph Rx.


    Retrograde motion pulls back and gives you an opportunity to take care of your past (old business). The past that needs to be resolved is directly related to the planet involved. Mercury retrograde has to do with communciation, YOUR COMMUNICATION. Pluto retrograde has to do with transformation, YOUR TRANSFORMATION. Jupiter retrograde has to do with abundance, YOUR ABUNDANCE. 'Out of its Shadow' means after the planet leaves its retrograde (backward) motion and goes direct (forward) again making its way back to the degree that it was before it went retrograde. In other words, it's when the planet is back to its old self. Now you can start again (it's a do-over so to speak) and prayerfully you learned something during the retrograde experience or took care of the past while the planet was retrograde and now you get to move forward under better circumstances than you would have had the planet not gone retrograde. Retrograde motion isn't a bad thing folks, it's actually meant to serve your higher purpose. Everything is always for your higher purpose. So you get to 'do-over' something, improve upon it, change your mind and do it again before progressing forward.

    Retrograde Motion is misleading!

    Retrograde motion is when it APPEARS as though a planet is actually moving in a backward motion due to the relation of the planet to the earth in its particular position at a certain point in time.

  • Saturn Retrograde
  • Uranus Retrograde
  • Neptune Retrograde
  • Pluto Retrograde
  • Let's face it, planets are NEVER actually retrograde (moving backward) or stationary (stopped). This is a phenomenon due to the Sun casting a shadow on the planet making it appear as though it is stationary or that it is in retrograde motion.

    Even when a planet "APPEARS" to be in retrograde motion its influence does not change, BUT your individual response to that particular influence of that planet may be different. Unless of course, you remember that this is merely an illusion. IT ISN'T REAL!!!

    So how can you use retrograde motion to your advantage?

    When a planet is said to be in retrograde motion, you can focus on the energy of the planet (like Mercury) and become more efficient in adopting its positive attributes. So when Mercury is said to be in retrograde motion and it appears communications are going to heck in a hand-basket, this is merely our response and not what actually is. Again, look up Mercury or the retrograde planet in question on the planetary symbols page and adopt the positive attributes of that planet.

    The Sun and Moon are never retrograde or stationary. The North and South Node are ALWAYS retrograde.

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    The planet Mercury


    Mercury typically retrogrades three times per year. Mercury is typically retrograde for approximately 24 days and is stationary about 1 day before and 1 day after retrogradation. For exact times on these dates, keep a close eye on the current month's Astro-Memes.

    There is an illusion that communications go haywire and that the lines of communication are not working as they should when Mercury "appears" to go retrograde. When in fact, the same communication glitches "appear" day in and day out and we just handle it. Mercury brings an awareness and a detailed focus to communication. So instead of moving forward with what you "were" doing, the response to Mercury retrograde is to clean up that which you have not finished or clear out that which you have no intention of using. Clear the past and embrace the future with a clear mind. Mercury also rules the mind and thinking.

    For those of you who have Mercury Retrograde in your Natal Chart, then this retrograde status may not bother you a bit because it is something you are already quite familiar with on a 'natal' level. Now remember, Mercury has to do with communication, gadgetry and transportation. This is 'not' the time to make 'new' purchases that involve these two things. Instead, back-up, update and clear some messages. And while you're at it, clean out the car, wash it, air up those tires and change the oil. Do something 'new' every single day that improves upon these things in your Life. Mercury also rules neighbors, siblings and how we learn (our basic education). Take your neighbors some pie, reconnect with your siblings and brush up on your fractions and percents because you could be helping a younger child with some basic homework because Mercury rules basic education. Then take some time to be alone for a few minutes everyday and analyze what the heck you are doing and then get on the stick putting that new analyzed awareness to work for you. Often times when Mercury goes retrograde an individual will start cleaning up their space. FOLKS! Mercury rules the MIND...it's about cleaning up the space in your head, not your garage or closet! While that's real nice...clean up your MIND!

    Since Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, these two sun signs can (if they choose) take advantage of this energy the most by getting more detailed, organized and clear. This does not mean that the illusion does not affect everyone else because it does, IF you buy into illusions. Everyone has a Mercury placement somewhere in their natal chart. Mercury sits in one of your 12 houses. And Mercury also transits and progresses through your natal chart. Again, the illusion will affect you IF you buy into illusions.

