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Daily Horoscopes are written according to where the Moon is located.
For that reason you will see the Moon information 1st paragraph (below), the 2nd paragraph is the house that affects your Sign, and the 3rd paragraph is the horoscope itself based on the information of the 1st and 2nd paragraph.
THE MOON IS IN SAGITTARIUS TODAY! Keywords: Higher-self, philosophy, jovial, foreign lands, foreign people, foreign cultures, the global community, religion, philanthropy, higher-education, gypsy traveler, lucky, abundance, expansive, the higher-thinking mind, dreams, visions, intuition, legalities and higher law The Sagittarius Moon is moving through your 1st house of identity and how other's see you. This house also rules the personality, your attitude, how you see the world, how you look, appearances, your worldly outlook, and self-awareness and how you respond. It includes the self, ego, anima, projected image, expression of inner motivation, soul purpose, initial approach to life and your aura. Take special note that this first house rules your soul's purpose and your inner motivation.
Now even though you are THE MOST blunt and frank sign of the zodiac, that doesn't mean you have a should say whatever you want. This is why Sagittarius naturally suffers from foot-in-the-mouth-syndrome. Being that you are represented by the centaur (half man and half horse) sometimes it can be confusing to understand where you are coming from and you may even confuse yourself when you say one thing and mean something else. Slow your energy down so that you can develop a deeper understanding of yourself instead of trying to figure out someone else. Note the keywords above to help you aggressively pursue yourself before you even think about aggressively pursuing or understanding another person. Figure out your own mystery. There are times when you should be running through the pasture and other times you need to graze. There is a time and a place for everything. Bear with me folks. The last two week of the year (especially the last few days of the year) require A MASSIVE amount writing on my part. Thank you for your patience my little mentators. Your patience and understanding is exactly why I like to spoil the heck out of you and fill you up with nuggets, treats and Goodies. I have no astrology minions that write any of my Astrology for me. I'm clear that you want the Astrology to come from my brain and fingertips, and so it does. There are a couple of things I want to hammer into your head. First, stay on top of your Weekly Horoscope because last week I updated them until the end of 2013. Today we will experience the exact square between Mars and Pluto at 8:00 PM EST this evening. Head over to your Weekly Horoscopes for the read on this because it is important. Also, today I will be adding an update to your Weekly Horoscope for Wednesday, January 1, 2014 because we will experience a New Moon in Capricorn, which adds to the massive amount of Capricorn energy that I wrote about in yesterday's horoscope. For those of you who have never seen the 2013 Major Planetary Events Calendar, this is what I use to create the flow in your Weekly Horoscope. All Calendars are located in the left side navigation column under the Astrology button. So yep, I'm working on the 2014 Major Planetary Events Calendar. When I say I have a massive amount to write, which includes allof the HTML coding, this Gemini is in full-out and full-blown juggle. Cue the calliope music. There is always so much to write about where Astrology is concerned as it is a never-ending source of study. If you look at Today's Daily Astrology Chart, which is calculated at 8:00 PM EST for the exact square between Mars and Pluto tonight, you will see a T-Square in the Cardinal signs. The Cardinal signs are Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra. They are the signs at the start of the seasons. Cancer (summer), Capricorn (winter), Aries (spring) and Libra (fall). It is important to remember the basic essence of the Cardinal signs is SURVIVAL. This is why Cardinal signs are versatile, adaptable, and fully capable of adjusting to changing conditions as they occur. Today's chart is Cardinal strong, which means this is a time of challenge and action, and you may become frustrated when you have no recourse for change. You may expect others to also rise to a challenge (for you) but you might ask yourself, what is up with such expectation of others and not yourself? It is VERY IMPORTANT to remember that what stimulates and challenges YOU may not be what stimulates and challenges others. You must have some idea that you have recourse for change, even if it does mean accepting people or situations as they are. That would be a change, wouldn't it? Since this T-Square challenges our ability adapt to new and changing situations as they occur, then make it easy on yourself and do it. Okay, now here is the kicker. Whenever you see a T-Square, it is like driving a car with 3 wheels, which basically means you can't operate the car like that. So what do you do with a car that has 3 wheels? YOU GO GET ANOTHER WHEEL! A T-Square involves 2 squares and an opposition, which creates an isosceles triangle. In this case the Sun, Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn square Mars in Libra and also Uranus in Aries. Then, Mars in Libra and Uranus in Aries oppose each other. Therein lies the isosceles triangle. So now we are looking for a way out of this T-Square and that means we look for the 4th wheel and it is located directly across from the apex of the isosceles triangle and that would be a Jupiter in Cancer. The Sun, Mercury and Pluto are at the apex of the isosceles triangle and Jupiter in Cancer is directly across the chart wheel from these plants. WHAT THE FREAK! Well folks, you know what I always say, "When it's the Truth, it shows up everywhere!" Remember, I have been telling you to focus on Jupiter in Cancer trine Saturn in Scorpio through the first week of 2014 in your Weekly Horoscope. The T-Square in the Cardinal signs is just another reason why you should do as you are told. (winky wink) Read more about Jupiter in Cancer trine Saturn in Scorpio in your Weekly Horoscope and read even more about Jupiter in Cancer in your Yearly Horoscope. If I wrote your Expansive Natal Chart then you know in your Chart Configurations and Graphics file if you have a T-Square, then I detailed all of the information for you and where you are supposed to focus and pick up that 4th wheel. If you don't have a T-Square, then I also explained why, even if some other Astrologer said you have one, I explained why you do not. I am a detailed North Node Virgo and the information is in your chart. Jupiter in Cancer baby . . and trine Saturn in Scorpio. That is where it is at. Click back a few days and re-read the massive amount of information I have been writing on this and then do me the honor of a 'Gargantuan 2013 Gratitude Share' . . by sharing with everyone you know in your address book, Twitter account and Facebook page.
For Sagittarian's today's Sagittarian Moon is shining its moonbeams on your 1st house as you can see from the flow of your Solar (Sun Sign) Chart below. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here! The flow for your Solar Chart looks like this. Your Sun Sign Sagittarius would be on the 1st house (I perceive/see therefore I am) and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Capricorn 2nd house (I use therefore I am), Aquarius 3rd house (I know therefore I am), Pisces 4th house (I believe therefore I am), Aries 5th house (I am therefore I am), Taurus 6th house (I have therefore I am), Gemini 7th house (I think therefore I am), Cancer 8th house (I feel therefore I am), Leo 9th house (I will therefore I am), Virgo 10th house (I analyze therefore I am), Libra 11th house (I balance therefore I am) and Scorpio 12th house (I desire therefore I am). Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!
![]() DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind. |