The New Moon is in Scorpio at 26 degrees on Saturday, November 18, 2017 at 6:42 AM EST. A New Moon occurs when the Moon and the Sun are in the same sign and the same degree. In this case, the Moon begins a new cycle in Scorpio at 26 degrees 19 minutes accompanied by the Sun in Scorpio at 26 degrees 19 minutes. A New Moon occurs when the Moon is not illuminated by direct sunlight. Those born under the New Moon are impulsive and emotional, always looking for new opportunities to express their ideas. They react from their own subjective viewpoint and enjoy starting new projects by chasing their own personal goals and plans. New Moon's always signify a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. Whatever you do under this influence has a better chance of success. In 6 months, when the Full Moon in Scorpio rolls around, it will be your 6 month check-up to see how you are doing with this New Moon in Scorpio energy. New Moons impact the house involved for an entire year. Keep in mind that a New Moon has an afterglow of TWO WEEKS! So press this New Moon for a two solid weeks because there will not be another New Moon in Scorpio until around this time next year.
If I wrote your Expansive Natal Chart, I did indicate the phase of the Moon you were born under. New Moons have a strong 'orb of influence' for taking action within 5-7 days but I like to give it a full two weeks within the orb of the New Moon's occurrence to account for our intuition. Each day that ticks by, the 'orb of influence' of the New Moon weakens, but the effects of the action taken will last an entire year. Look at the house that is ruled by Scorpio in your Natal Chart and THAT is where you need apply this new cycle or new beginning.
New Moons are like the first day of school and you get to say who, what, when, where, why and how much. How much doesn't necessarily have to apply to money because it can also apply to time or distance . . or what you will put up with or settle for. YIKES!
The sign of Scorpio is a money sign because it rules one of the money houses (the 8th house). It would be hard-pressed to find a Scorpio who is not focused on money. Scorpio energy has a knack for making money either off or through other people because Scorpio rules other people's money, the spouse's money, investments, taxes, stocks, bonds, lotteries or any other place where money comes to you through other means that are not your own. This is why you will hear a Scorpio moan and complain about taxes (and how much they pay in taxes) or who isn't paying their fair share, more than any other sign. At the same time, Scorpio knows how to make money off of other people including investors. After all, Scorpio is the sign with the 'Midas Touch' and with Jupiter in Scorpio right now, it E-X-P-A-N-D-S this 'Midas Touch' even further. A Scorpio who does not invest in the stock market is like a Gemini who does not communicate. Scorpio INVESTS!
Scorpio also invests in others and uses other people's resources because it is about taking care of themselves. They are setting themselves up. They are preparing. Scorpio's are rarely ever caught wasting resources. In other words, you better turn off those lights behind you, especially if Scorpio is paying the bill. Even if they aren't, leaving the lights on is a complete waste of resources and they will comment on how 'stupid' you or how stupid it is. And many Scorpio's will use the word 'stupid'. No sign is more resourceful than a Scorpio, which is why I believe it had to be a Scorpio who made lemonade out of lemons. It had to be! Folks, this is the kind of intensity and ingenuity that this New Moon in Scorpio possesses. It is committed and it is intense. That new thing you begin today in this new cycle will have this kind of intensity for an entire year, so you definitely want to have a new approach to money.
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Chances are you have heard a Scorpio say, "I'm not pessimistic, I'm realistic!" Then they will follow-up with their classic line, "There are two certainties in Life. Death and taxes!" That's because Scorpio rules death and taxes. Many Scorpio's are fascinated with death and the dying, and may have many strange and bizaree experiences with death or having seen people die. At the same time, Scorpio rules transformation and in order for anything to transform, it has to die or be destroyed, and then out of the ashes there is a rebirth or reconstruction. There is a transformation from one form to another because nothing ever really dies. It gets TRANS-formed, twisted like a pretzel from one form (a stick) into a figure eight. Scorpio is a very metaphysical and spiritual sign. Scorpio is very deep, passionate and intense.