    Do not be afraid of Mercury retrograde. I have found it to be more of time for people to "blame" Mercury for what is happening rather than what is "really" going on. If you let areas of your Life slip, then Mercury Retrograde may just make you more aware until you decide to clean up your act. Embrace the illusion of Mercury Retrograde and channel the energy into "Project Clean Up My Act."

    Retrograde motion pulls back and gives you an opportunity to take care of your past (old business). The past that needs to be resolved is directly related to the planet involved. Mercury retrograde has to do with communciation, YOUR COMMUNICATION. 'Out of its Shadow' means after the planet leaves its retrograde (backward) motion and goes direct (forward) again making its way back to the degree that it was before it went retrograde. In other words, it's when the planet is back to its old self. Now you can start again (a do-over so to speak) and prayerfully you learned something during the retrograde experience or took care of the past while the planet was retrograde and now you get to move forward under better circumstances than you would have had the planet not gone retrograde. Retrograde motion isn't a bad thing folks, it's actually meant to serve your higher purpose. Everything is always for your higher purpose.

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    The planet Venus


    Venus is retrograde for approximately 42 days and is stationary about 2 days before and 2 days after retrogradation. Venus retro periods occur every eighteen months or so.

    VENUS RETROGRADE: For exact times on these dates, keep a close eye on the current month's Astro-Memes.

    Venus represents Love and beauty, therefore these two areas of our Life slow down and basically take a back seat. Old relationships may suddenly reappear, proper diet and exercise may be put on the back burner and basic beauty and hygiene regimens may not seem as important. Incidentally, this is NOT the time to have plastic surgery since it is a beauty business. There is just an overall lack of appreciation for all things that represent Love and beauty. This is not a Good time to shop for new clothes.

    The feelings of Love are not as apparent as they once were during Venus retrograde. If there is unfinished business with a Loved one or a former relationship, the relationship or issue may resurface. If you are involved in a court battle and you are looking for a settlement, watch for a slow down because Venus naturally rules Libra in the 7th house of contractual relationships, marriage and business partnerships.

    Venus retrograde re-surfaces and re-ignites unfinished business with past relationships or re-hashes issues with current relationships. During Venus Retrograde any new relationships developed over this time can feel like de'ja'vu, which in astrological interpretation is the recurrence of a past-Life relationship that was significant to us.

    Venus Retrograde is a time when issues with Love and/or relationships needs to be settled once and for all. When Venus takes us "back" to the past, it is a time to clear the past and grow exponentially as a result of that relationship or Love, whether or not that 'Love' is still with us. It does not necessarily mean a reconnection or reconciliation but then again, it could mean just that.

    During Venus Retrograde those who are already coupled up may suddenly become too busy for the relationship as they have better things to do with their time. Those who are single will learn more about what they need and desire in relationships than they have in the recent past.

    Clarity in Love and relationships for those who are single is the end result of Venus Retrograde. And for everyone, our relationship with money during Venus Retrograde is also significant because how we utilize money reveals our true self-worth.

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    The planet Mars


    Mars is retrograde for 80 days and is stationary about 2-3 days before and 2-3 days after retrogradation. Mars turns retro only once every two years. For exact times on these dates, keep a close eye on the current month's Astro-Memes.

    Mars is the natural ruler of the 1st house because it naturally rules Aries which is Sun Sign ruler of the 1st house. It takes Mars about 2 ½ years to transit through all 12 signs. This also takes into account its retrograde periods. Mars rules activity and motion. It also rules men in a woman's chart. To a certain degree it also rules work and your health.

    Mars affects your appearance and personality because it is the natural ruler of the 1st house. Mars is not only action-oriented and forward moving but it is resistant as well. Mars moves so quickly forward that it often has to retrace it steps, so there is a movement of forward and backward continually. This is exactly why most people with heavy Mars influence move forward quickly and then have to retrace their steps; thereby moving in a backward motion. This is why those with a heavy Mars influence or those naturally ruled by Mars (Aries is naturally ruled by Mars) have a a reputation as being a good starter but not neccessaruliy a good finisher.

