- Approximately 105 - 110 pages including 4 color Natal Chart Wheels,
1 Natal Chart grid and 8 teaching graphics
- Includes information 'Who Is An Old Soul' based on the Sun Sign and Rising Sign
- Includes information 'How Old Is Your Soul' based on your Sun Sign and Rising Sign
- Includes information on aspects - trines, sextiles, squares, oppositions, conjunctions
- Includes information on planetary house placements
- Includes information on all 12 Houses
- Includes extensive Rising Sign information
- Includes extensive North and South Node information
- Includes information on the decans or decanate's of each of the 12 houses
- Includes information on Interceptions and if you have Interceptions in your chart,
they will be specifically pointed out
- Includes information on the 29th degree aka Karmic Degree aka Anaertic Degree
- Includes information on what retrograde planets mean in your chart
- Includes information on how to increase your intuition
- Includes information if you have a Yod, Grand Trine, Grand Cross, T-Square, Kite or Stellium.
- If you have an abundance of T-Square's or an aspect that I feel needs a more in depth description, don't be surprised if I ask you to call me so I can explain it further to you. I do that quite frequently.
- Completely compatible with this website
- Delivered through e-mail within 72 hours
- I personally write each Natal Chart
- Any further interpretation or detailed discussion with me past what is offered in the natal chart will need to be done through a chart reading