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Alright everyone, get out your Natal Chart. If I wrote your Natal Chart then I included 8 pages of graphics so you could see what each glyph means. If you are having trouble finding the glyph that looks like Virgo, it looks like the picture below and it will be in the perimeter of the chart wheel. Let's use Madonna's chart to understand our own chart. Scroll down to the bottom of this page and see an example of Madonna's chart. She is a Leo, Virgo Rising. You can see her Virgo glyph sitting on the 1st house cusp (in the perimeter of the wheel) at exactly 9 o'clock. Madonna's chart is 8 degrees Virgo 15 Minutes as the Rising Sign. Since her 1st house cusp (Rising Sign aka Ascendant) does not begin until 8 degrees, this means the first 7 degrees of Virgo are still in the 12th house. Notice she has Pluto (the red glyph) and Mercury (the gold glyph) in Virgo in her 12th house. As Saturn transits Virgo, she felt it first in her 12th house with the first 7 degrees then after that it began transiting her 1st house. As of this writing (December 23, 2008) Saturn is currently in Virgo at 21 degrees so that means Saturn in Virgo is transiting her 1st house in Virgo. If you do not see a Virgo glyph on any of your house cusps, then you probably have what is called an "interception." This is when a sign (Virgo in this case) is in between houses. So you will still see it in the perimeter but in between two houses. If you cannot find it, then you know what to do. Just pick up the phone and call me and I will help you find it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not call unless you have your chart wheel in front of you on the screen or have it printed out. Then we can just cut to the chase. I'm all about easily and effortlessly NOW! Below is a list of the 12 houses and what Saturn will look like as it moves through the house that Virgo resides in your chart. For Madonna, it will be her 12th and then 1st house. Remember, Saturn likes to work us hard and test our endurance in whatever house it is moving through just to teach us for our own Good. Saturn is the "father" and "authority" planet. If you want to cry and complain, then Saturn will act just like a father and say, "You wanna cry, I'll give you something to cry about." It would be best to shut up and just obey the rules and regulations. IF SATURN IN VIRGO IS TRANSITING YOUR 1ST HOUSE: Keywords of Saturn are: Contraction, strict, effort, discipline, responsibility, restriction, teacher, father, seriousness, stability, caution, mature, concentration, endurance and persistence Those who have Virgo on the 1st house cusp (Virgo Rising) enjoy hard work anyway so this isn't going to be anything new to a Virgo Rising. This first house is about your personality, appearance, how you see the world and how the world sees you. What will be difficult is the feeling that you are doing the same thing over and over again thereby getting nowhere. This is just a feeling. Here is where you get to learn a nice little lesson in perfection. Since you are so hung up on perfection and details, then you will find yourself doing something over and over again until you realize that nothing is perfect. NOTHING is perfect except God. Period, end of paragraph. You will absolutely have to adjust that nit-picky thinking you are perfect attitude (OUCHY) until you finally get it. The Rising Sign is your personality which reveals a control issue when things have to be done your way. All of the flaws you picked out in other people may just come back and bite you right in the butt! How's that for turn-about is fair play? Saturn is the planet of karma and has a way of humbling us. I suppose the burning question is how can this be avoided? Learn from your mistakes, own them and stop pointing out the flaws of everyone else until you look at yourself. OUCHY that hurts! Chances are . . you are already feeling Saturn move into Virgo and it doesn't really even begin until September 2, 2007. Virgo . . what you need is a make-over of your Life. This stretches from food, to Lifestyle, to relationships, to career, to home . . . and you will definitely see that make-over. IF SATURN IN VIRGO IS TRANSITING YOUR 2ND HOUSE: Keywords of Saturn are: Contraction, strict, effort, discipline, responsibility, restriction, teacher, father, seriousness, stability, caution, mature, concentration, endurance and persistence Saturn seeks to make you more responsible with your own money so that you will have more money in the end. By the time this transit is over, you will have a new appreciation for money and what it can do for you. How you spend money will be the focus as you prioritize what is important and what is simply a waste of money. You will probably go through a period of time where you value something more than your mortgage payment or an electric bill and haphazardly spend without thinking. All it takes is a little bit of financial insecurity to get you on a more secure track. Make certain that you start off this transit writing down your bills with their due date and then check them off as you go along. This sense of responsibility and accomplishment will keep you on a straight and secure financial path. If you take this seriously and budget your money properly, you will absolutely have more money that you imagined was possible. The best thing that you can do is eliminate unnecessary bills, especially if you are not using the product or service. Wasting money will positively get on your nerves, as it should! All this house wants is personal responsibility and when you do that . . . ooooh, it's sooooo Good. In other words, refrain from being a goof and spend thrift with Saturn moving through this house. If you choose to be a goof, Saturn will spank you harder than you thought was possible. IF SATURN IN VIRGO IS TRANSITING YOUR 3RD HOUSE: Keywords of Saturn are: Contraction, strict, effort, discipline, responsibility, restriction, teacher, father, seriousness, stability, caution, mature, concentration, endurance and persistence This transit may cause you to go back to school as this 3rd house is our basic education. You may be feeling the desire for more education from many different sources. You may notice that there are increased opportunities to learn through workshops, seminars, telecourses and course work. This 3rd house has a lot to do with your immediate environment as it rules siblings, neighbors and routine in that regard. It also has to do with your mental abilities and mental processes. By nature, you have an analytical