    Mars is associated with the color red. `

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    The planet Jupiter


    Jupiter is retrograde for approximtaely 120 days and is stationary about 5 days before and 5 days after retrogradation. For exact times on these dates, keep a close eye on the current month's Astro-Memes.

    I cannot stress enough how important it is to realize that retrograde motion is an illusion but the illusion is strong enough to influence our perspective.

    When Jupiter goes retrograde, our perspective and perceptions change, which makes this a perfect time to go deep within ourselves for understanding, introspection and enlightenment. It may seem as though the energy stops or slows down significantly in the house that Jupiter is moving through in your Natal Chart. The best way to handle this energy is to go within and seek self-improvement. If Jupiter is "outer" on a global level, then retrograde motion would cause you to go "inner" or "inward" to seek answers. It's very cool when you think about it. What a great time to pursue and understand yourself.

    This slowdown is commonly referred to in astrology as driving with the parking brake on. It's not like you can't move forward, it just feels strange, might smell a little bad but nonetheless, you are still moving forward until you stop driving with the parking brake on. Since the parking brake is set by the Universe, then you might have to take a different route . . possibly walk but you are still able to move forward. Not to mention, walking (or going inward) is still serving Jupiter's intended purpose. This has nothing to do with a car, it is merely a metaphor. You just have to slow down and get creative with how you will proceed forward. The speed at which you move might be slower but the slowness is for a reason.

    This is a wonderful time to improve yourself so that you can be prepared to handle bigger, better and more when Jupiter returns to its normal state. Too much of a Good thing can actually cause problems. Just like the person who wins the lottery and does not take the time to gain a clear sense of self-perspective. Once they receive the money, they spend it haphazardly and end up worse off than they were when they won the money. The winner who embraces the internal reflection and seeks answers as to what to do with the money will ultimately prove to be a success. This is like the fable of the tortoise and the hare. The period of slowness that the self-reflecting winner voluntarily embraces rather than appearing on the news to reveal their winnings to the world will make all the difference in their future dealings.

    Refrain from choosing fear when a planet goes into retrograde motion. The retrograde motion is an illusion where you naturally respond through perspective in order to upgrade your character with the house involved in your Natal Chart.

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    The planet Saturn


    Saturn is retrograde for approximately 140 days and is stationary about 5 days before and 5 days after retrogradation. For exact times on these dates, keep a close eye on the current month's Astro-Memes.

    Folks, you must remember that retrograde motion is merely an illusion. Folks, it isn't real, although your response to it is real. I will give you several examples below to help you when Saturn turns Retrograde. Retrograde means 'backward' and when you think about it, no planet ever really moves backward. It is merely the Sun casting a shadow on the planet making it appear as though it has slowed down to the point of moving backward.

    Remember folks, retrogrades are not a bad thing. They are a do-over and they allow you to do something over and do it right the next time. Saturn is the 'father figure' and 'authority figure' planet of the zodiac that basically says, "You don't get a reward until you learn the lesson." Saturn (the father) wants to reward but not if you cannot accept responsibility and self-imposed limitation that is for your own Good. Saturn will take off his belt of rings and whap your ass if you need it.

    Now folks, none of this is meant to be bad unless of course you need to rehash and puke up old business that you aren't over yet. Go ahead and rehash it and see how it works for you. So many people get into another relationship while they are still angry at the previous relationship. Why do you think we go through so many relationships in our lifetime. Relationships help us repair the first Love relationship introduced to us and then was the relationship of our parents. Just remember, you are an adult now and you get to say -- Who, what, when, where and why. It's a choice how you want relationships to play out. It's as simple as that. Now if you want to do some hard-core investigation into yourself instead of as an entire population of your Sun Sign, then dig out your Natal Chart and see where Saturn in Sagittarius actually transits your personal chart and how a Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius will personally affect you.

    Example #2 way down below is ONLY for those who have Saturn Retrograde in their Natal Chart or if you have been abused. Take the information that I have in Example #2 and apply it to the house where Saturn sits in your Natal Chart in Example #1.

    SATURN KEYWORDS: Fear, past, karma, patience, contraction (squeezing), effort, discipline, responsibility, restriction, teacher, taskmaster, lessons, hard, father, authority, seriousness, stability, caution, mature, concentration, endurance, work and persistence.

