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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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'Sinner or Saint'
'Spiritual Quest or Party Fest'

Neptune is a very spiritual planet, but with the wrong mix, it can easily turn into a drunk planet. This planet is 'high' either on spiritual or on drugs or alcohol. However Neptune has to get there, to that 'spiritual ecstasy' state, it will do it.


NEPTUNE OPPORTUNITY - Neptune is in Pisces (its 'Home' placement) from April 4, 2011 until January 26, 2026.

In 2024, Neptune is Retrograde (Rx) from July 2, 2024 until December 7, 2024 where it turns 'Direct', which is pretty much a solid five (5) months and five (5) days. You can read about Neptune in Pisces Retrograde here!

Neptune Retrogrades every single year for about five (5) months, so this is nothing new. You ought to be used to this 'feeling' right about this time every single year. Remember, the key to understanding, moving through and using your Astrology is that you recognize the pattern. Some cycles are blamed on being 'seasonal' when they are really 'astrological patterns'.

When Neptune is Direct, we see things more clearly than we do when Neptune is Retrograde. When Neptune in Direct we are floating along under clear skies and a fresh mind, then when Neptune Retrogrades the energy turns groggy, foggy, murky, hazy, overcast, smokey, misty, cloudy mind. RATS!

This particularly impacts us mentally and spiritually since Neptune and Pisces rule both, meaning our sense or level of spirituality and our mental health.

Neptune is also in its home placement 'Pisces'. If you notice from one of the Astro-Memes below, Neptune in Pisces Retrograde addresses our decision and indecision as --

Saint or Sinner?

Spiritual Quest or Party Fest?

Old habits are hard to break. Breaking patterns.

Neptune in Pisces Transiting Degree Calendar on DrStandley.com

What were you doing during Neptune Retrograde last year from June 28, 2022 until December 3, 2022? How about from June 25, 2021 until December 1, 2021? Did you break some habits and patterns or were you in the same place, dealing with the same BS you were the retrograde before that, which was from June 23, 2020 until November 28, 2020?

Keep in mind, Neptune is a 'generational planet', meaning it stays in a sign long enough that it impacts an entire generation of people. Neptune, Uranus and Pluto are ALL generational planets, which means we are breaking 'generational patterns' within a certain population of people.


Neptune is a very spiritual planet, but with the wrong mix, it can easily turn into a drunk and confused planet. Alcohol, gummies, recreational party potions and remedies will do that. This planet is 'high' either on spirituality, or 'high' on drugs or intoxicated by alcohol. In-toxic-ated. Think about the word in-toxic-ated. Whatever Neptune has to do to get there, to that 'spiritual ecstasy' state, it will do it. Neptune is all about 'Spirit' not 'spirits' as in alcohol. Neptune is all about 'your spirit' not 'spirits' as in ghosts. Naturally, if you choose the route of alcohol and ghosts, then this is what you will experience, even if the ghosts become your past haunting you.

Neptune is also incredibly creative and makes for a talented artist, but when afflicted Neptune loses his grip on reality and he can do crazy things like . . oh I dunno . . whack off an ear? Vincent Van Gogh had a whacked Neptune. In fact, Vincent had the Moon square Neptune, which is this description to a 'T'. So while he was 'insanely' creative, he was also a hot-tempered Aries. One day he had a fight with his roommate, Paul Gaugin who was even more famous as an artist than Vincent at the time. Vincent lost his senses in a drunken rage, became confused and whacked off his ear. He explained the event to his brother as, "A simple artists bout of craziness."

Neptune sextile Pluto on DrStandley.com

Vincent was trying to keep the pace with Paul and put himself under 'insane' pressure. I always say if you want to get Good at something, then play or study under someone better than you, but not to the point that you would whack off an ear.

The moral of this story -- If you have an afflicted Neptune you have to ABSOLUTELY make sure that you DO NOT set the bar too high for yourself because it will create insecurity, jealousy and all kinds of feelings that can make you, crazy. I will NEVER be able to stress enough how much alcohol and drugs do not mix with Neptune.

Suffice it to say, Vincent also drank when his bouts of depression and/or mental illness surfaced. What do you do when you get sad or depressed?

Remember Pluto (another generational planet) is in Capricorn from November 26, 2008 until November 18, 2024, which is very close to the same amount of time as Neptune in Pisces from June 18, 2018 until March 30, 2025. Not to mention, Uranus in Taurus (another generational planet) will last from May 15, 2018 until April 25, 2026, which is an 8-year stretch plopped right in the middle of Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn. This is a culmination of energy involving all three (3) generational planets - Neptune, Uranus and Pluto that will fulfill themselves all within a couple of years of each other.

Neptune is a very spiritual planet, but with the wrong mix, it can easily turn into a drunk planet. This planet is 'high' either on spiritual or on drugs or alcohol. However Neptune has to get there, to that 'spiritual ecstasy' state, it will do it.

