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Taurus Generational Horoscopes on DrStandley.com.  The most accurate horoscopes on the web!

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The planets listed below, Pluto, Uranus and Neptune are called generational planets or outer planets simply because they affect an entire generation of people. They are slower moving and depending on the planet, will have a 7 - 16 period affect. The faster moving planets that affect you over the period of a month or so are Venus, Mercury, Mars and the Sun and are listed under the monthly horoscopes. And then I use the really fast moving moon that stays in a sign for a couple days to write the daily horoscopes. I have indicated the date the energy changes.

Astro Memes for major aspects for December 2024 on DrStandley.com

December 2024

Pluto Opportunity in Generational Horoscope

Uranus in Taurus Neptune in Pisces

Pluto in Capricorn on DrStandley.com

PLUTO OPPORTUNITY - Pluto is in Capricorn from November 26, 2008 until January 20, 2024, which is a 16-year stretch expanding over Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Aries.

Make certain you read the monster-size write-up for Pluto in Capricorn here! Uranus is in Aries from March 11, 2011 until March 6, 2019. And Neptune in Pisces is in (its 'Home' placement) from February 3, 2012 until March 30, 2025, which is very close to the same amount of time as Pluto in Capricorn. These are generational shifts because these are generational planets (Pluto, Neptune and Uranus), which tells us that patterns are being broken on a generation of people. What will make you a Good astrologer is being able to see the patterns.

These patterns that 'have to be' broken are recurring themes, ideas, habits and behaviors that have been handed down from generation to generation from outside forces. The outer planets represent outside forces, which is how the masses become indoctrinated through authority figures, teachers, preachers and the like. Breaking these patterns is going to hurt and it is going to hurt bad. Patterns are hard to break, but they must be broken for us to move forward as a population of people. Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are affecting us all. What we have been taught and told will not be easy to overcome, but we will. Outer planets represent outside forces impressing and pressing upon us.

FOR YOU TAURUS! Pluto in Capricorn is moving through Taurus' 9th house of the higher-thinking mind, religion, college, higher education, legalities, brothers and sisters-in-law, philosophy, prophecy, philanthropy, all things "foreign", intuition, long distance journeys abroad, travel, new adventures, churches, airlines, vacations, international commerce, dreams, visions, mentors, teachers and even luck.

While Pluto shows up in this house of the prophetic, dreams, visions and the higher-thinking mind, it can cause one to get too caught up in the prophetic and what they know. In other words, this placement of Pluto can be very ego-based. While this is a very spiritual, religious and philosophical house, it can cause the individual to get too caught up in what they perceive (see) thereby causing them to be more physical world involved, which then takes away from the intended spiritual nature of this placement. In other words, they go so far into what 'they' know, that the spiritual portion is thrown out the window. The ego takes over and its about what they know and how God talked to them and told them to tell someone else something. This placement can easily become braggodocious of what God relayed to them and how they are 'the vessel'. If God is involved, it's more likely the intent has more calm, peace and humility attached to it than a large ego and attention seeker.

This placement can also produce a religious fanatic, where spirituality is thrown out the window and all that is left is scripture and the written word. This can easily be the case of the Bible thumper. This can result in the individual who forces their views on others. This can turn so far either way that it results in the religious fantatic or the fixed atheist. This placement is so fanatical that something BIG could happen, which can morph an individual into a profound change in belief systems. This would be like being lucky as dodging a bad outcome and believing it was 'Divine Intervention' which then changes the person's religious and/or spiritual beliefs forever.

This 9th house also rules colleges and universities, which means this fanaticism could land on a college campus where you either get removed from school, you remove yourself from school or where you could lose your teaching job. Pluto in all its ego and power is not to be abused or misused. You must take care when under the influence to influence others. You could easily become the next viral video engaged in bad behavior.

This Pluto aspect does have profound insight, clarity, visions, and dreams, which should be used appropriately. If you get caught up in the crowd, you could easily lose this insight and clairvoyant ability. Make certain you hold true to a moral standard or a moral code because Pluto is a temptor to bad behavior if you get caught up in something where there is no turning back. Make certain you are not engaged in behavior that makes you look like a hypocrit. If that is the case, it will be revealed. This 9th house is a very public house, which means you will be seen more in public, even if it is in the streets. Pluto can be social or anti-social in this 9th house. Make certain you read the monster-size write-up for Pluto in Capricorn here!

To see how Pluto in Capricorn will affect you personally rather than as an entire population of Taurus', locate the Capricorn house in your Expansive Natal Chart and that is where Pluto in Capricorn will be transiting and transforming your Life. If you are having trouble locating this house and 'I wrote' your Expansive Natal Chart, then you know you can call me anytime and I will help you locate that house. I do not take phone calls to interpret natal charts that were written by someone else.

As far as all of the changes we are seeing on, in and around the world, Pluto in Capricorn is only one piece of the puzzle and I haven't even really touched on the other planets aspecting Pluto in Capricorn, which intensifies this energy further. Make certain you read the monster-size write-up for Pluto in Capricorn here!

