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2024 Moon trine Sun Calendar |
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What is a Void of Course Moon |
Age of Aquarius |
Jupiter in Gemini |
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Neptune in Pisces Retrograde |
Pluto in Capricorn |
Pluto Rising in Capricorn Part II |
Pluto in Aquarius |
Saturn in Pisces |
Uranus in Taurus |
The House of Windsor Royal Family Charts |
Scorpio Moon Shopping & Surgery |
How are horoscopes written? |
How can I be a Christian & practice Astrology? |
What is a Natal Chart? |
USE YOUR NORTH NODE - IT IS ONE OF THE MOST SENSITIVE POINTS IN YOUR CHART! The North Node is a powerful point in your Natal Chart. It can help you get to the place that you desire with the greatest of ease. BUT, you have to use the information rather than file it away. If you are looking at a Natal Chart that I wrote for you, the North and South Node glyphs are in BLACK. I have also written into your Natal Chart Text information that directs you on how to utilize this energy. Whatever sun sign and house your North Node is in, then use the "heck" out of that energy. For example, I AM a North Node Virgo, so I pay attention to the Virgo horoscope and use all the rulerships and tendencies of Virgo to my positive advantage coupled with my sun sign, Gemini AND the house that my North Node is in. Interestingly enough, both Virgo and Gemini are ruled by the planet Mercury, the planet of communication. Virgo rules the 6th house of health, doctors and hygiene. Gemini rules the 3rd house of communication and is known as the master communicator, writer, author, lecturer, teacher and also rules radio (broadcasting.) Virgo rules the colon and I also did colonics in my former women's clinic. Oh - you bet I use my North Node! You can see how I've used my North Node (Virgo) coupled with my sun sign (Gemini) to become a doctor who writes, communicates, teaches and lectures. I've even been a radio talk show host. Yep! I use that North Node!!! KEY PHRASE: "My Cup Runneth Over" The North Node is in Aries from July 17, 2023 until January 11, 2025 When you read your natal chart and find what sign your North Node is in, this will tell you the qualities that you must OR will eventually develop within yourself in order to reach your soul's destiny. And once you know what sign your North Node is in, surely your "cup will runneth over." In other words, you cannot go wrong when you focus on your North Node. The North Node is also known as the "Dragon's Head." It is a highly sensitive point in the natal chart when the moon's orbit around the earth crosses the sun's path from South to North. Again . . . it crosses the sun's path from South to North . . . UP!!! And the North Node is exactly 180 degrees away from the South Node. In other words, it is opposing the South Node since 180 degrees is half the distance of a 360 degree wheel. Therefore, the North Node expresses what is your souls destiny or dharma as opposed to your karma (past). Dharma means cosmic order or law that includes the natural and moral principles that apply to all beings and things. The natal house that contains your North Node will show you the area of life that you will need to focus those qualities on. The North and South Node are always retrograde.
KEY PHRASE: "The Bottomless Pit" The South Node is in Libra from July 17, 2023 until January 11, 2025 The South Node is also known as the "Dragon's Tail." It is a highly sensitive point in the natal chart when the moon's orbit around the earth crosses the sun's path from North to South. Again . . . it crosses the sun's path from North to South . . . DOWN!!! And the South Node is exactly 180 degrees away from the North Node. In other words, it is opposing the North Node since 180 degrees is half the distance of a 360 degree wheel. Therefore, the North Node expresses your dharma (soul's destiny) as opposed to your karma (past). Your karma is what you have already learned. You've been there and done that. And the interesting thing that most people do is they continue to live out things they have already learned seeking to pour energy into their South Node. It is a never-ending pit. A Bottomless Pit!!! You can easily recognize your South Node by the challenges you keep trying to overcome. Remember, you have been there and done that. If you continue to have the same type of yucko-relationships, continue to lose money due to mismanagement, continue to have traumatic events, continue to have childhood memories haunt you . . . remember, you have been there and done that. It's okay NOT to do it again. The South Node will give you huge insight into what you have brought with you into this Life. You may have seen the South Node referred to as a “double-edged” sword. This is because you have already learned from the South Node, therefore they are considered talents and gifts you already have, so you can quit trying to gain them. So you can use these talents you've already learned to move you further into your North Node. Again, it's a 'been there done that' type of thing. The North and South Node are always retrograde.
DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind. |