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JUPITER OPPORTUNITY - Jupiter moves through the sign of Taurus on May 16, 2023 until May 25, 2024. In 2023 Jupiter in Taurus retrograded for nearly four (4) months from September 4, 2023 until December 30, 2023. BIG ol' F-A-T Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 25, 2024, which also includes a Retrograde (Rx) period because Jupiter ALWAYS retrogrades once a year for about 3-to-5 months. Whatever Jupiter touches E-X-P-A-N-D-S, just like a balloon that gets bigger and BIGGER. The balloon (Jupiter) can also expand so much that it POPS and blows whatever it touches to smithereens. So yes, Jupiter giveth and Jupiter taketh away all based on two (2) words. The words are 'self-worth'. This is very very very important and I have written to you about this very thing many times over in the Daily Horoscopes when Taurus or Venus energy comes into the picture. Every single time I mention 'Venus' or 'Taurus' I will always tell you that 'Venus' rules 'Taurus', which rules the 2nd house of - morals, values, value systems and self-worth. In other words, what one sees and believes their 'worth' to be. In the natural world (physical world) this translates into earned income, money that you create through your own efforts, your salary, how you handle your personal finances, the type of personal possessions you hold, buy or accumulate, which translates into net-worth. Self-worth translates into net-worth. This is KEY! This makes all the difference between a person who walks into the Circle K and buys a bag of potato chips and a soda, and a person who walks in and buys a protein bar and a water. Self-worth! This makes all the difference between a person who is not quite qualified for the job, but has the confidence and ability to learn or be taught and gets the job, and the person who applies for the job who is qualified, has low confidence and apprehension, and does not get the job. Self-worth! This makes all the difference between a person who attracts a unhealthy relationship and one who attracts a healthy Loving relationship. Self-worth! This makes all the difference between a person who attracts wealth, opportunity, chance, possibility and options. Self-worth! You see folks, a person with low self-worth does not think they have options. Think about the times when you felt like you had no choice, no options, no way out, no path and no break-throughs. So you continued to sit in that energy until you coughed-up enough piss and vinegar to change your circumstances. Maybe you had to experience a 'low note' in order to reach a 'high note'. It happens! Here is the thing about humans . . we don't know what we have until it's gone. We also don't know what we want until we have less, or nothing for that matter, and then suddenly we are crying out for what we want. Self-worth is a hard lesson to learn for anyone whether it is - relationships, Love, money, family, career, etc. It's hard. So here we are coming into Jupiter in Taurus, which E-X-P-A-N-D-S the sign of Taurus and the 2nd house of earned income, money that you create through your own efforts, your salary, how you handle your personal finances, the type of personal possessions you hold, buy or accumulate, which translates into net-worth. Self-worth translates into Net-worth! Remember that. Think of relationships where one individual is spending the household money as fast as it comes in, and the other individual is working overtime to replace what is being spent. Those relationships will be blown to smithereens. Folks, it's okay to 'not spend' money, and to accumulate it, and let it grow, so that when you actually need money, you have it. When someone spends money as f-a-s-t as it comes in, that is a tell-tale sign of low self-worth because the actions of lack mentality are present, putting the individual in a state of lack, want and need. The unconscious mind spends before there is no money to spend. Hurry before it's gone. That is lack, lack, LACK mentality, which means the individual will always be chasing a buck. It's okay to 'not spend'. Further, carrying around a bunch of credit cards does not actually represent credit, as much as it reveals a stack of bills. Think twice before you show off what you think is impressive. Remember, the balloon (Jupiter) e-x-p-a-n-d-s on itself and whatever it touches. If there is dishonesty in relationships with money, then "Houston, we have a problem". Personally, I think LIARS who tell their partner/spouse/mate, "What? This old thing!" when they just spent money they shouldn't are going to have a day of reckoning, because they are wrecking their relationship with dishonesty (lying). LOW SELF-WORTH! Jupiter in Taurus is a perfect time to correct your self-worth and stop the self-sabotage. Not every individual will make it through Jupiter in Taurus with their bank accounts and personal possessions intact. Some will have to learn the hard way. Some relationships will be blown to smithereens as the relationship POPS from a lack of self-worth, which translates into net-worth. Here is another little tidbit for you. Taurus and the 2nd house rules how one feels and thinks about sex. Let me just make it simple for you. Taurus and the 2nd house rules what you think about sex when you are with yourself masturbating and it rules what you think about sex when you are with someone else. IT'S SELF-WORTH! So the entire sexual storyline you have in your head is about YOU, not the other person. You see, the 8th house, in the 3rd Quadrant, which is ruled by Scorpio, rules intercourse and sex with someone else. Scorpio is the opposite sign of Taurus. The 2nd house, which is the 1st Quadrant of 'the self' and ruled by Taurus rules sex with oneself. Masturbation! So you run your eyeballs over the Astro Memes below, remember - Jupiter in Taurus will either expand this energy so much that it is abundance, or it will expand the energy so much that the energy pops and blows to smithereens.
DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind. |