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Aquarius Generational Horoscopes on DrStandley.com.  The most accurate horoscopes on the web!

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The planets listed below, Pluto, Uranus and Neptune are called generational planets or outer planets simply because they affect an entire generation of people. They are slower moving and depending on the planet, will have a 7 - 16 period affect. The faster moving planets that affect you over the period of a month or so are Venus, Mercury, Mars and the Sun and are listed under the monthly horoscopes. And then I use the really fast moving moon that stays in a sign for a couple days to write the daily horoscopes. I have indicated the date the energy changes.

Astro Memes for major aspects for December 2024 on DrStandley.com

Pluto Opportunity in Generational Horoscope

Uranus in Taurus Neptune in Pisces

Pluto in Capricorn on DrStandley.com

PLUTO OPPORTUNITY - Pluto is in Capricorn from November 26, 2008 until January 20, 2024, which is a 16-year stretch expanding over Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Aries.

Make certain you read the monster-size write-up for Pluto in Capricorn here! Uranus is in Aries from March 11, 2011 until March 6, 2019. And Neptune in Pisces is in (its 'Home' placement) from February 3, 2012 until March 30, 2025, which is very close to the same amount of time as Pluto in Capricorn.

These are generational shifts because these are generational planets (Pluto, Neptune and Uranus), which tells us that patterns are being broken on a generation of people. What will make you a Good astrologer is being able to see the patterns.

These patterns that 'have to be' broken are recurring themes, ideas, habits and behaviors that have been handed down from generation to generation from outside forces. The outer planets represent outside forces, which is how the masses become indoctrinated through authority figures, teachers, preachers and the like. Breaking these patterns is going to hurt and it is going to hurt bad. Patterns are hard to break, but they must be broken for us to move forward as a population of people. Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are affecting us all. What we have been taught and told will not be easy to overcome, but we will. Outer planets represent outside forces impressing and pressing upon us.

FOR YOU AQUARIUS! Pluto in Capricorn is moving through Aquarius 12th house of the hidden realm, subconscious, past, pain, karma, jails, institutions, hospitals, finances of friends, secret sorrows, fears, self-destruction, large animals, skeletons in closet, self-undoing and self-injury. It is about your hidden strengths, weaknesses and what you don't want others to see or know about you, unredeemed karma and selfless service to humanity. This 12th house also rules mental health, psychology, self-reflection, meditation and the yogi. Refrain from letting this house frighten you because it is necessary that you look at your own self-undoing in order to keep yourself on the straight path.

This is an interesting 16 years for you dear Aquarius as your 12th house is being impacted for 16 years with Pluto in Capricorn. This house is the house of inner-reflection and coming to terms with or addressing your own mental health. This is not to say that you have a mental health diagnosis, but your mental health and peace of mind will become an issue or a focus for you. This is where you 'knowingly' address the unconscious mind to heal or bring into focus to your conscious mind. Therefore, you may find yourself more in-tune with or interested in subjects such as Astrology, psychology, mysticism or the like. Your spiritual health takes on a new flavor with a different subject matter. This may even be a spiritual subject that is not part of the mainstream or that many people have never heard of or entertained.

This placement of Pluto in Capricorn gives incredible insight as this is the natural ruling house of Pisces, which is THE MOST intuitive sign of the zodiac. So this 12th house is giving you fabulous insight, clarity and inner-knowledge. As if you didn't have enough knowledge already, but this has a 'knowingness' attached to it, which is more intuitive than intellectual. You are quite capable of understanding and practicing meditation or some sort of occult mystery. I use the word 'mystery' deliberately as Aquarius is on a 'need to know' basis, which needs to know everything, but when it comes to this 12th house, mysteries are involved and you will be okay with not knowing. That is part of spirituality, which has Faith, sight unseen associated with it. You may feel telepathic and intuitive, on a whole different wavelength than others.

The downside to this aspect is you could become obsessed or preoccupied with your own problems and then hide out from others. This hiding can result in depression or some sort of mental health issue than you don't have to settle for or adopt as your Truth. It is best that you get idea, thoughts, advice or suggestions from others so that you can keep your mind clear and clean. There is also the issue of having secret enemies. It is best that you relax your mind without using drugs or alcohol to get you there. Keep your mind clean and clear of chemicals because you will be over-sensitive to them. A DUI or issue with drugs (recreational or prescription) is a danger with this placement. Make certain you read the monster-size write-up for Pluto in Capricorn here!

To see how Pluto in Capricorn will affect you personally rather than as an entire population of Aquarian's, locate the Capricorn house in your Expansive Natal Chart and that is where Pluto in Capricorn will be transiting and transforming your Life. If you are having trouble locating this house and 'I wrote' your Expansive Natal Chart, then you know you can call me anytime and I will help you locate that house. I do not take phone calls to interpret natal charts that were written by someone else.

As far as all of the changes we are seeing on, in and around the world, Pluto in Capricorn is only one piece of the puzzle and I haven't even really touched on the other planets aspecting Pluto in Capricorn, which intensifies this energy further. Make certain you read the monster-size write-up for Pluto in Capricorn here!