I believe Scorpio's get a bad rap for their honesty. Scorpio will tell you exactly who they are and if you don't like it, you can move on. So what's wrong with that? They know themselves. The problem is most people can't deal with that because they are people pleasers. Scorpio's are generally not people pleasers, nor will they fake it because Scorpio has guts and will face their dangers and issues head on. Scorpio is more committed to who they are than most signs. There is something we can all learn from Scorpio and that is to know ourselves as deeply as they do and be clear about it. This is the kind of intensity that this New Moon in Scorpio possesses. It is committed and it is intense. That new thing you begin today in this new cycle will have this kind of intensity that lasts an entire year!
This New Moon in Scorpio is accompanied by Jupiter in Scorpio and Venus in Scorpio, along with the Part of Fortune, which is like having another Jupiter in the chart. The Part of Fortune is also in Scorpio snuggling up close and personal to this New Moon thereby making this New Moon 'luckier' than it already is with Venus and Jupiter so close in proximity. This New Moon is chocked full of Goodies and golden nuggets along with the Jupiter in Scorpio expanding its Midas Touch. This New Moon has no hard aspects directly to it. However, Mars squaring Pluto is present, which can make a hero out of some people and a bully out of others. It just depends on how this energy is channeled. Astrology does allow and make room for your free-will. Use these energies wisely. There are also a couple of romantic and financial aspects hanging around this New Moon such as Venus trine Neptune and Venus sextile Pluto. If you have been keeping up with the November 2017 Astro Memes then you already knew this. Overall, this is a great New Moon for money and Love.
It is also no secret that Scorpio rules sex and the genitalia. Word on the astrological street is, "If you want Good sex, then go to bed with a Scorpio!" Contrary to popular belief, Scorpio's are not really relationship cheaters. They are deeply committed people. Granted, there will be some that break this mold and that's the way it is but as a whole, Scorpio's are extremely committed to the one they Love. In fact, a Scorpio would rather have no sex, than bad sex and they can go for extremely long periods of time (years) having no sex until they find that special person who they will feel they can be vulnerable and intimate (deep). In fact, a Scorpio born between November 3 - 11 can go the longest without sex than the other Scorpio's. This is the kind of intensity and commitment to self that this New Moon in Scorpio possesses.
Typically once a Scorpio Moon passes, then passions wane but because this is a New Moon and there is so much additional energy in Scorpio, this will not be the case. The month of Scorpio will be rather intense and deep on an emotional level because we truly are looking for change and looking to be wow'd on an intense, passionate and emotional plane.
It is important to understand what Scorpio represents. Think 'detoxification' and 'transformation' when you think Scorpio. That's because Scorpio rules things that are in an ending state that get turned into something else. Now this is interesting folks and you need to stretch your mind here. I want you to look at what is listed below and think about how these things are 'detoxified' or 'transformed' or how they detoxify and transform. Scorpio is THE MOST resourceful sign of the zodiac and takes one thing and transforms it into another.
Money keywords: -- other people's money including but not limited to tax and bill collectors, financial affairs of the dead, wills, inheritance, dowries, estates and monies of the marriage partner, joint finances, shared finances, financial organizations, financial relationships with foreign countries, financial backers, heirlooms, public income, insurance of all kinds, interest rates, investors, financial legacies, loans, financial liabilities, monetary gains through the partner or public, the national debt, a nation's earning power, the money and finances of nieces and nephews, accumulated wealth, personal property while in escrow, pensions, tips, treasurers, trust companies. It also rules bankruptcy.
Body Parts Keywords: -- anus, rectum, genitalia, generative organs, muscular system, sex, sexuality,
It is also important to remember that Scorpio has THE MIDAS TOUCH. Remember how King Midas had the ability to turn anything he touched into gold? Well Scorpio has this same ability to transform the worst, into the best. What is one man's trash is another man's treasure. Scorpio will fix it up and sell AND make a profit. PAWN STARS! It's bizarre how Scorpio does this, but they do! Look at these keyword rulerships for Scorpio above and think more along the lines of the transformative powers of this Sun Sign. The old has to be shed to make room for the new. You can put a new couch in the place of the old couch unless you remove the old couch. Same goes with behaviors, relationships, habits, etc. Get my drift? Purge and cleanse folks! Scorpio energy is one big gigantic, much needed laxative! (winky wink)
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For all Aries, this Scorpio New Moon wants you to take a fresh start, new approach and new beginning in your 8th house of the wealth of your spouse or business partner, joint resources, support from other people, insurance, legacies, other people's money, stocks, bonds, taxes, inheritances, loans, mortgages, financial windfalls and wills. It also includes, surgeries, spirituality, astral experiences, the metaphysical realm, transformation, regeneration and covers death or endings (rebirth), sex and an element of legal matters as you can see from the flow of your Solar (Sun Sign) Chart below.
