The Compatibility / Synastry Report indicates the attractions and repulsions in any relationship. **State below under 2nd person the nature of the relationship. In other words, what attracts you to each other and what repels you from one other. This report will show you how a couple can work together or where there will be challenges that may be downright difficult to overcome. Even still, having the knowledge of a natural challenge between two people can bring ease to the relationship.
True (exact) compatibility really takes an overall reading of the chart (a personal phone reading) to determine true compatibility because there is so much taken into account. This report will indeed help you understand one another better and point you in the direction of what corrections need to be made or if its a matter of accepting one another's differences. I do include information on what else to look for in each person's individual Natal Chart to determine true compatibility.
I want to be clear about these compatibility (synastry) reports. They are very blunt about what attracts two people to one another and what repels them from each other. Just like protons and electons, magnet and steel, oil and water, you will be able to see the clear difference, even if you don't like that the report picked on your personality.
Make certain you fill out both areas below for EACH PERSON. The report will be e-mailed within 48 hours in a pdf file. I personally guarantee that only I calculate and write each chart.
NOTE - I will send you an e-mail right after I receive your order asking for confirmation of your birth information. ONLY after I receive a confirmation e-mail from you confirming the accuracy of your birth information will I begin writing your chart. I will send the chart within 48 hours of your confirmation e-mail.
Required: Name, birth date, birth time and birth place are required.
If you do not have a birth time for the other person, then choose 12:00 PM and use their birth location. This will help you get as accurate as possible.