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Pluto Rising in Capricorn Part II |
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Uranus in Taurus |
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Daily Horoscopes are written according to where the Moon is located.
For that reason you will see the Moon information 1st paragraph (below), the 2nd paragraph is the house that affects your Sign, and the 3rd paragraph is the horoscope itself based on the information of the 1st and 2nd paragraph.
THE MOON IS IN TAURUS TODAY! Keywords: money, practical, stability, music, possessions, self-worth, morals, values, romance, slow to decide The Moon in Taurus is trine (easy and effortless energy) your 9th house of the higher-thinking mind, religion, college, higher education, legalities, brothers and sisters-in-law, philosophy, prophecy, philanthropy, all things "foreign", intuition, long distance journeys abroad, churches, airlines, vacations, international commerce, dreams, visions and teachers. It is interesting that we get nearly 3 full days of a Taurus Moon to remind us of our self-worth as we enter 2015. Since this Moon is in a fixed sign (Taurus) you may not be in the mood to change your mind or even listen to reason. That's fine if you really want to stand in the same place next year. That's a scary thought! It would be like passing a pasture full of cows on the way to the store. When you come back they are still standing in the same place. This has been a long Taurus Moon so you may encounter a dejavu' type of situation. Dejavu' is the feeling that something has happened before (in the past), exactly as you experiencing it in the present moment. When you get this feeling, then look at this as if you are being given another chance. Maybe that's why the Taurus Moon is so dang long. This is quite an extra-ordinary day for the Taurus Moon and I emphasize the two words 'extra' and 'ordinary' because Uranus, the planet of sudden change and out of the ordinary is in the sign of rambunctious and aggressive Aries, which is still squaring Pluto in Capricorn, which represents change and transformation with the masses. It's like change and transformation with a herd (mass) of cows in the pasture. Do you see how this affects us as a group of people? Then Pluto in Capricorn (change with the herd) is in trine (easy and effortless) relationship to the Moon in Taurus. In other words, talk about fighting change but won't admit that all you really want is harmony! It's just being difficult. Why does it take this Taurus energy to be poked or prodded in order to mooooove and change? We don't really see cows or bulls mooooving in the pasture unless they are startled or pissed off. Raise your hand if you really need to be poked with a stick in order to change. Basically Taurus energy needs to be spooked! So when one runs, THEY ALL RUN! Now think about this folks because this is some really cool energy and we all have Taurus somewhere in our charts. What if you used your Taurus energy to be the first in the herd to stampede? Would you lead the herd off a cliff or to where there are greener pastures and fresh water? As we enter 2015, remember it's your choice how you want to channel the emotions of Taurus because they will either motivate you to change or not. You can choose to be too afraid to change or too afraid not to change. As I always say, "I use fear to drive me forward, not hold me back." Bottom line -- it's time for you to say, "I determine my worth. I say who, what, when, where, why and how much!" Let's create a massive Taurian stampede of energy where the morals and values of each one of us is cranked up several levels. Remember yesterday's horoscope about self-worth, morals and values? Click back a date if you missed it because it is important. Can you imagine how the world would change if each of us did our own personal part and stepped up our morals and values game? Refrain from pointing at others. I'm talking to you!!! Step up your game. Share this horoscope so others will have the benefit of knowing how important it is to have high morals and values that determine your Love, money, interactions, communication, travel, career, health, etc. This is the basis in the first quadrant of the chart wheel that determines everything else to come in your Life. This is the foundation of YOU! While this Taurus Moon coming into the New Year is rather slow and plodding along, if you read this horoscope over and over again and drill the information into your hard head (Taurus - LOL) you can very successul this year with your newfound awareness of SELF-WORTH! The Taurus Moon may keep some of you stuck like a cow in the mud mooing for someone to come push your beefy butt forward or you can simply avoid sticking your foot in the mud from the very start. Get a moooooove on! For all Virgo's -- Virgo's are very down-to-earth people. While quite capable of letting their mind wander out into the ethers and spiritual world, they are also quite aware of their physical surroundings. When Virgo appreciates both worlds at the same time the crazy nuances of the day do not phrase them and the need to control a situation disappears. A Virgo who can appreciate the invisible world as much as the visible world is a joy to be around. The issue is when Virgo goes too far out into the ethers and forgets to incorporate the physical world or if they live too physical and forget the spiritual world. Your job when the Moon is in Taurus is to recharge your knowledge of animating your Life both physically and spiritually at the same time every day and not just when the Moon is in Taurus. ![]() For Virgo's the Moon in Taurus is shining its moonbeams on your 9th house as you can see from the flow of your Solar (Sun Sign) Chart below. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here! The flow for your Solar Chart looks like this. Your Sun Sign Virgo would be on the 1st house (I analyze therefore I am) and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Libra 2nd house (I balance therefore I am), Scorpio 3rd house (I desire therefore I am), Sagittarius 4th house (I perceive/see therefore I am), Capricorn 5th house (I use therefore I am), Aquarius 6th house (I know therefore I am), Pisces 7th house (I believe therefore I am), Aries 8th house (I am therefore I am), Taurus 9th house (I have therefore I am), Gemini 10th house (I think therefore I am), Cancer 11th house (I feel therefore I am) and Leo 12th house (I will therefore I am). Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!
![]() DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind. |