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THURSDAY - MAY 16, 2013

Daily Horoscopes are written according to where the Moon is located.
For that reason you will see the Moon information 1st paragraph (below),
the 2nd paragraph is the house that affects your Sign, and the 3rd paragraph is
the horoscope itself based on the information of the 1st and 2nd paragraph.

THE MOON IS IN LEO TODAY! Keywords: Leadership, bossy, children, generosity, dramatic, ego, royalty, physical strength, playful, demanding, strong will, fun, sunny disposition, the stage

The Leo Moon is trine (easy and effortless energy) your 9th house of the higher-thinking mind, religion, college, higher education, legalities, brothers and sisters-in-law, philosophy, prophecy, philanthropy, all things "foreign", intuition, long distance journeys abroad, churches, airlines, vacations, international commerce, dreams, visions and teachers.

The Leo energy today is probably one of THE MOST misunderstood and mischanneled energies of all the Sun Signs. It is extremely important that you remember the house that each Sun Sign naturally rules and for Leo it is the 5th house of children. Now granted for Sagittarian's you can see from your Solar (Sun) houses (first two and last two paragraphs) that Leo rules your 9th house. That's because when horoscopes are written, your Sun Sign has to be placed on the 1st house and then the Sun Signs follow in order. That's why Leo rules Sagittarius' 9th house in the Solar Chart. Your personal Natal Chart may have Leo in a different house because your natal chart is tailored to your birth information. So yep, we are talking about 3 different areas you need to take into account. For all Sagittarian's on the planet (for the sake of writing horoscopes for an entire population of people under the same sign) Leo rules your 9th house. There is a lot of power in this placement because Sagittarius naturally rules the 9th house which gives you a double-dose of this energy. For your personal chart, check to see which house has Leo on the house cusp. And then take into account that Leo NATURALLY rules the 5th house of children, child-like behavior, the playground, joy, bliss, fun, creativity, procreation, playfulness, pleasurable activities, hobbies, romance, intimacy, dating and the energy that is the precursor to committment in relationships. You will date and romance someone first and then you will commit to a relationship. The romance and dating comes first.

Leo is the sign of the leader and often times this energy gets channeled into bossy, demanding and domineering energy. So you can see, when mischanneled on the 'playground of Life' it can easily turn into the bully on the playground. Oh no no no, that is not how this energy is supposed to roll. When Leo energy demands that things be done its way, then it is controlling and intimidating. All Sun Signs have a ruling planet and Leo is ruled by the Sun, the giver of Life. This is exactly why Leo's NEVER want to entertain death. EVER! No one dodges the subject of death faster than a Leo since they are the giver of Life and have the ability to bring up our spirit from the depths of despair with their child-like ways. Since Leo is ruled by the Sun, this is what gives Leo their sunny disposition, silly approach and child-like ways. Leo always relates to children. Where in your personal Natal Chart does Leo show up? Since God created the chart wheel, then it is important to take in the fact that God put Leo's in charge of His playground. Leo has been put in charge of God's children. All too often Leo energy gets mischanneled and misinterpreted as being the boss or the one in charge and that could not be further from the Truth. Capricorn is the boss, the manager, the father and the authoritarian. Leo is the sign of the leader. Get it . . . follow the leader on God's playground. All Leo has to do . . is do . . and then other's will follow their lead. This is why you must be strongly aware of what you do because others will follow. Bossing others around will not work and will only set you up for a cat fight. Since Leo is ruled by the Sun, then this is what makes their ego entirely too big for words. The Sun is supposed to shine causing the rest of us to grow just like little flowers. Leo is supposed to shine with that smile, silly child-like outlook on Life and causing us to 'want to' follow the leader.

My sister and my daughter are Leo's. The other day I was having lunch with my sister and suddenly she stopped eating. She didn't even finish her food. She just stopped. Right when she stopped and pushed her food away, I immediately stopped and pushed my food away. Then I caught what happened and laughed outloud. I shared with her the power that Leo's have in getting others to follow their lead and it was just as subtle as that. She wasn't trying to get me to stop eating but she did simply by her actions. You see folks, wherever Leo is in personal Natal Chart or for your entire Sun Sign (see first and last two paragraphs) that is where others will follow your lead (influence). This is exactly why you should be fully aware of what you are doing at all times because we are all in some way 'copy cats' following the strong and courageous lion. Folks, the tiniest thing that you do wherever Leo energy shows up for you will be where you influence others to follow you, whether you realize it or not. Make certain you are leading others down the right path and not into a ditch. You must be conscious of this, especially if you have a strong Leo chart (like I do). I may be a Gemini but I have some kickin' Leo energy. Now let's see what up for you today.

You need to jump into your higher-thinking mind during this Leo Moon and figure out your next move. There are a lot of Sagittarian's out there in a fit of self-pity and this has to stop. You are THE MOST jovial and optimistic sign of the zodiac and many of you may have lost your optimistic mind. You can get it all back merely by choosing to think more optimistically. This Leo Moon feeds your intuition; therefore, you need to settle down for a few moments and take some reflective time to see what you need to do next. Sometimes Sagittarius is so full of talking non-stop that they aren't listening to what they are being told and this creates frustration in other people with you. The help you were looking for was right in front of you but your incessant talking squashed the message. This is exactly why Sagittarius suffers from foot-in-the-mouth-syndrome. Spend your time under this Leo Moon to reflect on your next move. Things will always turn out for a Sagittarius even if you do get yourself into a jam. Make certain that you refrain from clouding your brain and body with alcohol or recreational drugs because that will kill your extra blessings in a heart beat.

For Sagittarian's today's Leo Moon is shining its moonbeams on your 9th house as you can see from the flow of your Solar (Sun Sign) Chart below. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

The flow for your Solar Chart looks like this. Your Sun Sign Sagittarius would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Capricorn 2nd house, Aquarius 3rd house, Pisces 4th house, Aries 5th house, Taurus 6th house, Gemini 7th house, Cancer 8th house, Leo 9th house, Virgo 10th house, Libra 11th house and Scorpio 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!


Planets are in a sign for 29 degrees 59 minutes 59 seconds which completes a full 30 degrees after which the planet then moves into the next sign beginning at 00 degrees 00 minutes 01 seconds

S in the chart = Stationary
Rx in the chart = Retrograde
(Degrees and Minutes are calculated at 5:00 AM EDT)

Sun in Taurus 25° 39" - changes signs 05/20/13
Moon in Leo 05° 11" - changes signs 05/18/13
Mercury in Gemini 01° 06" - changes signs 05/31/13
Venus in Gemini 08° 17" - changes signs 06/02/13
Mars in Taurus 19° 07" - changes signs 05/31/13
Saturn "Rx" in Scorpio 06° 52" - changes signs 09/17/15
Saturn Retrograde (Rx) until 07/08/13
Jupiter in Gemini 20° 46" - changes signs 06/25/13
Pluto "Rx" in Capricorn 11° 18" - changes signs 01/20/24
Pluto Retrograde (Rx) until 09/20/13
Uranus in Aries 11° 02" - changes signs 3/06/19
Neptune in Pisces 05° 14" - changes signs 1/26/26
Chiron in Pisces 13° 23" - changes signs 4/17/18
Black Moon in Gemini 27° 19" - changes signs 06/09/13
North Node "Rx" in Scorpio 16° 47" - changes signs 2/18/14
South Node "Rx" in Taurus 16° 47" - changes signs 2/18/14
NOTE - The Nodes are ALWAYS opposite and ALWAYS retrograde

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