This means that your 8th house of other people's money, including the spouse's money and joint resources is getting a new look and a load of opportunities. When we think of everything that I wrote above regarding this New Moon in Scorpio then this transformational detox and purge is going to clear everything else out so that the focus is clearly only on your this 8th house of money through other sources. This could bring about a rise in the spouse's income, money to you through inheritance, wills, insurance, settlements and the like. There may also be some sort of new information that is uncovered that you did not have before that will help you get to the place that you desire to be. It is a higher probability that this is for the better. Some Aries will be so interested in the affairs of the dead that they wish to contact family members who have passed on to the other side of Life. If that is the case, contact me and I will put you in contact with the right psychic medium for the job. Also keep in mind that Jupiter and Venus are in Scorpio as well, along with the Part of Fortune, which is like having another Jupiter in the chart. The Part of Fortune is also in Scorpio snuggling up close and personal to this New Moon thereby making this New Moon 'luckier' than it already is with Venus and Jupiter so close in proximity. So this 8th house is full of Goodies and golden nuggets with this Midas Touch New Moon in your 8th house.
The flow for your Solar Chart (your Sun Sign) is -- Aries would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Taurus 2nd house, Gemini 3rd house, Cancer 4th house, Leo 5th house, Virgo 6th house, Libra 7th house, Scorpio 8th house, Sagittarius 9th house, Capricorn 10th house, Aquarius 11th house and Pisces 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!
For all Taurus's, this Scorpio New Moon wants you to take a fresh start, new approach and new beginning in your 7th house of contractual relationships. This house also rules unions, lawsuits, contracts, partnerships, marriages, agreements, and open enemies with the public. This can be partnerships in business, marriage or a committed relationship that is a live-in arrangement. It also includes long-term associations, the animus (underlying passion or force), the relationship between soul and personality.
This means that your 7th house of committed relationships, partnerships, marriages and formal agreements is getting a new look and a load of opportunities. When we think of everything that I wrote above regarding this New Moon in Scorpio then this transformational detox and purge is going to clear everything else out so that the focus is clearly only on your committed relationship and partnership area. This 7th house carries not only carries the theme of a committed personal relationship but a committed business relationship as well. This house rules the marriage partner or business partner. There is a big ol' fat chance that Taurus will be committing to a relationship and/or a business relationship before long. It could even be both through one person. Taurus 'can' sound tough and mighty, which may scare off a potential Love interest. Now Taurus will settle down and stop blowing snot out of their nose and start batting their eyelashes, sounding more like a melodious cow than a snotty-nosed steam-blowing bull. Remember, you are naturally ruled by Venus, the planet of Love, grace, music and beauty. You are so much more attractive in Love, and as it should be. Some Taurus's may even cohabitate to save money. And Taurus NEVER marries without financial security. Taurus increases their station in Life through marriage and relationships. This could be someone older. Also keep in mind that Jupiter and Venus are in Scorpio as well, along with the Part of Fortune, which is like having another Jupiter in the chart. The Part of Fortune is also in Scorpio snuggling up close and personal to this New Moon thereby making this New Moon 'luckier' than it already is with Venus and Jupiter so close in proximity. So this 7th house is full of Goodies and golden nuggets with this Midas Touch New Moon in your 8th house.
The flow for your Solar Chart (your Sun Sign) is -- Taurus would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Gemini 2nd house, Cancer 3rd house, Leo 4th house, Virgo 5th house, Libra 6th house, Scorpio 7th house, Sagittarius 8th house, Capricorn 9th house, Aquarius 10th house, Pisces 11th house and Aries 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!
For all Gemini's, this Scorpio New Moon wants you to take a fresh start, new approach and new beginning in your 6th house of daily life, physical health, hygiene, food, work ethic, employees, service, skills, servants, clothing and sickness. It is about the service you give to others and your daily habits, routine, the working environment, pets, animals and service.