    The planet Saturn

    My Goodness! When you look at those keywords, you would think that Saturn is trying to tell us something. Those keywords make it clear that Saturn is set on challenging us to grow up, fly right and get our act together. Now what do you think will happen if you deliberately choose not to take responsibility and discipline yourself? Take a wild guess . . . then Saturn will do it for you. OUCHY! Saturn will teach you a lesson, just like a father and authority figure would do. Saturn has no problem getting out the belt and whacking your behind for your own Good. Saturn will ground you and take away your toys. No going out for you on Saturday night if you cannot behave and act responsible. Saturn will also cause you to hold others responsible for their actions. Especially those from your past.

    Here we go . . . whenever I type the word "Saturn" below, remember all of the keywords that go with Saturn. Memorize these keywords and practice them during Saturn Retrograde in the house that is ruled by Scorpio in your Natal Chart because that is the house that Saturn is retrograding through for you personally from June 17, 2023 until November 3, 2023.

    Wherever you find Saturn retrograding in your Natal Chart or Solar Return is where Saturn will be holding you solely accountable. When Saturn is in retrograde motion this is where your actions and reactions will be addressed. The sign that Saturn is in (Pisces right now) is the house in your Natal Chart that will be most affected. Saturn wants you to grow-up and be a responsible, mature and accountable adult.

    EXAMPLE #1

    SATURN IN THE 1ST HOUSE - You may experience an early reticence to express yourself. You may be limited by feelings of inadequacy which spring from early childhood. You are responsible and reliable, and probably somewhat cautious. These issues will be revisited during Saturn retrograde and will need to be cleared. Also, please note, since Saturn is in Scorpio, the house in your Natal Chart ruled by Scorpio will also be affected.

    SATURN IN THE 2ND HOUSE - You may experience feelings of emotional and financial poverty early in life. Later you will develop an ability to build up your personal resources through hard work. These issues will be revisited during Saturn retrograde and will need to be cleared. Also, please note, since Saturn is in Scorpio, the house in your Natal Chart ruled by Scorpio will also be affected.

    SATURN IN THE 3RD HOUSE - Your communicating ability may have been restricted in early childhood resulting from a fear of expressing yourself. You may gradually build up a skill in communicating through your own hard efforts. These issues will be revisited during Saturn retrograde and will need to be cleared. Also, please note, since Saturn is in Scorpio, the house in your Natal Chart ruled by Scorpio will also be affected.

    SATURN IN THE 4TH HOUSE - Home may not have been supportive early in your life, resulting in you feeling a lack of a firm footing in life. Later you may build up a solid foundation based on your own hard work, and your home life will become a solid base for you. These issues will be revisited during Saturn retrograde and will need to be cleared. Also, please note, since Saturn is in Scorpio, the house in your Natal Chart ruled by Scorpio will also be affected.

    SATURN IN THE 5TH HOUSE - You may have experienced a lack of fun felt early in life, resulting in a reticence to relax or play later in life. You will find that structuring your creative work and recreation time is your best approach. These issues will be revisited during Saturn retrograde and will need to be cleared. Also, please note, since Saturn is in Scorpio, the house in your Natal Chart ruled by Scorpio will also be affected.

    SATURN IN THE 6TH HOUSE - You have a need for structured daily work. You may have health problems early in life. A daily health program may be beneficial. You may also have good organizational abilities. These issues will be revisited during Saturn retrograde and will need to be cleared. Also, please note, since Saturn is in Scorpio, the house in your Natal Chart ruled by Scorpio will also be affected.

    SATURN IN THE 7TH HOUSE - You may have a fear of commitment in relationships. Early in life you may have felt overwhelmed by one-to-one relationships. You will learn much through your intimate relationships. These issues will be revisited during Saturn retrograde and will need to be cleared. Also, please note, since Saturn is in Scorpio, the house in your Natal Chart ruled by Scorpio will also be affected.

