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Mercury in a Sign |
Moon in a Sign |
Sun in a Sign |
Venus in a Sign |
2024 Astro-Memes |
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2021 Astro-Memes |
2020 Astro-Memes |
2019 Astro-Memes |
2018 Astro-Memes |
2017 Astro-Memes |
2016 Astro-Memes |
2024 Moon trine Sun Calendar |
2024 Full Moons |
2024 New Moons |
2024 Void of Course Moon Calendar |
What is a Void of Course Moon |
Age of Aquarius |
Jupiter in Gemini |
Neptune in Pisces |
Neptune in Pisces Retrograde |
Pluto in Capricorn |
Pluto Rising in Capricorn Part II |
Pluto in Aquarius |
Saturn in Pisces |
Uranus in Taurus |
The House of Windsor Royal Family Charts |
Scorpio Moon Shopping & Surgery |
How are horoscopes written? |
How can I be a Christian & practice Astrology? |
What is a Natal Chart? |
Most of you know that I welcome phone calls when you have a question. I'm all about, 'Easily and effortlessly right now!" A client and Facebook friend of mine 'Claudia Del Cid' called and asked where she could find 'a source' for the degrees of the North Node Libra and South Nodes Aries at a future date. I said, "Me! I'm your source. You're talking to it!" Since I do believe in the 'Cockroach Theory' which says, "Where there is one, there are many," then the probability of others having this same question is likely. That's why I decided to create this calendar. If Claudia wanted this information, then surely there were others who wanted it as well. Incidentally, the degree of the North and South Node are always the same since they are exact opposite each other in Sun Signs.
Keep in mind the North and South Node are ALWAYS Retrograde (Rx). That is why their transit begins at 29 degrees 59 minutes and ends at 00 degrees 00 minutes. You will see from the calendar below that there are dates when the Nodes go back and forth over a certain degree for a period of time. This is not necessarily going Retrograde, then Direct, then Retrograde, then Direct. This is actually a wobble that you see. The wobble makes it 'appear' as though it is going Retrograde, Direct, Retrograde, Direct, thereby keeping the Nodes in a holding pattern. It's during those holding patterns that I find significant because for some reason or another, the Universe wants us to hold. Note how this occurs at 28, 27, 28, 27 degrees and 21, 20, 21, 20 degrees and 10, 9, 10, 9, 10, 9 degrees and 01, 00, 01, 00 degrees. Also note what this energy does for you, to you or with you during the holding pattern dates. Check the area in your personal natal chart for the area ruled by Libra and Aries so you can see where these degrees impact you the most.
After the North and South Node leave Libra and Aries on November 11, 2015, the Nodes will then move into Virgo and Pisces. Check out the North Node Virgo - South Node Pisces Nodal calendar.
I wrote an e-book called, "Understanding and Using the North and South Node." This e-Book includes Nodal meanings, Nodal basics, Nodal positions and what happens when a certain planet interacts with the North or South Node in your natal chart. I have also included a calendar of dates so you can see where the North and South Node were on a certain date. The e-Book is only $9.99 and personally emailed to you, by me via e-mail, as I do not do automated downloads because I find that type of service very impersonal. What can I say, I am a North Node Virgo and appreciate personal service, even in cyberspace.
Click here to see a picture of what the North and South Node will look like in your Natal Chart.
Copyright 2000-2015: Dr. Loretta J. Standley - All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2000-2015: Dr. Loretta J. Standley - All Rights Reserved. DISCLAIMER
**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind. |