This means that your 6th house of daily routine, health, fitness, hygiene and daily work ethic is getting a new look and a load of opportunities. When we think of everything that I wrote above regarding this New Moon in Scorpio then this transformational detox and purge is going to clear everything else out so that the focus is clearly only on your work and daily grind area. If you have been unemployed or your employment (business) has been in slow-motion, then that is all about to change real fast. More work will be coming in and this will require that everything else is purged and cleaned up so you have time to work. Your daily schedule, organization and daily health regimen is being called to get back on track so everything in your Life will run smoothly. This is no time to waste time. You will also be geared toward getting your health back on track. Go and make those doctor appointments for check-up, mammogram, PSA, dental, eyes, etc. Also keep in mind that Jupiter and Venus are in Scorpio as well, along with the Part of Fortune, which is like having another Jupiter in the chart. The Part of Fortune is also in Scorpio snuggling up close and personal to this New Moon thereby making this New Moon 'luckier' than it already is with Venus and Jupiter so close in proximity. So this 6th house is full of Goodies and golden nuggets with this Midas Touch New Moon in your 8th house.
The flow for your Solar Chart (your Sun Sign) is -- Gemini would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Cancer 2nd house, Leo 3rd house, Virgo 4th house, Libra 5th house, Scorpio 6th house, Sagittarius 7th house, Capricorn 8th house, Aquarius 9th house, Pisces 10th house, Aries 11th house and Taurus 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!
For all Cancer's, this Scorpio New Moon wants you to take a fresh start, new approach and new beginning in your 5th house of pleasurable activities, parties, romance, dating, Love affairs, playtime/acting, sensual emotions, Lovers, parenthood and sexuality, creativity, artistic pursuits, hobbies, recreation, procreation, babies, pregnancy, children. It also includes leisure, games, sports, self-fulfillment, joy and bliss.
This means that your 5th house of children, child-like behavior, fun, romance and Love is getting a new look and a load of opportunities. When we think of everything that I wrote above regarding this New Moon in Scorpio then this transformational detox and purge is going to clear everything else out so that the focus is clearly only on your creative and pro-creative area. This could bring about a whole new focus on the family, including time with the children, vacation and recreational pursuits. There is a strong possibility that those Cancer's hoping for a baby will like see an addition (baby) to the family. Single Cancer's may have more opportunities for Love, dating and romance and if you do not want to start a family as a single person, then take extra precautions because babies have a way of making unexpected surprises. When Cancer dates or marries, then they are also dating or marrying their partner's family. Remember that! Also keep in mind that Jupiter and Venus are in Scorpio as well, along with the Part of Fortune, which is like having another Jupiter in the chart. The Part of Fortune is also in Scorpio snuggling up close and personal to this New Moon thereby making this New Moon 'luckier' than it already is with Venus and Jupiter so close in proximity. So this 8th house is full of Goodies and golden nuggets with this Midas Touch New Moon in your 5th house.
The flow for your Solar Chart (your Sun Sign) is -- Cancer would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Leo 2nd house, Virgo 3rd house, Libra 4th house, Scorpio 5th house, Sagittarius 6th house, Capricorn 7th house, Aquarius 8th house, Pisces 9th house, Aries 10th house, Taurus 11th house and Gemini 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!
For all Leo's, this Scorpio New Moon wants you to take a fresh start, new approach and new beginning in your 4th house of home and family. It describes your roots, your heritage and your private life. This house also rules land, property, residences, domestic affairs, psychological foundations, biological inheritance and place of abode.
This means that your 4th house of home, family, land and domestic affairs is getting a new look and a load of opportunities. When we think of everything that I wrote above regarding this New Moon in Scorpio then this transformational detox and purge is going to clear everything else out so that the focus is clearly only on your home and family Life. This could also have something to do with your mother. It is very important that you regain a 'meaningful' home and family Life. This will be up to you. Surprise, you may not be much of a cook but you may be one now. I can see you cleaning and cleaning and cleaning. Either way, the home and family situation is changing and transforming, which you knew was coming all along. There may have been some question marks surrounding your living arrangements but now all of those questions will be answered. Also keep in mind that Jupiter and Venus are in Scorpio as well, along with the Part of Fortune, which is like having another Jupiter in the chart. The Part of Fortune is also in Scorpio snuggling up close and personal to this New Moon thereby making this New Moon 'luckier' than it already is with Venus and Jupiter so close in proximity. So this 8th house is full of Goodies and golden nuggets with this Midas Touch New Moon in your 4th house.