mind and everything means something to you. Your daily Life in these areas is changing and some of your friends might even be saying, "Where is fill in your name"? because you are just structuring your Life differently now. You want a more stable environment and you are out to get it. Relationships with siblings will become more stable and structured while some other sibling relationships may become charged with nit-pickiness, not to mention fights with neighbors. There is a seriousness about you now as you buckle down and get back to work. Your basic foundation is now becoming seriously structured. IF SATURN IN VIRGO IS TRANSITING YOUR 4TH HOUSE: Keywords of Saturn are: Contraction, strict, effort, discipline, responsibility, restriction, teacher, father, seriousness, stability, caution, mature, concentration, endurance and persistence When Saturn moves into the 4th house this is typically when people relocate residences. Depending on the degree of Virgo on your 4th house cusp will dictate the time line of the move. Remember that Saturn is all about firm foundations and being stable and responsible so this can hardly be bad when you think about it. This 4th house rules home, family, land, real estate, one or both parents, property and domestic affairs. It is when Saturn moves through this house that one may have to take care of someone older such as a parent or there is a seriousness within the family unit. This house is all about your physical foundation being the home and family environment. There may also be household repairs that come right after the other. Always be mindful that this house is "teaching" you about structure and building a Good family foundation. If you have to learn a hard lesson with regard to this house, then that is the way the lesson will be delivered. IF SATURN IN VIRGO IS TRANSITING YOUR 5TH HOUSE: Keywords of Saturn are: Contraction, strict, effort, discipline, responsibility, restriction, teacher, father, seriousness, stability, caution, mature, concentration, endurance and persistence This 5th house is the house of pleasurable activities, fun, dating, intimacy and children. Life will become a bit more serious in this area of your Life because you obviously need to mature in this house. Even if you are of a "mature age" it appears as though you need a lesson in flexibility. Going out and getting all liquored up will probably not happen under this serious influence and if it does happen, you could get busted. If you are single, those whom you date will take on a more mature and traditional look. In other words, you may find yourself dating someone older. The whole child-play thing in this house may take on a more traditional appearance. Since this house rules children you may be experiencing a child flying the nest and striking out on their own. At the same time, depending on where you are in Life, there may be a new child added to the family under various scenarios. This house also rules creativity and self-expression so it would be a great time to take up and take serious your creativity. This might be painting, playing music, singing, dancing or anything that takes serious study and concentration. Saturn will help you stay focused on the task at hand. If ever wanted to learn how to play the piano or guitar, now is the time. Keep this in mind for your children who are young and have Virgo on their 5th house cusp. It would be a fantastic time for them to begin their creative expression. IF SATURN IN VIRGO IS TRANSITING YOUR 6TH HOUSE: Keywords of Saturn are: Contraction, strict, effort, discipline, responsibility, restriction, teacher, father, seriousness, stability, caution, mature, concentration, endurance and persistence A little hard work doesn't scare an Aries so you can expect that you will be working hard the next two years. The way that you can make this really easy on yourself is if you get organized. This 6th house completely and unequivocally enjoys being organized. If you are disorganized for one minute then Saturn will catch you and make you pay for it. As Saturn first begins to move into your 6th house you will quickly learn that misplacing your keys is no longer cute or saying, "Well I forgot to write it down" just won't work for you. Excuses will have no room in this 6th house of "get yourself organized!" There is a focus on work ethic and getting the job done! This is a great time to adjust yourself to a better code of conduct so that you can get to the place that you desire to be. Then instead of bragging about what you are or what you are "going to do" . . you will already be it and calling others attention to yourself will not be necessary. You will also need to learn how to delegate work to others because this house rules co-workers, employees and those who are "in service" to others. Refrain from being bossy because no one will listen to you if you get all puffed up and bossy. Instead embrace the word "delegate". IF SATURN IN VIRGO IS TRANSITING YOUR 7TH HOUSE: Keywords of Saturn are: Contraction, strict, effort, discipline, responsibility, restriction, teacher, father, seriousness, stability, caution, mature, concentration, endurance and persistence When Saturn moves through this house it could mean the extreme of one or two things. It could mean the complete ending of a relationship or the beginning of a new relationship that starts on a more stable ground. The influence of Saturn here obviously has long term effects. If you are in a business partnership, there could be problems and lessons to learn in this area as well. The important thing to remember is that it is meant to build stability. Responsibilities will have to be confronted and/or met with Saturn moving through this house and you are bound to learn a hard lesson with this transit. If there is a new relationship, it may take some getting use to as you both adjust to fit each other needs. This can become quite complicated but nonetheless, it is do-able. Relationships become more serious, mature and strict with Saturn out to teach everyone a lesson. And naturally this can be a very challenging influence to handle. IF SATURN IN VIRGO IS TRANSITING YOUR 8TH HOUSE: Keywords of Saturn are: Contraction, strict, effort, discipline, responsibility, restriction, teacher, father, seriousness, stability, caution, mature, concentration, endurance and persistence Those with Saturn moving through their 8th house may feel a squeeze on shared financial monies. This could include anything from insurance, taxes, stocks, bonds, inheritance, debts, loans or anything else that is a shared