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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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2024 Void of Course Moon Calendar e-Book

Dr. Loretta Standley is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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Home, Detriment, Exaltation or Fall
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2024 Void of Course Moon Calendar

A rulership (ruling) planet is the planet that naturally rules a sign, which you will see in the first column in the chart below. We call this its 'Home' or 'Domicile' placement. This is when a planet is so closely related in nature that it expresses its natural qualities in that sign. For instance, we know Mercury is the planet of communication and we also know that Gemini is the sign of communication; therefore, Mercury is the natural or 'home' ruling planet of Gemini. Mercury is also the planet of daily activity and Virgo rules the daily regimen; therefore, Mercury is the natural or 'home' ruling planet of Virgo.

First, I want to make it VERY CLEAR (in the chart below) that a planet is NOT weak or strong in these placements all by themselves because they actually need help from you to make them whatever they are going to be. Remember, astrology allows for your free will; therefore, it is your response to these placements that will ultimately express them to be will be weak or strong for you. It is YOUR expression, that 'you choose' whether they will be weak or strong. For instance, I have a Moon in Capricorn (which is in its detriment) so I make certain that I channel my Moon (emotions) appropriately into my work (Capricorn) because Capricorn is the sign of work. In my personal Life, I need to make certain that I do not cause this to be weak for me and come across too hard, skeptical and pessimistic, which are Capricorn traits. This is why during personal health consults and chart phone readings that I can actually come at someone with the 2 x 4 and knock some sense into them. This is when I go for the jugular. My clients do not pay me so sugar coat. Now, in my personal Life, it's a completely different story. I need to eat a 5 lb. bag of sugar before I say what I really think. (winky wink) The Moon in Capricorn 'works' for me with 'work' and rest of the time I have to sweeten myself up.

As with anything else in Life, planets can express themselves better, higher and nobler in their own environment, just as people express themselves best when they are more comfortable in their own skin. The chart teaches us to be comfortable in our skin, no matter where these planets show up for us. Use the chart below to see if you have any home placed planets in your personal natal chart.

The planets are constantly moving and changing signs, so often times we will find that we have planets in their home, detriment, fall or exaltation. That is quite normal. Besides, if we didn't have any challenges in Life, then why would we be here? It's the challenges in Life that give us the material in Life to create, grow and evolve. You will find in your own chart that there will be planets in signs that are in a strengthening state or a weakening state. In the grand scheme of things, it's all Good and all meant to serve you. The last thing you should be doing is making excuses for yourself, because you have a planet in its detriment or fall. Make it work for you, I DO!

The 'home' or 'domicile' placement is the strongest placement for the planet.

The 'exalted' placement is the second strongest placement for the planet. It's often looked as being a 'guest' in this house. Have you ever heard anyone say, "Mi casa, su casa." In Spanish this means, my house is your house. An exaltation is saying, "Welcome, take your shoes off and stay a while."

The 'detrimental' placement acts out inappropriately at the wrong time and wrong place. This placement requires restraint. Depending on the planet, will depend on the restraint. The Moon would be 'emotional restraint'. Mercury would be 'communication restraint'. Just remember if you have this placement for any planet below, there is a time and a place for everything. Go through the chart below and find your detrimental placements.

The 'fall' placement placement is in the weakest state. This is where you do not have all of the tools necessary to help you. This is like someone thrust into a management position without the knowledge, experience or skills necessary to do the job. Or . . this is like the 6th grader entering college. It's just out of place and the individual will need some extra help.

The detriments are - the Sun in Aquarius, the Moon in Capricorn, Mercury in Sagittarius or Pisces, Venus in Aries or Scorpio, Mars in Libra or Taurus, Jupiter in Gemini, Saturn in Cancer, Uranus in Leo, Neptune in Virgo, and Pluto in Taurus.

The 'Home' placements are - the Sun in Leo, the Moon in Cancer, Mercury in Gemini and Virgo, Venus in Libra and Taurus, Mars in Aries and Scorpio, Jupiter in Sagittarius and Pisces, Saturn in Capricorn and Aquarius, Uranus in Aquarius, Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Scorpio.

Home, Detriment, Exaltation, Fall

Copyright 2000-2023: Dr. Loretta J. Standley - All Rights Reserved.
This Calendar was personally created by Dr. Loretta Standley and should not be found on any other website.

SUN Leo Aquarius 19 °  Aries 19 °  Libra
MOON Cancer Capricorn 3° Taurus 3° Scorpio
MERCURY Gemini and Virgo Sagittarius and Pisces 15° Virgo 15° Pisces
VENUS Taurus and Libra Scorpio and Aries 27° Pisces 27° Virgo
MARS Aries and Scorpio Libra, Taurus 28° Capricorn 28° Cancer
JUPITER Sagittarius and Pisces Gemini 15° Cancer 15° Capricorn
SATURN Capricorn and Aquarius Cancer 21° Libra 21° Aries
URANUS Aquarius Leo Scorpio Taurus
NEPTUNE Pisces Virgo Aquarius Leo
PLUTO Scorpio Taurus Leo Aquarius
NORTH NODE N/A N/A 3° Gemini 3° Sagittarius
SOUTH NODE N/A N/A 3° Sagittarius 3° Gemini

Copyright 2000-2023: Dr. Loretta J. Standley - All Rights Reserved.
This Calendar was personally created by Dr. Loretta Standley and should not be found on any other website.


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