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Pluto Rising in Capricorn Part II |
Pluto in Aquarius |
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Daily Horoscopes are written according to where the Moon is located.
For that reason you will see the Moon information 1st paragraph (below), the 2nd paragraph is the house that affects your Sign, and the 3rd paragraph is the horoscope itself based on the information of the 1st and 2nd paragraph.
THE MOON IS IN SAGITTARIUS TODAY! Keywords: Higher-self, philosophy, jovial, foreign lands, foreign people, foreign cultures, the global community, religion, philanthropy, higher-education, gypsy traveler, lucky, abundance, expansive, the higher-thinking mind, dreams, visions, intuition, legalities and higher law The Moon in Sagittarius is trine (easy and effortless energy) your 9th house of the higher-thinking mind, religion, college, higher education, legalities, brothers and sisters-in-law, philosophy, prophecy, philanthropy, all things "foreign", intuition, long distance journeys abroad, churches, airlines, vacations, international commerce, dreams, visions and teachers. Folks, of all days, you NEED TO READ your Weekly Horoscope (link below) because at 3:42 AM this morning there is a New Moon in Sagittarius at 21 degrees. This is important, it is lucky and it is incredibly optimistic. Sagittarius rules new adventures, new experiences and new activities. When you ask a Sagittarius if they want to do something, the answer isn't "Hell uh-huh," it's more like a "HELL YEAH!" It's happy, it's happy-go-lucky, it's happy-damn-hour! I see this date as the start of the New Year more than I do January 1, 2013 simply because a New Moon has an orb or influence of about two weeks but it has an impact of an entire year. Do you know why? It's because there will not be another New Moon in Sagittarius until the Sun and Moon are both in Sagittarius again, which won't be until December 2, 2013, unless of course the world explodes or implodes and we all die because of the Mayan Prophecy predictions. Hmmmmm.....NOT! This New Moon is super lucky and supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. If you don't know what supercalifragilisticexpialidocious means then you haven't seen Mary Poppins and you need to Google it. You absolutely must look at your personal natal chart and use the Daily Astrology in the link below and lay it over your chart to see where this New Moon will hit your chart 21 degrees. Those born during a New Moon are impulsive and emotional, always looking for new opportunities to express their ideas. These individuals react from their own subjective viewpoint. They enjoy starting new projects and chasing their own personal goals and plans. So when any new moon hits any of our personal houses, then that is a perfect time to unleash the New Moon impulsive and opportunistic energy. When you are in tune with the New Moon energy you will become an 'impulsive opportunist' in the most positive and wonderful sense of the two words. Check the 2013 Moon Phase Calendar for all of the New Moons in 2013. The other great thing about this New Moon is that Uranus in Aries will be leaving its Retrograde status and will begin moving Direct. While Uranus does not make an aspect, such as a trine, sextile, square, semisquare, opposition, etc., to the New Moon it still gives us swift kick in the pants to make things happen. IT'S FABULOUS! Aries is the sign of the toddler throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of the grocery store, so when you put Uranus (lightning and sudden change) in the sign of Aries, then noise and change is going to occur whether we are ready or not. I have been suggesting for quite some time that you be ready. Forced change never feels Good to anyone. And so it goes, there is a new normal in town and if you have not been paying attention to the news then you have to be living under a rock. This is most certainly a time of spiritual enlightenment, spiritual understanding and spiritual development. It's too bad some people are still pointing at other people instead of looking at themselves for the solution. This New Moon and the changes occurring with the rest of the planets is not going to tolerate judgment, pointing fingers and 'they, they, they, talk'. You'd better just shut the hell up and work on yourself. Don't make me say, "I told ya' so" because I will. I'm like that. Now go read your Weekly Horoscopes (link below) regarding this New Moon and Uranus in Aries. I made it really super simplistic and that's all you need. Simple makes the world go around. Making it complicated only creates procrastination, frustation and stagnation. I'm a Gemini, we are rational, logical and simplistic thinkers who use the KISS Method to think and act, which means . . Keep It Simple, Stupid. The KISS method states that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than complex and difficult. This simplistic approach means unnecessary complexity should be avoided. Pretty simple huh? Now go read the simplicity in your Weekly Horoscope (link below) and then act on it. If you notice from your Daily Astrology Link below that I have attached the chart showing the New Moon at 3:42 AM EST with both the Moon and Sun at 21 degrees 45 minutes. A New Moon is when both the Moon and Sun are in the sign and same degree. Lay this chart wheel over your personal natal chart where Sagittarius would be at 21 degrees and you will know where this New Moon impacts you rather than as an entire sign from these horoscopes. Check the Daily Message even before you read the Daily Horoscopes or progress to any other page because I will update that page first, which may contain a website announcement, a story based on my morning Musical DLG ™ (Download from God ™ ) or any other additional information regarding this site or one of my other websites.
DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind. |