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Daily Horoscopes are written according to where the Moon is located.
For that reason you will see the Moon information 1st paragraph (below), the 2nd paragraph is the house that affects your Sign, and the 3rd paragraph is the horoscope itself based on the information of the 1st and 2nd paragraph.
THE MOON IS IN CAPRICORN TODAY! Keywords: Work, career, public image, status, rank in society, social status in the community, manager, ambitious, responsible, materialistic, conscientious, cold, cautious, prudent, pessimistic, business minded, the boss, manager, father, older men, authority figures, the military, fame, public recognition, level of fortune The Capricorn Moon is moving through your 2nd house of value systems, physical possessions and money, personal self esteem and talents. This house also rules your personal earnings, bankers, budgets, money that "you" make, material resources, value system, monetary gains and losses, security. Basically this house is about your self-worth. Your self-worth is still something you need to pay attention to. Make certain that you are directing your energy only toward things that reflect your morals and values. If you go against the grain then it will take you longer to get to the place that you desire to be. Keep in mind the Capricorn motto is "I use therefore I am" and this is all about utilization. Make certain you are utilizing all of your resources. Stay UP and pay close attention so that you do not miss a financial opportunity when it arrives. If you choose to de-value yourself, then it will impact your checkbook. In other words, no trash talking yourself. I have updated your Animal Medicine Instincts Through The Signs for the Month of April 2013 on my other website, www.NativeAmericanAnimalMedicine.com - click over and check 'em out! On another note -- in Today's Daily Astrology Chart I included two chart wheels for your viewing pleasure. I want you to be able to see what an 'Interception' looks like. An 'Interception' is a sign falling within a house and not on a house cusp. If one sign falls between house cusps, then its opposite sign falls within two house cusps as well because the chart 'has to' balance itself out. It's a wheel and perfectly balanced. Notice how all opposite house cusps are in opposite signs and in the exact same degree. A wheel has to balance. So if you have one interception in your personal natal chart, then you absolutely have to have two intercepted signs. There will be two signs between two house cusps opposite each other, which causes two other signs to take it upon themselvse to rule the missing house cusp. On today's chart wheel at the particular time I ran the chart (5:00 AM EDT) you will see that Virgo and Pisces are the intercepted signs and the signs Cancer and Capricorn doubled up on the house cusps to make up for the missing signs. It is in the second chart wheel where you will see the details of this missing energy. Notice the little notches like on a ruler because this represents all 30 degrees for each Sun Sign. 30 degrees x 12 Sun Signs = 360 degrees and there are 360 degrees in a wheel. See....it always balances itself out. If you have Inteceptions in your personal natal chart and I wrote your Expansive Natal Chart, then I detailed this for you in the writing. DO YOU HAVE AN INTERCEPTION? You can tell if you have an 'Interception' by looking at your Natal Chart and if it "appears" as if two signs are missing on the house cusps and two other house cusps repeat a sign, then you my dear probably have an 'Interception'. In other words, it appears as though a sign has been skipped over in your chart but you will find that sign in between two other house cusps. You will also find its opposite sign on the opposite side of the chart wheel between two houses. This is an interception. Interceptions are basically energy that cannot hurt you and it just kind of falls through the cracks. The great news is that you have two other signs have that been doubled up in energy. So you might have one sign on two houses cusps and its opposite sign on two house cusps on the other side of your chart. If I wrote your Expansive Natal Chart then I included a section on your Interceptions and typed it all out and you can find it in your Chart Configurations and Graphics file.
DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind. |