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Daily Horoscopes are written according to where the Moon is located.
For that reason you will see the Moon information 1st paragraph (below), the 2nd paragraph is the house that affects your Sign, and the 3rd paragraph is the horoscope itself based on the information of the 1st and 2nd paragraph.
THE MOON IS IN PISCES TODAY! Keywords: impressionable, easily influenced, indecisive, drama, theatrical, storyteller, intuitive, empathetic, compassionate, sensitive, fearful, escape artist, impractical and gullible The Moon in Pisces is moving through your 3rd house of communication, writing, mental abilities, lower education from 1st to 12th grade, early learning, immediate environment, short journeys, local travel and travel within your own country. It also rules neighbors, siblings and extended siblings such as cousins, nieces and nephews. Since there is a New Moon in Pisces tomorrow, Monday, March 11, 2013 at precisely 3:52 PM EDT, then let's just talk Pisces today because this is an extra special Moon that snuggles itself right up next to the Stellium in Pisces that I have been reminding you about over the past couple of weeks. A New Moon is when the Sun and Moon are in the same sign and same degree. The Moon enters Pisces today and reaches the same degree as the Sun in Pisces (21 degrees) tomorrow at 3:52 PM EDT. Not only will we experience a New Moon, which signifies new beginnings, we are still 'under the influence' of a Stellium which is also referred to by some astrologers as a 'crown of stars'. A Stellium is when at least four planets are in the same sign, or within a 10° orb if in different signs. The occupied house and/or sign contains a tremendous intensity and complexity of energies represented by the planets involved. So in this case, it is Pisces. When you look at today's Daily Astrology Chart you will see in order of degrees -- the Moon 01 degrees, Neptune 03 degrees, Mercury 08 degrees, Chiron 10 degrees, Venus 15 degrees, the Sun 19 degrees and Mars 28 degrees. Well slap my ears with jam and roll me in the mud! Take a look at that big fish! Folks, this is quite a sight. Click the Daily Astrology Chart and check it out. Now picture this Stellium or 'crown of stars' blanketing and smothering the house of Pisces for all Capricorn's or the house of Pisces in your Natal Chart. I'll explain . . . there are two ways you need to look at this. The first way is as an entire sign of Capricorn's. Since astrologers don't know every single Capricorn on the planet's birth information (how could we?) then we have to put Capricorn on the 1st house cusp and follow the signs in order around the chart wheel. This is called your 'Solar Chart'. Solar means Sun. Your Sun Sign is Capricorn. Sun Sign, Zodiac Sign, Astrology Sign . . it's all the same thing. So when you look at the 2nd paragraph above, you will see that Pisces rules Capricorn's 3rd house in your 'Solar Chart'. The flow for your Solar Chart (your Sun Sign) is -- Capricorn would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Aquarius 2nd house, Pisces 3rd house, Aries 4th house, Taurus 5th house, Gemini 6th house, Cancer 7th house, Leo 8th house, Virgo 9th house, Libra 10th house, Scorpio 11th house and Sagittarius 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here! The second way you want to look at this Stellium in Pisces or 'crown of stars' in Pisces is in your personal natal chart. The personal chart is calculated with your personal birth information (date, time, location), which reveals the exact degree and placement of the planets tailored to your birth date. It's really just like buying an outfit off the rack at a department store vs. getting your clothes tailored to your body. In the fashion industry, tailored to your body measurements is called 'couture'. Dang, I may rename the Expansive Natal Charts (Couture Natal Chart) because that's exactly what it is. When you look at your personal natal chart and see the house that Pisces rules, then that is where this Stellium in Pisces aka 'crown of stars' in Pisces will be affecting you personally rather than as an entire sign of Capricorn. So back to your 2nd paragraph above, not only is the Moon affecting your 3rd house of the keywords above, so is Neptune, Mercury, Chiron, Venus, the Sun and Mars because they are all in Pisces as well. Now remember folks, I have written about Mercury, Chiron, Venus, the Sun and Mars in your Monthly Horoscope and I wrote about your Neptune in Pisces in your Generational Horoscope. Your 3rd house hasn't received this much attention in several years. Now is the time for you to receive what is rightfully due to you, especially if you have been working hard to make things Good, right and ready in this 3rd house. Wait . . . remember to look at the house that Pisces rules in natal chart. Now listen-up Capricorn because this 3rd house rules mental abilities and all forms of communication, which is vitally important since we live in a digital and fast paced communication age. Communication these days is right now, meaning it is instantaneous. Capricorn is not one of the fast moving signs of the zodiac, in fact, Capricorn is one of the slower paced signs of the zodiac. This is why it usually takes Capricorn so much longer to achieve success because they are so prudent and cautious and careful. Arrrrggghhhhhhh! Oh please, JUST GO! Capricorn often forgets that the Billy goat can hop and it can hop by leaps and bounds without having to step on every damn rock on the mountain. Oh for Pete's sake Capricorn, LEAP! This 3rd house is going to seal the deal on this 'hopping understanding' once and for all. It's high time you use this digital fast-paced age to your advantage. Capricorn's were probably the last sign on the planet to finally get rid of their answering machine and home phone and go straight to cell phone technology. Since your pace is slower than most signs, since you feel the need to step on every rung of the ladder rather than hop and skip a few rungs or steps, it is crucial that you adopt all forms of fast technology to work for you, so that you do not have to work harder. This is the house of sales, advertising and communciation. You should have a website by now, or a blog or something that facilitates your purpose or cause. Capricorn can be so traditional that you are the last to get on board the fast-paced technology train. Let me tell you this, the train will leave