The flow for your Solar Chart (your Sun Sign) is -- Leo would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Virgo 2nd house, Libra 3rd house, Scorpio 4th house, Sagittarius 5th house, Capricorn 6th house, Aquarius 7th house, Pisces 8th house, Aries 9th house, Taurus 10th house, Gemini 11th house and Cancer 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!
For all Virgo's, this Scorpio New Moon wants you to take a fresh start, new approach and new beginning in your 3rd house of communication, writing, mental abilities, sales, marketing, media, advertising, publicity, campaign, blog, website, lower education from 1st to 12th grade, early learning, immediate environment, short journeys, local travel and travel within your own country. It also rules neighbors, siblings and extended siblings such as cousins, nieces and nephews.
This means that your 3rd house of communication, sales, marketing, public relations, transportation and mental abilities is getting a new look and a load of opportunities. When we think of everything that I wrote above regarding this New Moon in Scorpio then this transformational detox and purge is going to clear everything else out so that the focus is clearly only on your communication and getting-around 3rd house. This New Moon in Scorpio could have you traveling for business, for Love or for both. How exciting is that? This 3rd house rules travel within your own country or locale, so the travel will only take a day or a few hours to get their by plane, train or automobile. It appears that you will be coming and going quite a bit so you may as well keep your overnight bag handy or ready to go. I doubt you will need an updated passport, although there will be some Virgo's who will need this. Boy oh' boy, this sures looks like travel for Love and great sex but again, it could also be traveling on business as well. Also keep in mind that Jupiter and Venus are in Scorpio as well, along with the Part of Fortune, which is like having another Jupiter in the chart. The Part of Fortune is also in Scorpio snuggling up close and personal to this New Moon thereby making this New Moon 'luckier' than it already is with Venus and Jupiter so close in proximity. So this 8th house is full of Goodies and golden nuggets with this Midas Touch New Moon in your 3rd house.
The flow for your Solar Chart (your Sun Sign) is -- Virgo would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Libra 2nd house, Scorpio 3rd house, Sagittarius 4th house, Capricorn 5th house, Aquarius 6th house, Pisces 7th house, Aries 8th house, Taurus 9th house, Gemini 10th house, Cancer 11th house and Leo 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!
For all Libra's, this Scorpio New Moon wants you to take a fresh start, new approach and new beginning in your 2nd house of value systems, physical possessions and money, personal self esteem and talents. This house also rules your personal earnings, bankers, budgets, money that "you" make, material resources, value system, monetary gains and losses, security. It also rules what think about sex. Basically this house is about your self-worth.
This means that your 2nd house of personal income, self-worth, morals and values is getting a new look and a load of opportunities. When we think of everything that I wrote above regarding this New Moon in Scorpio then this transformational detox and purge is going to clear everything else out so that the focus is clearly only on your earned income area. I want to stress that this is 'earned income' meaning that it is money that you earn in your own right and it is not money that comes through another source such as loans, the spouse or inheritance. This is money you have earned through your own efforts. This could indicate a raise, promotion or money back or money owed from previous work that was done. This New Moon shows that you need financial security in order to be truly happy in the home. Your personal possessions will take on a whole new meaning as you start clearing the clutter. Some of you may be starting a busiess from home. Also keep in mind that Jupiter and Venus are in Scorpio as well, along with the Part of Fortune, which is like having another Jupiter in the chart. The Part of Fortune is also in Scorpio snuggling up close and personal to this New Moon thereby making this New Moon 'luckier' than it already is with Venus and Jupiter so close in proximity. So this 8th house is full of Goodies and golden nuggets with this Midas Touch New Moon in your 2nd house.
The flow for your Solar Chart (your Sun Sign) is -- Libra would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Scorpio 2nd house, Sagittarius 3rd house, Capricorn 4th house, Aquarius 5th house, Pisces 6th house, Aries 7th house, Taurus 8th house, Gemini 9th house, Cancer 10th house, Leo 11th house and Virgo 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!