    SATURN IN THE 8TH HOUSE - You may have a fear of joint enterprises, feel overwhelmed by intimacy, or feel restricted in sexual expression. You will learn much through probing the deeper issues in life. You will learn much through your intimate relationships. These issues will be revisited during Saturn retrograde and will need to be cleared. Also, please note, since Saturn is in Scorpio, the house in your Natal Chart ruled by Scorpio will also be affected.

    SATURN IN THE 9TH HOUSE - You may feel restricted in exploring the meaning of life. Later in life you may eventually mount a serious investigation into the philosophical or religious realms. These issues will be revisited during Saturn retrograde and will need to be cleared. Also, please note, since Saturn is in Scorpio, the house in your Natal Chart ruled by Scorpio will also be affected.

    SATURN IN THE 10TH HOUSE - You have a fear of public failure, and approach your career with caution. After early setbacks you will become hard-working and respectable in your chosen profession. These issues will be revisited during Saturn retrograde and will need to be cleared. Also, please note, since Saturn is in Scorpio, the house in your Natal Chart ruled by Scorpio will also be affected.

    SATURN IN THE 11TH HOUSE - You are shy in groups of people and have a handful of serious friendships. You may carefully select your friends, or socialize mainly with colleagues. These issues will be revisited during Saturn retrograde and will need to be cleared. Also, please note, since Saturn is in Scorpio, the house in your Natal Chart ruled by Scorpio will also be affected.

    SATURN IN THE 12TH HOUSE - You fear anything hidden. This may be because you feel that your own boundaries are constantly threatened. A serious examination of hidden realms may help you to conquer your fears. These issues will be revisited during Saturn retrograde and will need to be cleared. Also, please note, since Saturn is in Scorpio, the house in your Natal Chart ruled by Scorpio will also be affected.

    (or have you been abused?)

    1) Example #2 - Those who HAVE Saturn Retrograde in their Natal Chart and those who have been abused.

    They are the ones who rebel against authority. These people will not be pushed around. They typically have father issues and have probably gone through a time when they did not even believe in the Ultimate Father (God). Those with Saturn Retrograde are often victims at the hand of someone who was in authority or someone who had power over them. When these people grow up . . they are PISSED OFF, with an emphasis on the "pissed" and "off". Sorry, but there was no other way to say it. They have a chip on their shoulder. These people have been violated. During Saturn Retrograde, the feelings from that legitimate anger may return if the individual has not yet dealt with it and the probability of the victim holding the abuser accountable will happen during Saturn Retrograde. Confrontation is inevitable if the individual chooses to put the responsibility where it should be in the first place. Keep in mind that abuse in astrology shows up in many forms in the Natal Chart. This is just one of them. Also, abuse in astrology is either sexual, emotional, physical, neglect, fear (intimidation) or chemical. In astrology, abuse is abuse and no one form is worse than the other because it is still abuse.

    When Saturn goes retrograde affecting those in Example #1, because they naturally have Saturn retrograde in their Natal Chart, the illusion is that they are holding everyone else accountable and not really the person who did the abusing. This is a perfect example of an abused woman who holds all men accountable when it just isn't true. That is the illusion. She will often seek out men just like the abuser in order to gain the Love that was not properly given in the first place. If this illusion has not been properly addressed, the feelings may return in order to address it once and for all. In this instance, the illusion is that all men are created equal. The reality is they are all different.

    These individuals (male or female) with Saturn Retrograde in their natal chart are tough and they are typically arrogant because they rebel against authority, which is also an illusion. They are really reserved, alone, shy and introverted. They will voluntarily isolate themselves from others (family and friends) because they are not understood by them. That's because they are not telling others their personal abused business. The healing will come when they realize that it was not their fault once and for all, thereby turning to a higher authority figure than the one they encountered here on the planet . . . namely, God the Ultimate Father. These people will become very spiritual and closer to God as a result. If that is what they choose. It's all free will. The free will of one person affects the free will of another person. A person with this a Retrograde Saturn in their Natal Chart will now have to learn responsibility and self-discipline because it was not taught properly to them. YOU MUST ACCEPT PERSONALITY RESPONSIBILITY for all of your 'free will actions and reactions', otherwise it is a Life of blaming the abuser and everyone else for who you are. You must overcome this.

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    The planet Uranus


    Uranus is retrograde for 150 days and is stationary about 16 days before and 16 days after retrogradation. For exact times on these dates, keep a close eye on the current month's Astro-Memes.

