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Mars in a Sign |
Mercury in a Sign |
Moon in a Sign |
Sun in a Sign |
Venus in a Sign |
Age of Aquarius |
Jupiter in Gemini |
Neptune in Pisces |
Neptune in Pisces Retrograde |
Pluto in Capricorn |
Pluto Rising in Capricorn Part II |
Pluto in Aquarius |
Saturn in Pisces |
Uranus in Taurus |
The House of Windsor Royal Family Charts |
Scorpio Moon Shopping & Surgery |
How are horoscopes written? |
How can I be a Christian & practice Astrology? |
What is a Natal Chart? |
![]() ![]() There are only two planets on this page. Jupiter and Saturn are slower moving planets than the planets that change monthly and affect you over the period of a 1 to 2 or 2-1/2 years, which is why these two planets are written in your Yearly Horoscope. The even slower moving planets - Pluto, Neptune and Uranus change sometime during a 7 - 14 year period, which you will find in your generational horoscope because they impact an entire generation of people. The faster moving planets that change around the period of a month or so are Venus, Mercury, Mars and the Sun and are listed under the monthly horoscopes. The super fast moving Moon moves through a sign in 2 to 2-1/1 days, which dictate your daily horoscopes. ![]() JUPITER OPPORTUNITY - Jupiter is in Pisces from from May 13, 2021 until July 28, 2021, then from December 28, 2021 until May 10, 2022, and then from October 28, 2021 until December 20, 2022 on DrStandley.com. This is because Jupiter will move into Aries and then Retrograde from July 27, 2022 until November 22, 2022. That is a Good solid 7-1/2 months total of abundance, generosity and expansion in the house ruled by Pisces in your chart. If you have been using the Jupiter in Pisces Transiting Degree Calendar (click on the Astro Meme or link) then you will see the Retrograde coming and the transit into Aries and then back to Pisces. You will also see last year's Jupiter in Aquarius with a Retrograde into Pisces. Jupiter is all about ABUNDANCE and EXPANSION! Whatever Jupiter touches, E-X-P-A-N-D-S! Keep in mind, whatever the 'energy' is surrouding the subject matter, then that energy is expanded. So if the energy is bad, the bad energy expands. Jupiter is very much like a balloon getting bigger and bigger. If the energy is Good, then the Good energy expands. If the energy is not Good, then it gets blown to smithereens just like a balloon popping. Remember, Jupiter is the fat, expansive, lucky, extra blessings, fortunate, adventurous, exciting, higher thought, gypsy traveling, cup over flowing planet! Jupiter in Pisces is moving through your 8th house of sex, legacies, inheritances, wills, loans, windfalls, lottery, other people's money and insurance; therefore, there is a HUGE possibility that you will benefit in these areas. Jupiter is often referred to as the planet of luck, but I prefer to call it the planet of extra blessings. Jupiter is known for bringing mounds of blessings, so do not be surprised when money comes to you through your spouse or partner in business. After all, the 8th house is the house of your partner's money. The 2nd house is 'your' money and the 8th house is the spouse's money or partner. The 8th house is directly across from how you make money (the 2nd house). Make sense? This is a great time for you to break some old patterns and habits. They didn't work for you before and they won't work for you now. And another thing, don't be surprised if money also comes to you through insurance, a promotional raise or other form of 'other people's money.' Everything is truly looking up with this Jupiter placement. Keep in mind that this placement is not about debt, it is about abundance. Having said that, this means that if you take out a loan, that is debt. If you borrow money, that is debt. If you do anything that causes you to owe, then that is debt. If you borrow money during this time, then this means that someone else or a financial institution has a 'hold' over you. You should be benefiting through OPM (other people's money) where it will cost you nothing! That is how you will know the difference. For example - you may go out to lunch and end up being treated or someone just buys something for you that is BIG and lavish. Notice how often you will not have to pay during this Jupiter influence. You are definitely learning to receive with no strings attached right now. If there are any benefits coming to you through insurance, taxes, joint income, investments already made, inheritance or any type of collection of debt owed to you, there is a higher than likelihood that you will receive it during this time. If anything has to go to court, it would be best to settle out of court rather than going to court. This is also the house of sex. When it