For all Scorpio's, this Scorpio New Moon wants you to take a fresh start, new approach and new beginning in your 1st house of identity and how other's see you. This house also rules the personality, your attitude, how you see the world, how you look, appearances, your worldly outlook, and self-awareness and how you respond. It includes the self, ego, anima, projected image, expression of inner motivation, soul purpose, initial approach to life and your aura. Take special note that this first house rules your soul's purpose and your inner motivation.
This means that your 1st house of personality, physical appearance, how others see you and how you see the world is getting a new look and a load of opportunities. When we think of everything that I wrote above regarding this New Moon in Scorpio then this transformational detox and purge is going to clear everything else out so that the focus is clearly only on you, your appearance and how you present yourself to others. Many Scorpio's are ready to settle down with the one they Love and others who are not in a healthy relationship will likely decide it's time to move on. Either way, the transformation in you is noticeable and needed. Your personal appearance is not the only thing changing, some of you will change your name in some form through either marriage or with a degree adding initials to your name. Some of you may decide to stop going by your childhood name and take on a more serious and mature identity. It would be like going from Danny to Dan or Joey to Joe. Many Scorpio's will be visiting their mother during this New Moon or at the very least having contact with her. If the mother has passed on, there will likely be a great deal of thought about her. You may be feeling more domestic than you have in quite some time. Also keep in mind that Jupiter and Venus are in Scorpio as well, along with the Part of Fortune, which is like having another Jupiter in the chart. The Part of Fortune is also in Scorpio snuggling up close and personal to this New Moon thereby making this New Moon 'luckier' than it already is with Venus and Jupiter so close in proximity. So this 8th house is full of Goodies and golden nuggets with this Midas Touch New Moon in your 1st house.
The flow for your Solar Chart (your Sun Sign) is -- Scorpio would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Sagittarius 2nd house, Capricorn 3rd house, Aquarius 4th house, Pisces 5th house, Aries 6th house, Taurus 7th house, Gemini 8th house, Cancer 9th house, Leo 10th house, Virgo 11th house and Libra 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!
For all Sagittarian's, this Scorpio New Moon wants you to take a fresh start, new approach and new beginning in your 12th house of the hidden realm, subconscious, past, pain, karma, jails, institutions, hospitals, mental health, finances of friends, secret sorrows, fears, self-destruction, large animals, skeletons in closet, self-undoing and self-injury. It is about your hidden strengths, weaknesses and what you don't want others to see or know about you, unredeemed karma and selfless service to humanity. Refrain from letting this house frighten you because it is necessary that you look at your own self-undoing in order to keep yourself on the straight path.
This means that your 12th house of career and public standing is getting a new look and a load of opportunities. When we think of everything that I wrote above regarding this New Moon in Scorpio then this transformational detox and purge is going to clear everything else out so that the focus is clearly only on your Life behind closed doors. It's like you are going through a maturity process with dear ol' Saturn accompanying your sign causing you to become more grown-up, responsible and solid. There's no doubt about it, Sagittarius is constantly moving about and getting around, which means this New Moon in Scorpio wants you to settle down and get settled. When it comes to Love you may have been trying too hard and then blaming them because it didn't work out. Get yourself back in order so you will have all your ducks in a row. This is rather interesting for those of you who are single. While you retreat back into the barn, somehow, someway, Love sneaks in when you least expect in. Who left the door open? You did dear Sagittarius and you left the barn door open without thinking. How convenient and how wonderful! This New Moon wants you to retreat and regroup. Also keep in mind that Jupiter and Venus are in Scorpio as well, along with the Part of Fortune, which is like having another Jupiter in the chart. The Part of Fortune is also in Scorpio snuggling up close and personal to this New Moon thereby making this New Moon 'luckier' than it already is with Venus and Jupiter so close in proximity. So this 8th house is full of Goodies and golden nuggets with this Midas Touch New Moon in your 12th house.
The flow for your Solar Chart (your Sun Sign) is -- Sagittarius would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Capricorn 2nd house, Aquarius 3rd house, Pisces 4th house, Aries 5th house, Taurus 6th house, Gemini 7th house, Cancer 8th house, Leo 9th house, Virgo 10th house, Libra 11th house and Scorpio 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!