resource with a partner. This partner can be with a marriage partner or business partner. There is a strong possibility that you will need to learn how to live with less money especially if you have had "shared" monies with someone else. There is a tough lesson to be learned here if you have not learned how to manage money on your own. There are some with this house cusp in Virgo who may need to be supported by their partner for a period of time. This could be alimony or some sort of pay out. The best thing that you can do for yourself is learn about the type of monies that this house teaches which is stocks, bonds and other forms of investing. Maintian your insurance where it is necessary. Insurance in this case is "assurance." IF SATURN IN VIRGO IS TRANSITING YOUR 9TH HOUSE: Keywords of Saturn are: Contraction, strict, effort, discipline, responsibility, restriction, teacher, father, seriousness, stability, caution, mature, concentration, endurance and persistence There is a strong possibility of 'serious' travel during this time. By serious travel I mean travel that is of a learning or business experience. This house rules distant travel to foreign lands, foreign cultures and all things that are foreign to you. Typically this means traveling abroad over the sea. If you have been in the midst of writing a book, it is during this time that you finally be ready for publishing. Legal matters are hightened during this time as you will want to settle out of court. It is best to settle out of court when Saturn is moving through this house. There may be issues with brothers and sisters-in-law. Since this house also rules higher education, it is a perfect time to think about going back to school although you will probably have to work very hard during your educational pursuit. That's okay because you will be following in the footsteps of many who had to work hard in school. If you are already finished with school (college) then you will probably look to an advanced degree. If you already have an advanced degree then additional schooling such as continuing education credits will be necessary. An advanced degree could also mean that you are finally ready to publish. You will be working hard during this Saturn influence when it comes to higher education and intellectual pursuits. IF SATURN IN VIRGO IS TRANSITING YOUR 10TH HOUSE: Keywords of Saturn are: Contraction, strict, effort, discipline, responsibility, restriction, teacher, father, seriousness, stability, caution, mature, concentration, endurance and persistence Saturn moving through the 10th house is the house that Saturn naturally rules; therefore, Saturn is quite comfortable in this house. You may become more structured, responsible and disciplined with your career and take it more seriously than you have in the recent past. You are ready to get down to work and down to business. Dedication is the key ingredient to your successful career right now. In fact, you may cast friends or even family aside as you focus more and more on your career. You are after the reward and hard work certainly does have its rewards. The harder you work, the more recognition you receive from those who control the purse strings. You will take both compliments and criticism rather seriously this time while continually building your future. Work, work, work is what you will be doing. Since Virgo is the perfectionistic sign, you may find yourself staying late just to perfect something that is minor. You just keep getting better and better. IF SATURN IN VIRGO IS TRANSITING YOUR 11TH HOUSE: Keywords of Saturn are: Contraction, strict, effort, discipline, responsibility, restriction, teacher, father, seriousness, stability, caution, mature, concentration, endurance and persistence You will need to focus harder on your long term goals, hopes and wishes as these are the things that are represented by the 11th house. This is also the house of friends and organizations, so you may see yourself drop a few friends when you realize that they are not your friends at all. You may also disconnect from organizations that are no longer serving or are just a complete waste of time. You've come a long way baby and you just don't need to "belong" to anything or any certain group of friends in order to have an identity. Saturn is putting the squeeze on your friendships simply because you do not have the time for the friends who remain in your Life. Don't be surprised if you have more than your fair share of friends or should I say "acquaintances" who ask for your assistance. This is a Good time to look at your Life and make changes in who you want to be in your Life. Don't wait until problems arise within a group, organization or with certain friends when you know it isn't working anymore. Get out of it before Saturn brings it out in the open and to the surface. At the same time, since Saturn does represent hard work, you may have to work harder in a group or organization because you have been chosen as the leader. This can create drudgery, more work and more responsibility that you had not thought about previously. You may wish you hadn't said "yes" to the position. Again, keep your goals, hopes and wishes at the forefront of your mind. IF SATURN IN VIRGO IS TRANSITING YOUR 12TH HOUSE: Keywords of Saturn are: Contraction, strict, effort, discipline, responsibility, restriction, teacher, father, seriousness, stability, caution, mature, concentration, endurance and persistence This is the house that typically frightens people when it really should not because this house is where the wonderful growth and character development takes place. Do your best to embrace this 12th house because it rules ending, which means the ending of a cycle. This is not the time for you to begin anything new. In fact, just the opposite. You should be ending and letting go of anything that is no longer working for you. It is a time of restructuring with structured Saturn present. Whether it is finishing a relationship, completing a business project, finish writing a book, finishing the last two years of school/college or finish rehabing a house; this two year period is when you need to complete it all. This can easily be the biggest two years of your Life while Saturn is moving through this 12th house. If you even begin something new, it will be like walking through mud or even quicksand. Saturn wants you to finish what you have already started before you start anything new. This is the house of closure. You need closure in order to move on.
DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind. |