comes to sex, it should take on a deeper and more meaningful definition that it has in the past. The 8th house is also about spirituality and mysticism. You may find yourself more intrigued by these subjects and get to know astrology even more. Your mind turns more investigative now because this is the natural house of Scorpio. Now make Jupiter in Pisces really personal and check your Natal Chart to see how it is affecting you personally rather than as an entire sign or schedule a personal 15, 30, 60 or 90 minute reading with me to learn how to work this energy to your maximum advantage. ![]() SATURN OPPORTUNITY - Saturn in Aquarius from March 21, 2020 - July 1, 2021 and then from December 17, 2020 until March 7, 2023. Check out the Saturn in Aquarius Transiting Degree Calendar. Use it to track the degrees. Click on the Astro Meme to the left. If you have been using the Saturn in Aquarius Transiting Degree Calendar then you will see Saturn at 13 degrees on May 24, 2021 where it turns Retrograde and then re-emerges at 06 degrees on October 11, 2021. Notice that it will only be a few months before Saturn in Aquarius retrogrades again. Keep in mind that Aquarius is the socializer, the ruler of social media and the sign of friendships, groups, memberships and organizations. Saturn has had 'the squeeze' on Aquarius since March 21, 2020 which is the exact day that my yoga studio had to close for the first COVID shutdown. Saturn took off his belt and has put the squeeze on Aquarius. This is why it is clear to me that the squeeze will be on Aquarius and we will experience 'the pandemic' until March 7, 2023. So yeah, it is my belief and interpretation that this is going to go on for a while and there will likely be a couple of more shutdowns because that is what Saturn in Aquarius does, it puts 'the squeeze' on everything Aquarius. In other words, social distancing will still be here for quite some time. As Saturn moves through your 7th house, it can be downright unpleasant in your relationships or the most exciting and astounding two years you’ve ever had with regard to relationships. You get to choose! Saturn is all about RESPONSIBILITY, FATHER, PATIENCE, TEACHER, KARMA and STRUCTURE; and is moving through your 7th house of relationships, partnerships, business partners, unions, contracts, lawsuits, marriages, agreements, and open enemies with the public; therefore, this is a time for you to redefine yourself as a partner in your relationships include those that are personal and professional. Your level of commitment and loyalty will be tested. At the end of this Saturn transition, you will easily be able to identify who is your friend and who is an acquaintenance. Keep in mind, this isn't about how they are acting and reacting to you, this is about how you are acting and reacting to them. This transition is about YOU, not them. Saturn certainly enjoys testing limits and your relationship will be tested during this transit. Use this as a time to get closer in your personal relationships rather than further away. It is an opportunity to get closer! Your strong relationships will get stronger and the weaker relationships will probably fall to the way side. That's okay because some relationships come into your Life for a season, some for years and others forever. Once you get through this transit in your relationships, you will see how it made you a stronger person and a better friend, partner, etc. Blame and guilt will not fix anything. Refrain from making demands on your partner. How would you feel if demands were made on you? You will probably find that what you needed then is not what you need now. Change is certainly here in your relationships. Love takes on a whole new meaning. Even what you needed in your relationships last year has completely changed now. Some of your relationships may find it difficult to accept the new you . . oh well! This new you is now noticeable, influential and distinguished. If you are single, there is a strong possibility that you will have a new romantic relationship with someone who you are willing to commit. Saturn is a serious influence here, which will cause you to be seriously committed. This will be a very special relationship where you may find yourself saying, "I've met my soulmate." If you are already coupled-up, you may find yourself faced with challenges within the romantic relationships. This Saturn transit will test you to see if you are truly committed or not. Moving through this Saturn transit will show you whether your relationship can handle any curve ball thrown. IMPORTANT **This horoscope is no substitute for a prescription or medical advice. This horoscope is for entertainment purposes only. DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind. |