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    The planet Neptune


    Neptune is retrograde for 160 days and is stationary about 16 days before and 16 days after retrogradation. For exact times on these dates, keep a close eye on the current month's Astro-Memes.

    This is a time where reasoning and all logic may be tossed aside in favor of mysticism, intuition and the esoteric. Dreams, visions and fantasy take over and it is important to use these gifts rather than escape into a dreamlike state through drugs and alcohol. This is a time where drug and alcohol abuse may run rampant, at the same time those who choose the alternative will build their intuition and be able to interpret their dreams more fully.

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    The planet Pluto


    Pluto is retrograde for 160 days and is stationary about 16 days before and 16 days after retrogradation. For exact times on these dates, keep a close eye on the current month's Astro-Memes.

    Paybacks are hell. What house is Capricorn in your Natal Chart? Pluto is the higher octave of Mars, which represents volatility, power, betrayal, battle, enemies, jealousy, cruelty, selfishness that can easily turn into ruthlessness and weaponry. You may just feel as though everyone and everything is working against you. Pluto has the ability to bring your worst fear standing in front of you as you finally look at it face to face. If you have not corrected your past or still have some deep issues in the house that Capricorn and or Sagittarius rule, then paybacks just may be hell. It will be best that you rectify any issues that you have on your own or what you have done, especially if you have done something to someone else before Pluto Retrograde calls you on your stuff and pays you back. Check your Natal Chart for the area that Capricorn rules.

    AQUARIUS -- This is a time of revisiting, renewal, rejuvenation and regeneration (if you like) when applied to your 12th house of self-undoing, the subconscious and the hidden realm. This is an opportunity to get yourself back on track spiritually. Sometimes a little back-tracking is necessary in order to gain humility. It's like a do-over or an opportunity to fix what you didn't do the first time around with regard to your own self-undoing. What is it that you do, that you un-do yourself.

    ARIES -- This is a time of revisiting, renewal, rejuvenation and regeneration (if you like) when applied to your 10th house of career and public image. This is an opportunity to clear what you didn't get around to when Pluto was moving through this 10th house previously. If you wanted a do-over in your career, now you have it and you can apply the lessons you learned in your career this second time around.

    CANCER -- This is a time of revisiting, renewal, rejuvenation and regeneration (if you like) when applied to your 7th house of committed relationships. This is an opportunity to clear what you didn't get around to when Pluto was moving through this 7th house previously. Now you get to see what you did and what you can do better with regard to relationships. It's like a do-over or an opportunity to fix what you didn't do the first time around. Maybe not with the same person but when the lesson is applied to the next person, it can turn out to be a great NEW relationship.

    CAPRICORN -- This is a time of revisiting, renewal, rejuvenation and regeneration (if you like) when applied to your 1st house of personality, ego, aggression, appearance, how you see yourself and how others see you. This is an opportunity to clear what you didn't get around to when Pluto was moving through this 1st house previously. It's almost as if you are going to a new school and you get to be exactly who you wanted to be the first time around. Now you will probably feel more comfortable in your own skin.

    GEMINI -- This is a time of revisiting, renewal, rejuvenation and regeneration (if you like) when applied to your 8th house of other people's money, transformation and sex. This is an opportunity to clear what you didn't get around to when Pluto was moving through this 8th house previously. Maybe you had an issue with money or a sexual relationship that you just couldn't handle appropriately at the time. Now you get to clear your own baggage and do things differently the second time around. You learn by your mistakes by applying the lesson.

    LEO -- This is a time of revisiting, renewal, rejuvenation and regeneration (if you like) when applied to your 6th house of health, work ethic and daily routine. This is an opportunity to take care of yourself and what you didn't get around to doing when Pluto was moving through this 6th house previously. It's like a do-over or an opportunity to fix what you didn't do the first time around. Take better care of yourself and your daily routine.

    LIBRA -- This is a time of revisiting, renewal, rejuvenation and regeneration (if you like) when applied to your 4th house of home and family. This is an opportunity to clear what you didn't get around to when Pluto was moving through this 4th house previously. If you had issues with a home or family members, now you get to apply your lessons and create a do-over for yourself. If you could do something over, then do it and make it all better. Home and family circumstances could improve when you apply your lessons during this time.

