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Daily Horoscopes are written according to where the Moon is located.
For that reason you will see the Moon information 1st paragraph (below), the 2nd paragraph is the house that affects your Sign, and the 3rd paragraph is the horoscope itself based on the information of the 1st and 2nd paragraph.
THE MOON IS IN PISCES TODAY! Keywords: impressionable, easily influenced, indecisive, drama, theatrical, storyteller, intuitive, empathetic, compassionate, sensitive, fearful, escape artist, impractical and gullible The Moon in Pisces is moving through your 2nd house of value systems, physical possessions and money, personal self esteem and talents. This house also rules your personal earnings, bankers, budgets, money that "you" make, material resources, value system, monetary gains and losses, security. Basically this house is about your self-worth. I always think it's more important to point out the Pisces Void of Course Moon than it is to point out any other Void of Course Moon. This is because Pisces rules 'navigation' and it is 'directional'. This lunar influence is symbolized by the two fish chasing each others tail and swimming in circles. The day begins with the Moon in Pisces Void of Course at 5:36 AM EST at 27 degrees. Keep in mind that when the Moon is Void of Course it is making its way from one sign, into the next sign thereby making a move (like any move would be) chaotic and a bit off on timing. If think today is going to go 'as scheduled' well then guess again. Since the Moon begins in Pisces, then just go with the flow and do your best not to flip your tail and dart off in another direction. The movement is still forward so there is no reason to flip out. As a gentle reminder, this movement of energy from one sign to another is very much like moving from one house (place of residence) to another. There is a lot of packing, moving about and just general chaos keeping track of all of your stuff in trucks as it's being shuffled from one house to another. The phone is ringing, people are asking questions and someone wants you to sign on the dotted line. Well the energy of a planet preparing to move feels the same chaotic way. Energy is shifting and it feels off balance and cranky to say the least. This is 'not' the time to sign something new or make a new plan while you are right smack dab in the middle of change. Wait this out folks, just be patient like a fish lying in wait at the bottom of the lake. Just be cool and wait because at 12:07 PM EST the Moon will move into Aries at 00 degrees but it will not settle down and unpack itself in Aries at 03 degrees until 4:41 PM EST this afternoon. So just be like a fish and go with the flow. If you have read the Void of Course Moon Calendar page then you know between 27 degrees of one sign on up to 03 degrees into the next sign, that is the period of confusion where the change-in energy occurs. So let's give it its due diligence and be diligent and patient while the changing of the guard takes place. This afternoon you may feel a jolt of energy as the Moon enters Aries at 12:07 PM EST and then settles itself into its new energy at 4:41 PM EST. The Aries Moon is fast, it is competitive, it is aggressive, it can certainly be abrasive and it is on a mission and wants everything out of its way because it's comin' through. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, it has a me first mentality that says, "Me, me, me! Enough about me, what do you think of me?" Aries begins a new cycle, which is the next best thing to a New Moon. And we are still under the influence of the New Moon that occurred last Friday, January 11th, 2013 which will last up until Friday, January 25, 2013. Read more about that in your Weekly Horoscopes. So essentially, while we are still under the influence of the New Moon, this is like putting the pedal to the metal and shifting gears to go faster. Giddy-up folks. Giddy-up and GOOOOOOOOO! Handle this Pisces Void Moon today like a graceful happy dolphin and not a school of fish flipping flopping all over each other trying to get that one tiny morsel someone tossed out. Be cool and handle yourself with care. Your Aquarius Weekly Horoscope for January 14 - 20, 2013 is updated. Check the Daily Message even before you read the Daily Horoscopes or progress to any other page because I will update that page first, which may contain a website announcement, a story based on my morning Musical DLG ™ (Download from God ™ ) or any other additional information regarding this site or one of my other websites.
DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind. |