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Age of Aquarius |
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Pluto in Capricorn |
Pluto Rising in Capricorn Part II |
Pluto in Aquarius |
Saturn in Pisces |
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Daily Horoscopes are written according to where the Moon is located.
For that reason you will see the Moon information 1st paragraph (below), the 2nd paragraph is the house that affects your Sign, and the 3rd paragraph is the horoscope itself based on the information of the 1st and 2nd paragraph.
THE MOON IS IN AQUARIUS TODAY! Keywords: knowledge, original, inventive, freedom, independent, rebellious, social, friends, groups of people, aloof, detached, indifferent, pilots, airplanes, astrology, Congress, circulation of blood, electricity, lightning, suddenness, movie theaters, radio broadcasting, telephones, one's hopes, one's wishes, the future The Aquarius Moon is moving through your 3rd house of communication, writing, mental abilities, lower education from 1st to 12th grade, early learning, immediate environment, short journeys, local travel and travel within your own country. It also rules neighbors, siblings and extended siblings such as cousins, nieces and nephews.
In yesterday's Daily Horoscope (link above) I wrote a lot about the Aquarian Moon and the motto, "I know therefore I am." With every sign there is always a bit of mistaken identity and so it goes with the Aquarian 'I known' stance. Aquarius is naturally ruled by the planet Uranus, which is its modern-day ruling planet but did you know that the ancient planetary ruler of Aquarius is actually Saturn. Yepsie doodle, it sure is! For this reason, Aquarius is a heck of a lot more conservative and traditional than you might think. While Aquarius is certainly about socialism (networking), it is not really about socialism (political). Aquarius is THE MOST freedom-loving sign, so to take away freedom in any sort, this will get Aquarius all wound up, hot, bothered and waving their arms around. Aquarius sees cultural differences possibly even more clearly than a Sagittarius. Throught the sign of Aquarius is where we are likely to see its modern day ruler 'Uranus' strike like lightning. Uranus rules the unexpected, sudden changes and BAM, lightning. This is how Aquarius also becomes the most rebellious sign of the zodiac. I have Jupiter in Aquarius in my natal chart, which is THE MOST freedom-loving planet (Jupiter) in THE MOST freedom-loving sign (Aquarius). This why I don't even like to see hate speech squashed because I want to know who is talking that way rather than have them hidden from me. I want to know who talks 'that' way so I can choose my response rather than have it chosen for me. But then again, I am a Gemini, so squashing freedom of speech would rattle my core. This also explains why I describe myself on Facebook as, "Catholic - I'm a holistic, spiritual, metaphysical, philosophical and religious with a hefty dose of rebel YELL!" I get to say who I am regardless of someone else's stance. It's my freedom of choice! Your job is to know your Aquarian energy in your chart too so that you can better understand yourself and work with cards (planets) you were dealt. Your personal Natal Chart is a hand of cards folks and you need to learn how to play the hand. Your style of communication may be somewhat rebellious. Your phone may ring and you just ignore whoever is calling. Someone may knock on the door and you don't answer. You need to understand that if you do not follow up in your communications, then you will miss out on an opportunity. As I wrote to you before, who knows, it could be Publisher's Clearinghouse at the door waiting to award you the big prize and you feel too rebellious to answer the door. SERIOUSLY! It will be your loss if you turn rebellious in your communications right now. Answer the phone! I wrote a fairly big 'blurb' on one of my Facebook pages today regarding Pluto in Capricorn. Remember, I have two Facebook pages. I won't always repost here what I post on Facebook but I'm making an exception today for those who are not on Facebook. I'm posting this to show you what you could miss out on if you are being rebellious and choosing not to engage in social media. It is part of our culture now whether you are in on it or not. You might need to get with the program (Facebook) before you miss out on important information. (winky wink) If you are interested in the government shutdown seen astrologically, I wrote about this back on November 26, 2008 at the bottom of your Weekly Horoscopes and also in your Generational Horoscopes under Pluto in Capricorn. Folks, you haven't seen anything yet. Sorry, but we aren't even close to a 'fix'. This is a 16 year transit. It's called 'Pluto in Capricorn'. Pluto in Capricorn is in a 16 year cycle 2008 - 2024, so you see, we are pretty much still in the beginning of this long transit. Governments will rumble and the ground will continue to shake (literally) on both counts. Pluto rules mass change through destruction and then reconstruction, in the sign of Capricorn which rules the military, government, authority figures, the public, rank in society and status in the community. This is 'fist in the air' on a mass level. Don't be so shocked by what's going on. It's been on my website for 5 years now out of the 16. This transit will affect all of us all. At some point we will all be in streets with our fist in the air. We will. Something will get us out there publically yelling about something. The rumbling earth.....during this 16 year period, we will have all been affected by the ground shifting changing the landscape. Pluto in Capricorn also rules 'dark people'. Watch for these people in the news and issues surrounding their culture. From the President (authority figure), to the NFL Redskins name and more. The Mid-East 'fist in the air' military, fighting, isn't such a surprise since that's the norm. Maybe we will see peace in that area of the world since this transit is completely transformational and the uprising will be in the other areas such as the U.S. I suppose it remains to be seen. We seen the public rise up against the government in other areas of the world, maybe now it is the U.S.'s turn. Pluto in Capricorn will also change us on a personal level in the area that is ruled by Capricorn in our natal chart. This area of your chart will be completely transformed. Transformation is the word here because Pluto naturally rules Scorpio (the Phoenix Rising) and change will occur, with or without your permission, so you may as well take part in the change. Sadly, we humans have to learn the hard way and this change is going to take some time because it's that important.
Click here to order a Natal Chart or to schedule a personal reading
or click on the link at the top right or left corner of this website that says, 'Visit Dr. Standley's Holistic Shop'. Any products or services that I offer are in the 'Holistic Shop'. For Sagittarian's today's Aquarius Moon is shining its moonbeams on your 3rd house as you can see from the flow of your Solar (Sun Sign) Chart below. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here! The flow for your Solar Chart looks like this. Your Sun Sign Sagittarius would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Capricorn 2nd house, Aquarius 3rd house, Pisces 4th house, Aries 5th house, Taurus 6th house, Gemini 7th house, Cancer 8th house, Leo 9th house, Virgo 10th house, Libra 11th house and Scorpio 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!
![]() DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind. |