    PISCES -- This is a time of revisiting, renewal, rejuvenation and regeneration (if you like) when applied to your natural ruling 11th house of friends, groups and former loves. This is an opportunity to clear what you didn't get around to when Pluto was moving through this 11th house previously. It's like a do-over or an opportunity to fix what you didn't do the first time around.

    SAGITTARIUS -- This is a time of revisiting, renewal, rejuvenation and regeneration (if you like) when applied to your 2nd house of self-worth, personal money and personal possessions. This is an opportunity to clear what you didn't get around to when Pluto was moving through this 2nd house previously. Maybe you didn't save money when you should have and learned the hard way. Now you get to show that you can be more responsible in money matters and you will be blessed with more to handle. If you had it to do over again with money, what would you do different? Now is the time when you need to do that thing different.

    SCORPIO -- This is a time of revisiting, renewal, rejuvenation and regeneration (if you like) when applied to your 3rd house of communication and transportation. This is an opportunity to improve upon your communication skills where you may have let this slide when Pluto was in this 3rd house previously. Communication will be important now and you'll have just the right words because it's the second time around and you have experience under your belt.

    TAURUS -- This is a time of revisiting, renewal, rejuvenation and regeneration (if you like) when applied to your 9th house of higher-learning, dreams and visions. If you were thinking about taking that class or going on an educational or learning adventure, now you get another shot at it. It's like a do-over or an opportunity to do what you didn't do the first time around.

    VIRGO -- This is a time of revisiting, renewal, rejuvenation and regeneration (if you like) when applied to your 5th house of dating, intimacy, children and pleasurable activities. This is an opportunity to clear what you didn't get around to when Pluto was moving through this 5th house previously. Now you get a close look at what you did with regard to children or intimacy and what you can do better when given a second chance.

    Now remember, Pluto means transformation and power. Wow wee, that's a long time! I'm 49 years old (at this writing in 2011) and when I think about that I'll be 63 years old at the end of this entire Pluto transit, which makes me wonder what "transformational and powerful shift" will I experience during this 16 year period.

    Pluto has a way of MAKING us look at ourselves whether we like it or not in order to change. If you don't want to change, then the Universe (God) has a way of making you change and sometimes that hurts but it is for your own Good. Some people will be given the 'pink slip' in order to MAKE you change. Haven't your parents ever said to you, "This hurts me more than it does you." When you look back, you can see that it was the best thing for you. It's the same thing with Pluto. So Pluto re-enters Sagittarius for a brief period of time (today and for a few months) so you can clean up your act and move forward without baggage.

    Pluto has a way of absolutely destroying what is not working for you to clear a path that will work for you, which I like to refer to as your Ultimate Spiritual Progression Path, call a mission or purpose in Life if you like. Folks, if you are experiencing an ending, I guarantee that this is for your own Goodness and you will be back on track once you see that it was for your benefit. Do not be afraid, please do not be afraid because that will not do you a dang bit of Good . . . plus, the Universe (God) has your back.

    Transformation is really Good stuff when you roll with it. At the beginning of Pluto in Sagittarius (higher learning and colleges) years ago, I made the transformational and powerful shift in my head that I was going to use my doctorate different, so I closed my clinic and took my show on the road and to this website. Cool huh? Pluto gives you GUTS! These transformations are scary but they are sooooo Goooo-oooood when you take your hands off the wheel and let the Universe guide you.

    When you look at your Natal Chart and see where Pluto is, that is where your HUGE POWER sits. You can use this negatively or positively, it's always your choice, which is of course your God-given free will. You do have to take on the responsibility and power of Pluto and use it wisely. If you choose the negative influence of Pluto then it turns into destruction, but then again reconstruction takes off and therein lies the entire transformational process. It's literally a rebirth, anew and reborn. You can sit on your 'Rumpelstiltskin' if you choose. Yep, you can do that if you want. In my Natal Chart I have Pluto in Virgo (power in health, daily regimen and work ethic) in my third house of (communication). So here I am with a healthcare website. Work it baby, work it!

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    **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.

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