Folks, these are generational shifts because these are generational planets, which tells us that patterns are being broken on a generation of people. What will make you a Good astrologer is being able to see the patterns. These patterns that 'have to be' broken are recurring themes, ideas, habits and behaviors that have been handed down from generation to generation through the family. Breaking these patterns is going to hurt and it is going to hurt bad. Patterns are hard to break, but they must be broken for us to move forward as a population of people. Neptune, Pluto and Uranus (the planets on this page) are affecting us all. These are not personal planets, they are generational planets that affect 'a generation'.

Neptune in Pisces wants closeness, intimacy, hand to hand, face to face connections with deeper feelings, almost a sonar feeling (like a fish). As Neptune grows back in Love in its home sign of Pisces, I believe Love will return to what is meant to be. That would be a face to face connection and not a computer to computer connection where we can remain aloof and distant. Neptune in Pisces will bring a spirit connection between two people. In other words, I believe we will see a big ol' fat level of maturity in the romance department. This Neptune in Pisces placement is certainly going to bring compassion, understanding, sensitivity and tolerance to relationships where before it was a little too easy and a little too okay with society to discard a partner and get a new one. Romanticism is back with Neptune in Pisces and when this planet turns retrograde, it wants a do-over so it could get it right before it progresses forward. Neptune has the ability to make us a saint or a sinner. Neptune in Pisces can easily go into spiritual excess but how we get there is the key point. Some may choose alcohol and drugs to reach nirvana, while others may choose philosophy, religion, meditation, etc., in order to get there.

NEPTUNE KEYWORDS: Sensitivity, idealism, compassion, faith, spiritual guidance, spiritual strength, creativity, the path of least resistance, escapist tendencies, imaginative, intuitive, evasive, sentimental, indecisive and hypersensitive.

Neptune rules the weekday, Friday.

The Neptune glyph represents aspiration or an extension of the personality due to the extension of the crescent in the upward direction atop of the cross ascending the personality above all matter. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, which is why Venus is exalted in Pisces. Venus in Pisces IS unconditional Love!

Check out the Neptune Moving Through the Signs Calendar. Dates are listed from 1915 up until 2025. The last time Neptune was in Pisces was from 1847 until 1862, so when you think about it there is not one single person 'today' on the face of this earth who was alive the last time Neptune was in Pisces. It takes approximately 13 years for Neptune to make its way through each sign and when you times that by 12 (all 12 signs) that's about 164 years for it to roll through Aries and finish up in Pisces.

Neptune is a very spiritual planet, but with the wrong mix, it can easily turn into a drunk planet. This planet is 'high' either on spiritual or on drugs or alcohol. However Neptune has to get there, to that 'spiritual ecstasy' state, it will do it.

Everybody has Pisces in their natal chart . . EVERYONE! Even if your Sun sign isn't Pisces, you still have Pisces somewhere in your natal chart. Depending on where Pisces lands in your chart, this would be the type of energy you would bring into that house.

Notice that the glyph for Pisces represents the two fishes swimming in different directions and for this reason, Pisces often meet themselves coming and going. They also may sway when making up their mind, but once they find their belief system, they stick to it. Pisces is another duality sign like Gemini and Libra. While Gemini is two completely different people and Libra seeks to balance out two sides, Pisces is always seeking to find the meaning in something and always loaded with question. Pisces naturally rules the 12th house of past, karma, institutions, the hidden realm and secrets. And if anyone can hold a secret, it's a Pisces. They are highly influenced by the world around them, making them highly impressionable.

Therefore, Pisces are intuitive, inspirational, they have high belief systems, idealistic, concentrated, hospitable, service-oriented, peaceful, refined, pure, perceptive, compassionate, sympathetic, impressionable, orderly and methodical. They are the most intuitive sign of the zodiac. Pisces are also sensitive, self-sacrificing and gentle. Pisces can be an escape artist, impractical, hyper-sensitive and gullible.

The first thing I want you to consider is that Neptune naturally rules Pisces, which is its home placement. Neptune is in its most comfortable state and its been a while, since 1862 to be exact. Since Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, then you can see how Love will be in an ascended state. This can easily make us all swirly and psychedelic where Love is concerned. I should also mention that when Neptune was last in Pisces from 1847 until 1862 it was 'part' of the period of Romanticism for music, art and literature. Now I said 'part' because the Romanticism era lasted quite a bit of time before and after 1847 to 1862 but Neptune in Pisces was smack dab in the middle of that period. This is such a wonderful time for the creative right brained minds -- music, art and literature.

There has been a lot of talk on this being the Age of Enlightenment, but I guess we will see. I seriously doubt that a bazillion people will wake up and suddenly become enlightened, although I do believe a helluva lot of people will become more awakened. Some individuals have already been seeking on their own 'awakening' and still others may only receive an awakening by a two-by-four up along side the head. Hey, whatever it takes, right?

"The word enlightenment conjures up the idea of
some superhuman accomplishment, and the ego likes to keep it that way,
but it is simply your natural state of felt oneness with Being."
Eckhart Tolle~

Neptune rules sleep, anesthesia, drugs, paradise, narcotics, anesthesiologists, drunkedness, addicts, alcohol, bartenders, exaggeration, drama, acting, pharmacists, magicians, black magic, the occult, neurosis, hospitals, prisons, psychology, sensationalism, seances, trances, vapors and body weaknesses. I could go on and on and on, but you get the picture. Neptune has the desire to go beyond the conscious mind and slide right over the edge into delusions, illusions, deception and hallucination.