without you. You must get on board with technology. These Pisces planets want to propel you, like a fish flying out of the water and through the air. You have the ability to leap. If you are doing something that is unfinished or that has to do with technology (writing, publising, networking) this is the time to go full throttle. This 3rd house also rules transportation so you will likely be hitting the road soon as well. Water may be involved because this Pisces energy rules the Ocean. Are you planning a trip to the Ocean? There may be a lecture, workshop or speaking engagement where you are the one doing the speaking. Back to the Stellium -- when we are in the midst of a Stellium, strong will power, self-awareness, and a direct stimulation to action will be shown in these affairs. Okay, let's re-read that sentence because it is IMPORTANT. Strong will power, self-awareness and a direct stimulation to action will be shown in these affairs. If you need to re-read that and make that statement a positive affirmation during this time, then make it a positive affirmation because even though this New Moon will move on and change signs at 7:18 AM EDT on Tuesday morning, March 12, 2013 you will still be 'under the influence' of this Stellium in Pisces until the end of March 2013. I want you to also force yourself to be keenly aware of the words 'under the influence'. Folks, this is extremely important. Pisces is an extremely impressionable sign, it can easily go this way and it can go that way. This is why it is so important for Pisces to keep their equilibrium straight otherwise they will hook or slice right or left. Being 'under the influence' of anything artificial (drugs or alcohol) can mess up their direction. So when I write anything below pertaining to 'under the influence' keep this easily impressionable ability in the front of your mind because the Pisces area in your natal chart and the 3rd house for all Capricorn's is 'under the influence' either spiritually or artificially RIGHT NOW depending on how YOU are playing this hand. This Pisces Moon is incredibly spiritual. Many Pisces will say, "I'm spiritual but not religious" and I get that. The Pisces in our chart is what takes us out into the ethers contemplating the vastness of God, Creator, Spirit, Mother Nature, Father Time, the Voice of Authority, Father, Mother, etc. The depth of spirituality goes on and on. Pisces is deep, like the Ocean that it rules. Pisces rules the 12th house of those places where we are alone and in secret, where it is just us and God together. This is why Pisces rules jails, prisons, hospitals, monastaries, abbeys, institutions, suffering and workhouses. Folks, this is a time to truly be 'under the influence' of Spirit (God) and 'not under the influence of spirits (alcohol)' because Pisces is so sensitive that it will take you off your game and mess you up. A Pisces Moon is NEVER EVER the time to be under the influence of anything except Spirit with a capital "S" and ESPECIALLY during a New Moon in Pisces, which is in the midst of occurring right this very minute and will manifest itself tomorrow, Monday, March 11, 2013 at 3:52 PM EDT. A person like myself with a South Node in Pisces has to always be aware of the influence that all chemicals have on their body. As I have shared with you before, I can't tell you how many times when in college in my chemistry classes that I ended up rushed under the shower. By the way, every chemistry classroom has a shower or at least it is supposed to. Even the fumes under the 'hood' in chemistry class took me into the ethers (not the spiritual ethers). Excessive alcohol, drugs and even junk food does not work for a Pisces, Pisces Rising, a South Node Pisces or those with several planets (a Stellium) in Pisces. Even in my line of work, I'm a holistic doctor with a natural approach to healthcare rather than a drug pill-popping induced stupor. This Pisces energy is SENSITIVE!!! And it is precisely this sensitivity with my South Node in Pisces that makes me a "clair-sentient" (intuition using feelings) and "clair-audient" (intuition using hearing/sonar). This Stellium is also what is making YOU so sensitive right now. So folks, remember, even as this New Moon passes, which is a time of 'new beginnings' we will still be 'under the influence' of this Stellim in Pisces until the end of March 2013. Pisces is a very spiritual and imaginative sign coupled with intuition and dreams. This is the energy that needs to be tapped. When we are without Spirit (capital "S") then our spirit (lower case "s") is void of a connection. It's like we are out of gas, electricity, food or even Love. Whatever the connection is that makes us 'go' is lost without Spirit connecting to our spirit. This Pisces Stellium needs to be used to get your spirit connected with Spirit so you can once again co-Create. Get groovey spiritual on this folks. God is the Creator (capital "C") and we are creative (lower case "c"). We must co-Create. If you get all ego-centered and go it alone without Spirit, then you are in for one long ride. YAWN! Make certain you include spirituality in the mix of your Life. This is an opportunity to show Spirit what and who you really cling to in this Life. No pouting and puffing out your lips like a fish ....get up and make things happen for yourself and invite Spirit to fill up your spirit. Back to your 3rd house (keywords in the 2nd paragraph) use the spiritual information here and the opportunity this spiritual Stellium gives you to understand your chart better. Folks, I don't just sit around and make this stuff up. I didn't create this map, God did. I was just given the gift to interpret it and teach it to you. If humans can create a paper map or a GPS system to get you to where you want to be, then why in the world is it so hard to believe that God created this map in the sky for you to get to where you want to go and where He wants you to be. Your personal Natal Chart is a map to be used to guide you along that path. Now Go! Go study, be alone and contemplate this 3rd house of communication, travel, transportation and your own mental abilities including mental telepathy and the house in your personal Natal Chart that is ruled by Pisces. This is such a spiritually awesome time to right yourself (your equilibrium) so you can swim full speed ahead using your tail to propel yourself faster than anyone else.
![]() DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind. |