The flow for your Solar Chart (your Sun Sign) is -- Aquarius would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Pisces 2nd house, Aries 3rd house, Taurus 4th house, Gemini 5th house, Cancer 6th house, Leo 7th house, Virgo 8th house, Libra 9th house, Scorpio 10th house, Sagittarius 11th house and Capricorn 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

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Uranus Opportunity in Generational Horoscope

Pluto in Capricorn Neptune in Pisces

Uranus in Taurus on DrStandley.com

URANUS OPPORTUNITY - If you have not already read the monster-size write-up for Uranus in Taurus, click the graphic or click this link to read about this aspect so that this Generational Horoscope will make more sense to you once you know how Uranus operates in the Universe.

For all Aquarian's, Uranus is electrifying and creating change in your 4th house of home and family. It describes your roots, your heritage and your private life. This house also rules land, property, residences, domestic affairs, psychological foundations, biological inheritance and place of abode. Basically this is about the home, family, mother, older women, nurturing, cooking, gardening, tradition, moody, feelings, over-emotional, antiques, nostalgia, emotions, intuition, tears, water, land, mining, property, your heritage, places of abode, residences and your roots.

Uranus is Aquarius's natural ruling planet. Being that Uranus, known as 'the tilted planet' that is the unique, unusual, odd and strange planet that spins on its side, this reveals you have a busy, unusual and unconventional home-life. Your children, who are still living at home, may experience sudden changes in their home environment. While at the same time you seek an unusual home or decorate in an unusual way.

Uranus rules lightning; therefore, Uranus exerts its erratic behavior in the home and base of operation. This placement shows the possibility of sudden upsets or changes in the home life. There is a tendency to seek a sense of freedom in the home environment with a strong desire to come and go as you please. In some ways, the living conditions will be different or unusual, and will counter family traditions.

Uranus in Taurus will last from May 15, 2018 until April 25, 2026 with the exception of November 7, 2018 through March 6, 2019 where it will have retrograded back into Aries for a brief period of time. So keep in mind these sudden and unusual changes will last for eight (8) years.

The flow for your Solar Chart (your Sun Sign) is -- Aquarius would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Pisces 2nd house, Aries 3rd house, Taurus 4th house, Gemini 5th house, Cancer 6th house, Leo 7th house, Virgo 8th house, Libra 9th house, Scorpio 10th house, Sagittarius 11th house and Capricorn 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

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Neptune Opportunity in Generational Horoscope

Pluto in Capricorn Uranus in Taurus

Neptune is a very spiritual planet, but with the wrong mix, it can easily turn into a drunk planet. This planet is 'high' either on spiritual or on drugs or alcohol. However Neptune has to get there, to that 'spiritual ecstasy' state, it will do it.

NEPTUNE OPPORTUNITY - Neptune is in Pisces (its 'Home' placement) from February 3, 2012 until March 30, 2025. If you have not already read the monster-size write-up for Neptune in Pisces, click the graphic or click this link to read about this aspect so that this Generational Horoscope will make more sense to you once you know how Neptune operates in the Universe.

For all Aquarian's, Neptune is shining spiritual rays on your 2nd house of personal finances and earnings, bankers, budgets, money that you earn, material resources, value system, monetary gains and losses, security. It also rules what you think about sex including how you feel about sex because it has to do with self-worth, which impacts you deep down inside. Basically this is about money, practicality, stability, possessions, self-worth, morals, values and how you can be slow to decide in this area of your Life. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

It is quite possible that you may be unrealistic in your assessment of your self-worth. The base of this 2nd house is self-worth, on top of that you place your morals and values, and then comes your personal finances and personal possessions. The amount that you pull in financially is dictated by what you believe your self-worth to be. There will likely be a lack of clarity surrounding money and possessions. What you will need to do is link your monetary values with spiritual values and then your financial bottom line will go up.

Neptune residing in the second house imposes an influence upon material affairs in your life, which is money and possessions. You may tend to deceive yourself by over-spending and the result may be over-extension of finances. You may experience losses due to poor judgment and carelessness with your money simply due to your lack of self-worth. This can be a real problem if you do not bump yourself up to a higher level of appreciation for yourself.

Also, the slightest compromise with the Truth can cause you a lot of difficulty in money matters. You must be completely honest in all of your financial dealings. Be well aware of 'get rich quick' schemes that seem too Good to be true because everyone knows, they probably are. With Neptune transiting your second house, do not gamble or take unnecessary risks with money because the loss will likely be yours. You are learning to value your own worth and if you do not have that down cold, then it will not be reflected back to you in dollar and cents the way you would like.

The flow for your Solar Chart (your Sun Sign) is -- Aquarius would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Pisces 2nd house, Aries 3rd house, Taurus 4th house, Gemini 5th house, Cancer 6th house, Leo 7th house, Virgo 8th house, Libra 9th house, Scorpio 10th house, Sagittarius 11th house and Capricorn 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

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**This horoscope is no substitute for a prescription or medical advice. This horoscope is for entertainment purposes only.


**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.

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