What I think would be really cool is if people chose to go into an transcendental state or an ideal spiritual reality through intuition, meditation, solitude, contemplation, introspection, reflection or prayer because Neptune also rules these practices as well. But . . we'll see.

Remember back in 2012 we kept hearing that we will all witness a change in Life as we know it, but no one is really saying what the hell that means? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!?! Honestly, I think those of us already on the path to reaching a high state of consciousness, higher state of Love, higher state of reality, higher state of intuition, higher state of spirituality, higher state of envisioning and all of those other wonderful higher states of wonderment will experience just that simply because it is what we seek. Still others may slide right into other altered states of consciousness through a little help from their friends called 'drugs and alcohol'.

Either way Neptune in Pisces is very romantic, swirly, tolerant, compassionate, idealistic and spiritual. It is also very health conscious in a more spiritual sense than the modern medicine approach that is so common today. We may see something like Woodstock all over again with people dancing around higher than a damn kite, twirling their arms, except now they are high on Love, high on Life and high on our Creator (God, Spirit, Mother, Father, Voice of Authority). I can get high like that! (winky wink)

As people were busy reinventing themselves during Neptune in Aquarius (because Aquarius is the sign of invention and innovation) and stepping into new career roles, parenting roles, relationships roles and Life purpose roles, I think we are going to see that reinvention manifest on grand scales. It is very exciting. We saw people leaving their Life long careers only to dive into a whole new career change. I did. I went from owning and operating my own health clinic to re-inventing myself here on this website. There was a lot of career re-invention in the works for a lot of people.

Did anyone notice how dang difficult Love was during Neptune in Aquarius? Neptune represents unconditional Love in the sign of the most detached, aloof and distant sign of Aquarius. This is when the dating websites took off and it became commonplace to find Love through the internet which is basically an Aquarian rulership. We could remain detached, distant, aloof and yet sociable at the same time. After all, Aquarius is THE MOST sociable sign of the zodiac.

As Neptune grows back in Love in its home sign of Pisces, I believe Love will return to what is meant to be. That would be a face to face connection and not a computer to computer connection where we can remain aloof and distant. Neptune in Pisces will bring a spirit connection between two people. In other words, I believe we will see a big ol' fat level of maturity in the romance department. This Neptune in Pisces placement is certainly going to bring compassion, understanding, sensitivity and tolerance to relationships where before it was a little too easy and a little too okay with society to discard a partner and get a new one. Romanticism is back!

Neptune in Pisces actually enjoys some privacy since both Neptune and Pisces rule the 12th house of solitude, privacy, behind closed doors and what you do not want others to see or know about you. I think it is going to be interesting to see what this does for reality TV shows because there are just some things that do not need to be seen by the whole world. Neptune in Pisces in its complaining state would say, "What! Is nothing sacred anymore?!?!" Neptune in Pisces is all about that which is sacred and spiritual, so putting it all out there including that which goes on behind closed doors that no one else should know on shows like the Jersey Shore, the Kardashians and others I think are going to get old very soon. People want to see higher forms of Love and spirituality rather than self-inflicted drama where grown adults cannot cope or handle their lives without a camera following them. People are going to be wanting closer, tighter and more connected relationships.

Taking into account the Neptune rulerships that I typed in an above paragraph, Neptune has the ability to make us a saint or a sinner. Neptune in Pisces can easily go into spiritual excess but how we get there is the key point. Some may choose alcohol and drugs to reach nirvana, while others may choose philosophy, religions, meditation, etc., in order to get there. While this is occurring, I think there will be a mass exodus of sorts when it comes to who we associate with as friends, acquaintances or organizations. Keep in mind our associations had a different purpose back during Neptune in Aquarius. While we could friend up with anyone at anytime, we also kept everyone at a distance through e-mails, texting, friending on Facebook and tweeting on Twitter, never really have to get close to anyone. Neptune in Pisces want closeness, intimacy, hand to hand, face to face connections with deeper feelings, almost a sonar feeling (like a fish).

When it comes to social media now, there will certainly be a change in how these services are used. Once an individual gets, the get, that these services can promote their business or passion in Life, then using it to blab such personal thoughts and actions will go to the way side. A new day is a dawning and individuals want to transcend who they are and where they are in Life and this Neptune in Pisces transit is going to help. Neptune in Pisces certainly has Houdini tendencies (the escape artist) and some will do their best to avoid the need for change darting away like a fish. Have you ever tried to catch a fish with your hand? Still, the masses will take on the challenge and naturally migrate upstream to spawn like the salmon. Human beings are naturally Good, they want to Love and they want that spiritual connection. Neptune rules dreams and sleep, but this is one planetary transit that you do not want to sleep through. Instead, take the positive side of this transit and let it transcend you to a higher level of Love and spirituality and may your dreams literally come true. Check your Generational Horoscope to see how Neptune in Pisces will impact your Sun Sign. Stay Astrologized™.

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