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Copyright 1999-2025: Dr. Loretta J. Standley - All Rights Reserved.

Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

Astro Chart, personal readings with DrStandley, health consults with DrStandley, eBooks and more

Camping, Survival and Prepping

Activities of Daily Living

Spiritual Progression Path™


Astrology Charts, Solar Return, Daily Horoscopes, Phone readings, report writing, rising signs and more

Brain Dump on many astrology topics

Garbage Astrology - because I like my Astrology trashy.

Body Systems

Downloads from God and Dr. Standley's Musical DLGs™

Food, Dieting and Recipes

Astrology Quizzes, Health Quizzes, Games, Hangman and more



Native American Practices, Cherokee Language

Native American Animal Medicine

moving meditations

Reading Room

Signs and Symptoms


All About Food Supplements

Yoga and Moving Meditations

Astro Chart, personal readings with DrStandley, health consults with DrStandley, eBooks and more

And Who Are You? - Special Companion Guide

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Astro Chart, personal readings with DrStandley, health consults with DrStandley, eBooks and more

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Dr. Loretta Standley is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

Dr. Loretta Standley is an 'Experienced' Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance

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And Who Are You - Special Companion Guide on DrStandley.com
Unlimited Virtual Yoga Classes

Astrology Aspects eBook - by Dr. Loretta Standley

eBooks and more

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Expansive Natal Chart

Expansive Natal Chart on DrStandley.com

  • Approximately 105 - 110 pages including 4 color Natal Chart Wheels,
    1 Natal Chart grid and 8 teaching graphics

  • Includes information 'Who Is An Old Soul' based on the Sun Sign and Rising Sign

  • Includes information 'How Old Is Your Soul' based on your Sun Sign and Rising Sign

  • Includes information on aspects - trines, sextiles, squares, oppositions, conjunctions

  • Includes information on planetary house placements

  • Includes information on all 12 Houses

  • Includes extensive Rising Sign information

  • Includes extensive North and South Node information

  • Includes information on the decans or decanate's of each of the 12 houses

  • Includes information on Interceptions and if you have Interceptions in your chart,
    they will be specifically pointed out

  • Includes information on the 29th degree aka Karmic Degree aka Anaertic Degree

  • Includes information on what retrograde planets mean in your chart

  • Includes information on how to increase your intuition

  • Includes information if you have a Yod, Grand Trine, Grand Cross, T-Square, Kite or Stellium.

  • If you have an abundance of T-Square's or an aspect that I feel needs a more in depth description, don't be surprised if I ask you to call me so I can explain it further to you. I do that quite frequently.

  • Completely compatible with this website

  • Delivered through e-mail within 72 hours

  • I personally write each Natal Chart

  • Any further interpretation or detailed discussion with me past what is offered in the natal chart will need to be done through a chart reading

  • Birth information
    Enter First and Last Name
    Enter Birth Date
    Enter Birth Time
    Enter Birth City and State
    Enter Birth County (if you know it)
    Enter Birth Country
    Enter e-Mail Address
    If ordering a Solar Return -- What city, state, country will you live on your birthday?
    If ordering a Reading -- Enter 3 Dates/Times when you are available
    What time zone are you in?
    If ordering a Reading -- Enter phone number for me to call (in your time zone)
    Once I receive the order, I will e-mail you and confirm your birth information as accurate and you will receive the Solar Return Report within seven (7) days of your confirmation email.

    Fees on this page are non-refundable merely due to the fact that they cannot be returned or exchanged.


    **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.