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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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Memorable Quotes, Abbreviations and Silly Lingo
By Dr. Loretta Standley

NOTE - This page is named "Quote Well This Is Me Unquote"
after the first line in the song "Quote" by Evans Blue who inspired this page.

  • "Like a boat on a lake, we all leave a wake."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "You can't have what is supposed to be until you let go of what was."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "The only thing I can't do is relate to the word can't."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Pretending to be someone else is a violation of the uniqueness that God purposed you to be."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Good things come slowly to those who are difficult."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "If you are focused more on making money than your calling, then you may have missed the call."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "The first thing I do, when I'm doing, is adjust my attitude."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Sometimes you can't see the problem until God shines His Light on it."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Hunger doesn't care who feeds it but you should."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "No one should be less of a person having come under your influence."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "There is not enough proof in the world that will influence a closed mind, except that of fear."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Grace is unearned favor from God. We did nothing and can do nothing to deserve it. It is a pure gift that requires absolutely nothing from us in return."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "I don't believe in give and take relationships. I believe in give and give relationships. If someone is giving and someone is taking, then someone is pissed off!"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Why brag about having such great intuition if you don't even trust it enough for yourself."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Those who seem undeserving of Love are the one's who need Love the most."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Intuition is when God is speaking in-tu-it and the 'it' happens to be you!"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "All relationships previous to this one were all just practice."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "I'm hoping that when it's time for me to turn to Light and leave the planet, God will have squeezed me dry, wrung me out and used me up."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Change is Good, change is often."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "While I may not believe what is happening to you, is happening to you, I do believe it is happening to you because you believe it is happening to you."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Those with self-imposed drama have always had the most influence on me because they tell me what I don't want my Life to look like."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "It's not those who have their personal or professional act together that influence me the most, it's those who don't."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "It can't always be someone else's fault and if it is always someone else's fault, then guess what? Yeah, it may be time to look in the mirror."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Buy the dress, the party will come."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • DLG ™  is a Download from God ™ . It is God speaking to us, through us.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Before you start publically trashing your 'ex', just remember, you picked 'em."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • Nothing happens without your participation, literally.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • If you don't have compassion, then you might have to learn it the hard way.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • Musical DLG ™  is a Musical Download from God ™ 

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • Judging others doesn't reveal who they are, it reveals who you are.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "The present is a result of the past, the future will be a result of what you do with the present."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • DPT is Divine Perfect Timing

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • WOW is Wide Open Wonderment

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • GWT is Gut Wrenching Truth

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • Umpf is force.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • Updation is when I update this site.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • Meta-morph-oh! is the transformation process.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • Your 'Rumpelstiltskin' is your rump, bum, buttocks, butt, tush, bottom, seat, rear-end.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "When I realized that I was holding onto something that wasn't there, I let go."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "It's not about who you aren't, it's about who you are!"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "It's a lot of responsibility when you are the boss or when you take it upon yourself to be the boss or bossy of others.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Everything little is so big!

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Me and God, we have a history together.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • Jealousy is the worst form of insecurity.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • The one thing I know for sure is that "God IS," it's everything else that has a question mark.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • Gossip says nothing about the person you are talking about, and says everything about you.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • Those who we think don't deserve Love at all are precisely the ones who need Love the most.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • If you can't control yourself, then someone else will have to step in and do it for you.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • If you don't control yourself, someone else will.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "I ALWAYS capitalize the word Good. How many times have you heard the phrase, "God is Good." Well since is, means is, then God IS Good. Makes sense to me."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • I only think positive because it's too much work to think any other way.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • How can you call this intuition if you remain indecisive? That doesn't make sense. Indecisiveness is the opposite of intuition.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • There are probably more lonely people in relationships than there are in people who live alone.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Why claim intuition and then remain indecisive?"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • Sometimes I don't want to go to the party, I just want to be invited.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "The Light exists all the time, not just at the end of the tunnel"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Study you! Be a student of yourself."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • Prayer is like the lottery; you can't win if you do not pray (play).

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "I called out to God, 'He didn't have to treat me that way to get me to leave.' And what I heard back was, 'Yeah he did.'"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • Since you will ultimately return to God, then every single thing that you do on earth should be meant to get you "Home," (and delivered with a capital "H.") Therefore, everyday of your Life, everything that you say, everything that you think and everything that you do really is, "Homework." Living your Life is doing your “Homework!”

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • 'Umpf' is the same as force and when you apply enough force, then you get results. No umpf, no results!.

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "It's not about you here. It's about you, in there! It's the real you, inside that physical body of yours. That is who you are."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "I propose the reason why 30-day programs have such a low success rate is because they are out of alignment with Divine Order. They fall short of the necessary 40 days for transformation to occur."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Being you takes practice."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "My family doesn't begin with my physical relationship with people, it begins with my spiritual relationship with God."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "When it's the Truth it shows up everywhere."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "If those who Love you can't talk to you, then who can?"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "If you are entertaining doubt, worry, fear or anxiety, then you aren't talking to God; you're talking to the other guy."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "What's up with the struggle? Why do people dig on that stuff?"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "To absorb someone else's identity as your own, is a violation of the uniqueness that God purposed you to be."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Always say "YES" first, because you can always change your mind to "NO." If you say "NO" first, then you may not be able to change your mind to "YES" and an opportunity may have been lost."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • 'He said to me, "You're been married twice! What's wrong with you?" I shot back, "You mean you're 50 years old and never been married! What's wrong with you?"'