The flow for your Solar Chart (your Sun Sign) is -- Taurus would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Gemini 2nd house, Cancer 3rd house, Leo 4th house, Virgo 5th house, Libra 6th house, Scorpio 7th house, Sagittarius 8th house, Capricorn 9th house, Aquarius 10th house, Pisces 11th house and Aries 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

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Uranus Opportunity in Generational Horoscope

Pluto in Capricorn Neptune in Pisces

Uranus in Taurus on DrStandley.com

URANUS OPPORTUNITY - If you have not already read the monster-size write-up for Uranus in Taurus, click the graphic or click this link to read about this aspect so that this Generational Horoscope will make more sense to you once you know how Uranus operates in the Universe.

For all Taurus's, Uranus is electrifying and creating change in your 1st house of identity and how other's see you. This house also rules the personality, your attitude, how you see the world, how you look, appearances, your worldly outlook, and self-awareness and how you respond. It includes the self, ego, anima, projected image, expression of inner motivation, soul purpose, initial approach to life and your aura. Take special note that this first house rules your soul's purpose and your inner motivation. Basically this shows your level of aggression, competitive, sports, creativity, head games, it is self-centered, self-absorbed, selfish, it is the starter, the beginning, the start of creation, creating, the game player, new beginnings, it rules the head and it is impulsive.

Your intuitive, psychic and clairvoyant gifts are certainly enhanced with this placement in your own Sun Sign. You will have more of an eccentric personality with an urge to express yourself in an erratic and dynamic fashion. You may defy conventions, or become an unusual leader. While you may not be leading others, they are certainly following you. You will certainly be original.

Uranus in the 1st house reveals an erratic behavior in the personality, how you see the world and how the world sees you. This placement suggests that you may often be said to, "March to the beat of a different drummer" because you are doing your own thing without explanation, hesitation or reservation. The more original you can be, the better. This definitely means 'not to' copy how others in your profession are doing things. Do it your way, with your words and your ideas. Copying will not work for you, because it's not you.

Individuality is very strong in your nature right now and you want freedom in your personal behavior. People may view you as eccentric, very unusual, or preferably, somewhat advanced. As an eccentric in many ways, common sense does not always figure in your actions. And that's okay because you know what you know. The positive side of this placement is that you are very inventive and innovative. Yet all too often, a willful nature and impulsiveness restrict your progress and effectiveness. Do not let your ego (willfulness) get in the way or you can count yourself out real fast.

Uranus in Taurus will last from May 15, 2018 until April 25, 2026 with the exception of November 7, 2018 through March 6, 2019 where it will have retrograded back into Aries for a brief period of time. So keep in mind these sudden and unusual changes will last for eight (8) years.

The flow for your Solar Chart (your Sun Sign) is -- Taurus would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Gemini 2nd house, Cancer 3rd house, Leo 4th house, Virgo 5th house, Libra 6th house, Scorpio 7th house, Sagittarius 8th house, Capricorn 9th house, Aquarius 10th house, Pisces 11th house and Aries 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

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Neptune Opportunity in Generational Horoscope

Pluto in Capricorn Uranus in Taurus

Neptune is a very spiritual planet, but with the wrong mix, it can easily turn into a drunk planet. This planet is 'high' either on spiritual or on drugs or alcohol. However Neptune has to get there, to that 'spiritual ecstasy' state, it will do it.

NEPTUNE OPPORTUNITY - Neptune is in Pisces (its 'Home' placement) from February 3, 2012 until March 30, 2025. If you have not already read the monster-size write-up for Neptune in Pisces, click the graphic or click this link to read about this aspect so that this Generational Horoscope will make more sense to you once you know how Neptune operates in the Universe.

For all Taurus, Neptune is shining spiritual rays on your 11th house of friends, groups of people, social acquaintances, former relationships (ex's), organizations, children's organizations, alliances, fraternities, memberships, money from the employer, finances of employer and stock exchanges. It is also about your hopes, wishes, dreams and the future. Basically this is about knowledge, originality, inventiveness, freedom, independence, rebellion, social circles, friends, groups of people, aloofness, detachment, indifference, circulation of blood, electricity, lightning, suddenness, your hopes, wishes and the future. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

Neptune moving through this eleventh house reveals you are in search for spiritual and humanitarian friendships simply because you feel this spiritual link with them. You may find yourself escaping from reality through these groups, which is where you feel that you 'belong' with your own herd. You will also have the ability to be of service to friends and within groups and/or memberships. You do have something BIG to offer by way of spiritual living. You feel that you have received in the past, so you are generous in your giving to others. You can't help it.

There is a heightened sense of importance on your hopes, dreams and future, and these friends or organizations play a role in this sense of importance. You tend not to be somewhat indiscriminate when it comes to friendships and socializing; therefore, you could end up getting involved with people who are very unusual, strange, weird and may be labeled as 'oddballs'. Remain aware of others impact on you because some of these individuals could influence you to scheme and plot. These strange people may also get you to do some things that you might not otherwise do. You are very impressionable and gullible by friends and organizations and their impact on you.

Trust your gut because your hunches are typically right on. Make certain your dreams are based on realistic and attainable goals and you aren't just over-fantasizing on that which may isn't attainable at all. Be real.

The flow for your Solar Chart (your Sun Sign) is -- Taurus would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Gemini 2nd house, Cancer 3rd house, Leo 4th house, Virgo 5th house, Libra 6th house, Scorpio 7th house, Sagittarius 8th house, Capricorn 9th house, Aquarius 10th house, Pisces 11th house and Aries 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

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**This horoscope is no substitute for a prescription or medical advice. This horoscope is for entertainment purposes only.


**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.

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