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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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Dr. Loretta Standley is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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I Have therefore I am
Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Horoscopes
Aries | Aquarius | Cancer | Capricorn | Gemini | Leo
Libra | Pisces | Sagittarius | Scorpio | Taurus | Virgo
North & South Node Calendar
Major Aspects and Astro-Memes | 2024 Void of Course Moon Calendar

Your 'Sun Sign' describes where the Sun was at the exact moment that you were born and describes how you will shine in Life.

KEYWORDS: Shine, strength, will, dominate, individuality, spirit, creative energy, children, power, masculine, paternal, authority, leadership, ambition, pride, self-expression, determine and confidence.

You were born during a particular calendar month, so the Sun was moving through a particular sign (constellation). This same constellation shows up at the same point in time every year, therefore it is your Sun Sign a.k.a. Zodiac Sign.

  • Sun in Cancer
  • Sun in Leo
  • Sun in Virgo
  • Sun in Libra
  • Sun in Scorpio
  • Sun in Sagittarius
  • Sun in Capricorn
  • Sun in Aquarius
  • Sun in Pisces
  • Sun in Taurus on DrStandley.com

    The Sun is in Taurus from Friday - April 19, 2024 at 10:00 AM EDT until Monday - May 20, 2024 at 8:59 AM EDT.

    Everyone has Taurus in their natal chart . . EVERYONE! Even if your Sun Sign is not Taurus, you still have Taurus somewhere in your natal chart. Depending on where Taurus lands in your chart, this would be the type of energy that would be in that house.

    Notice that the glyph for Taurus represents the horns of the bull for their placid, stable and firm standing nature. Actually when the energy of Aries left, it settled into the gentle melodious cow. Taurus often receives a bad rap of being stubborn. Actually they are not stubborn at all. They are merely firm in their stance until they find just cause to get up and moooooove. Taurus has an attraction for music and usually has a melodious voice because they are represented by the melodious cow.

    Taurus is trustworthy and steadfast, they persevere, have tremendous endurance and are incredibly persistent. They are composed, self-reliant, constructive, practical, humorous, kind, sympathy, fearless, caring, magnetic and highly wealth conscious because they rule the 2nd house of money and values. They are stable, enduring, have strong values, unyielding, earthy and acquisitive with strong desires. They may also be overly possessive and self-indulgent, and sometimes stuck in their place.

    The Sun in Taurus Transiting Degree Calendar on DrStandley.com

    This Taurus energy has the motto of, "I have therefore I am." Taurus mainly deals your self-worth and how you sustain yourself based on your self-respect, self-esteen, morals and values. This translates into how you feel about sex and also material resources, which means you personal money and your personal possessions. Keep in mind that it has to do with how you feel about sex and your principles on which you stand.

    The 2nd house in your natal chart tells A LOT about you and sex, and what you will or won't participate in. The opposite 8th house tells what you actually do sexually with someone else, but the 2nd house tells how you actually feel about it. Since Taurus naturally rules the 2nd house, so it is the 2nd house in your chart that tells what you will and will not do for money, physical possessions or sex. Wow wee, that's a HUGE awareness so read that last line again and remember it!

    Taurus energy holds strong and firm with a slow steady effort. Taurus is a fixed sign, which makes it difficult to sway. Taurus usually gets a bad rap for being stubborn but it's more like they will not compromise where they stand. They want what they want and they won't settle for what they don't want. Simple as that! Naturally, there will be some Taurus' that have to learn this the hard way but they don't call Taurus "hard-headed" for nothing.

    At the same time, if you stick to such a fixed nature and don't budge, then you don't experience anything else, you don't move and you will end up standing in the same pasture next year, mooing at the cars as they pass by. Even worse, if you don't change, then you could be standing in the same place next year like a snotty faced steam blowing bull as if it is everyone else's fault that your life is the same.

    Dr. Standley's Expansive Natal Chart

    There is no doubt about it, Taurus is a money sign and concerned with how to get money and how to hold on to it. Wherever Taurus shows up in your personal natal chart is where you will associate with those who have money or migrate to those things that can help you get the money you want and need. Taurus energy has to be very clear on how they acquire wealth so as not to compromise themselves or take short cuts that do not give long standing results. As we all know, a cow/bull can stand in the same place for a longgggg time, so they need results with longevity and value. Taurus need physical security, which happens to show up as money and possessions.

    You may be asking yourself, "Well, what does this Taurus energy mean for me?" Well folks, you 'HAVE TO' look at your personal natal chart to see where Taurus shows up for you. It is in that area of your chart where you are concerned about money, values, morals, etc. If this energy shows up in your 11th house of friends, then you will likely have friends in high places and friends with money. You will associated with these types of people.

    If this energy shows up in your 7th house of committments, then this is how your committed partner 'should' arrive, with money, bearing gifts and with high morals and values. Keep in mind I said, "should" arrive.

    Taurus is sloowwwww moving energy. You don't see too many cows running the pasture but it is nice, graceful, meandering energy that knows exactly what it wants and it will get it.

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    All about Aries on DrStandley.com All about Taurus on DrStandley.com All about Gemini on DrStandley.com All about Cancer on DrStandley.com All about Leo on DrStandley.com All about Virgo on DrStandley.com
    All about Libra on DrStandley.com All about Scorpio on DrStandley.com All about Sagittarius on DrStandley.com All about Capricorn on DrStandley.com All about Aquarius on DrStandley.com All about Pisces on DrStandley.com

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    "Whatever you should be doing with your Life,
    you've been doing it your whole Life." - (Dr. Loretta Standley)

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    **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.

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