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

    [ back to top ]

  • "Since there is only one of YOU, then make it a Good one."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "If my former Yoga instructor only knew that I crank up rock n' roll tunes when I'm 'Yoganout' she would have a 'Yogattack!'"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "If you are living your Life with the approach and attitude of "what others will think," what I want to know is what the hell are you thinking!?!?"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Believe me, everyone is in their own little world trying to figure out their own dang self and they are not sitting around the kitchen table contemplating your 'self'."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "We are all just walking along, stumbling, tripping and slobbering all over ourselves just trying to figure it all out and get to the place that we need to be. Cut yourself and others some slack for Goodness sake!"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "I found when I prayed for patience, then I was given circumstances that would make me more patient. So now instead of praying for patience, I just choose to be patient."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "You never really know anyone until you know how they treat you, under pressure. Then again, no one really knows you either until they know how you treat them under pressure."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "If you believe things happen for a reason, then don't freak out when things do happen, for a reason."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Everything does happen for a reason and the reasons are not meant to serve your lowest purpose in Life because that doesn't even make sense. They are meant to serve your Highest Purpose in Life."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Nothing happens for our ultimate bad because that doesn't even make sense. Everything that happens to us is for our Ultimate Good."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • Since nothing is for our lowest bad and it is all for our Highest Good, then let's go! This must be Good."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Since you will ultimately return to God, then every single thing that you do on earth should be meant to get you "Home," (and delivered with a capital "H.") Therefore, everyday of your Life, everything that you say, everything that you think and everything that you do really is, "Homework." Living your Life is doing your "Homework!"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Your Life is an exciting puzzle and you hold 'ALL' of the pieces"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Now get out there, go place yourself UP! and practice being you."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Whatever you should be doing with your Life, you've been doing it your whole Life."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "My WOW (wide-open-wonderment) was not at all about what I would take with me; it was about what I needed to release. WOW!"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "You'll be the same age if you don't do it. Find another excuse but time cannot be one of them."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Children have an uncanny way of figuring out their parents without our help. Never invalidate a child's DNA by trashing their mother or father. Further, who in their right mind would tell a child they were a mistake or an accident or an ooops baby?"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Phooey! You have already failed simply by not doing anything. Use another excuse but don't use that excuse on me or yourself. You sound pretty brave to me standing in all that fear."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "The lack of respect for my boundaries and sacred space was quite revealing of my own past invasions in other people's lives."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "What will your worry do for me?"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "God is a Yes Man! If you are not prepared, if you cannot handle what you ask for, if you cannot make up your mind, if you are sending mixed signals, then you are the one delaying the answered prayer. It is not God trying to stop you from being all you can be. It's you!"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "If I could have anything in the world, I would want wisdom just like King Soloman."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "I chose some pretty interesting men to teach me about relationships."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "If you are not showing God that you are 'prepared' to handle what you are praying for, then why should He take you seriously if you don't even take yourself seriously?"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "I didn't say focus on what you don't want, I said, be clear about it."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "In a world of gimme, gimme, gimme, we've forgotten that we already have it, have it, have it."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Nothing in Life is happening to you, it is happening for you."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "A bounced check is a reality check."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "I am in charge of my time; time is not in charge of me."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Two people who were made for each other and two people who deserve each other are two totally different things."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Ask yourself, "Am I the person that I want to attract?"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "I believe our ONLY true mission in Life is to learn how to Love, which is why expressing ourselves creatively is so important."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Does she think she's carrying a pig fetus, a whale fetus or a goat fetus instead of a human fetus?"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "I use fear to drive me forward, not hold me back."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Become Your Own Best Healthcare Provider."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Call it stubborn if you want . . I call it being CLEAR!"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "If he will not forgive someone he doesn't even know who did nothing to him, then what must his Life be like when someone who he does know hurt's him?"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "It is my belief when we graduate from the planet, we are 'used up' in the most positive way. Yes, every last ounce of juice will be squeezed out of us and then we get to go 'Home'."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • ""If you cannot handle $10, then why would you be given $100? And if you cannot handle $100, then why would you be given $1,000? When you pray for abundance, make certain you show God that you can handle what you are asking Him to do for you."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "How wonderful would it be if we all relentlessly pursued understanding ourselves before we relentlessly pursued trying to understand someone else?"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "LADY THIS IS FREE! How dare you demand more of me, to do for you, for FREE!"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • ""If were passionate about it, then you'd stick with it."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Sometimes our path doesn't fully unfold until we are ready to see it. "

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Never make anyone more responsible for your livelihood and happiness than yourself. That's either a lot of pressure on them or a loss of control from you."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "While you can't change how your parents were raised, you can change how your children are raised."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "When it comes to relationships, 'I chose' some pretty interesting men to teach me about being in a relationship. ."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Never make your children the excuse as to why you aren't a success. Instead, show them the reason why you are."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "No one can read your mind. And no one, especially those you Love, should have to guess about you. It's up to you, to teach them, about you."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Control your emotions so they don't end up controlling you."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "God is the Creator and we are creative, that's why expressing our creativity is so important."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "If we cannot forgive someone we don't even know who did nothing to us, then what will our life be like when someone we do know hurts us?"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "That's a great idea!!! Now what are you going to do with it?"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Your past, no matter what it looks like, is knowledge and experience that you should be using to your advantage."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "If you are not showing God that you are 'prepared' to handle what you are praying for, then why should He take you seriously if you don't even take yourself seriously?"

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

  • "Ah, living in the land of 'if'. You say, "What if I don't?" I say, "What if you do?" If you are going to live in the land of 'if' making it the land of positive if."

  • -- Dr. Loretta Standley - www.drstandley.com

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    **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.