When I first started learning medical lingo I thought, "For cryin' out loud, why don't they just say inflammation around the joints and make it simple?"
But the truth is, writing or even saying, "arthritis" is quicker and easier than rattling off "inflammation around the joints" not to mention it makes writing patient's notes much quicker and easier.
Example: Arthritis (arthr = joint, itis = inflammation)
Example: Arthroscopy (arthr = joint, scopy = visualization of a body part by means of a scope)
Who needs to learn medical terminology? The question is, "Who doesn't need to learn medical terminology?" For various reasons, everyone should be familiar with medical lingo for their own health and safety.
We have "lingo" for just about everything else, and even though medical terminology is an old language, it can still be learned easily and effortlessly.
- You have a human body
- You desire to learn more about yourself
- You've had a lab test, x-rays or surgery
- You may go to the doctor for any reason
- You have a relative or friend who has a medical condition
- You may be in a career of medical coding or medical billing
- You are seeking a career in the health-care field
- You desire to better understand your insurance
- You desire to better understand government agencies related to health care
- You may be seeking a career in the legal field that specializes in health care
- You may be seeking a career in medical information or interpretation
- You are in holistic health care and understand the language is the same
- And most of all . . . learn it because you care about you
Ask your doctor what something means if you do not understand. Believe me, nothing frustrates a doctor more than an unwilling patient or a patient that refuses to help themselves. If your doctor uses a word you do not understand, ask him or her to break the word down for you. More than likely they will take the time because it shows you care about your health.
Remember, doctor means teacher, and it is the job of all doctors to help you become your own best healthcare provider.
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DISCLAIMER: This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.