For all Capricorn's, this Scorpio New Moon wants you to take a fresh start, new approach and new beginning in your 11th house of friends, groups of people, social acquaintances, former relationships (ex's), organizations, children's organizations, alliances, fraternities, memberships, money from the employer, finances of employer and stock exchanges. It is also about your hopes, wishes, dreams and the future.
This means that your 11th house of friends, groups, socializing and networking is getting a new look and a load of opportunities. When we think of everything that I wrote above regarding this New Moon in Scorpio then this transformational detox and purge is going to clear everything else out so that the focus is clearly only on your friends, socializing and your future outlook. This could bring about a pick-me-up in your social Life. You may end up with more friends or actually a whole other group of friends who are now your posse. Do not be surprised if you find yourself socializing with VIPs and people in-the-know. This 11th house couples business with pleasure, like doing business on the golf course. This 11th house rules the future, hopes and wishes. You may be finding that dreams really do come True. Also keep in mind that Jupiter and Venus are in Scorpio as well, along with the Part of Fortune, which is like having another Jupiter in the chart. The Part of Fortune is also in Scorpio snuggling up close and personal to this New Moon thereby making this New Moon 'luckier' than it already is with Venus and Jupiter so close in proximity. So this 8th house is full of Goodies and golden nuggets with this Midas Touch New Moon in your 11th house.
The flow for your Solar Chart (your Sun Sign) is - Capricorn would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Aquarius 2nd house, Pisces 3rd house, Aries 4th house, Taurus 5th house, Gemini 6th house, Cancer 7th house, Leo 8th house, Virgo 9th house, Libra 10th house, Scorpio 11th house and Sagittarius 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!
For all Aquarian's, this Scorpio New Moon wants you to take a fresh start, new approach and new beginning in your 10th house public life. This house also rules fame, notoriety, occupation, career, ambition, government, military, chief executives, business life, goals, ranks, political position, status, standing in the public eye, position in society. It shows your standing in the community and social status. It can reflect your attitude to parenting.
This means that your 10th house of career, authority figures and public standing is getting a new look and a load of opportunities. When we think of everything that I wrote above regarding this New Moon in Scorpio then this transformational detox and purge is going to clear everything else out so that the focus is clearly only on your professional area. This could bring about a brand new career that is completely different than your current career status, it could bring about a new position of authority, a raise, a promotion or any number of different opportunities through the career area. There is an influence of the mother here. It could come in the form of an idea or the thought of your mother that makes you think of something new. Other women will also influence you during this New Moon. Also keep in mind that Jupiter and Venus are in Scorpio as well, along with the Part of Fortune, which is like having another Jupiter in the chart. The Part of Fortune is also in Scorpio snuggling up close and personal to this New Moon thereby making this New Moon 'luckier' than it already is with Venus and Jupiter so close in proximity. So this 8th house is full of Goodies and golden nuggets with this Midas Touch New Moon in your 10th house.
The flow for your Solar Chart (your Sun Sign) is -- Aquarius would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Pisces 2nd house, Aries 3rd house, Taurus 4th house, Gemini 5th house, Cancer 6th house, Leo 7th house, Virgo 8th house, Libra 9th house, Scorpio 10th house, Sagittarius 11th house and Capricorn 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!
For all Pisces, this Scorpio New Moon wants you to take a fresh start, new approach and new beginning in your 9th house of the dreams, visions, goals, ambitions, new adventures, new experiences, higher-thinking mind, religion, college, higher education, teachers, legalities, brothers and sisters-in-law, philosophy, prophecy, philanthropy, all things "foreign", intuition, long distance journeys abroad, churches, airlines, vacations and international commerce.
This means that your 9th house of goals, ambitions, legalities, travel and higher education is getting a new look and a load of opportunities. When we think of everything that I wrote above regarding this New Moon in Scorpio then this transformational detox and purge is going to clear everything else out so that the focus is clearly only on your goals, adventures and ambitions area. There will likely be plenty of opportunity for travel, education and possibly even education coupled with travel. This could have to do with work or continuing education. There may be even a trip overseas that is in the works without you even realizing it yet. If there has been some legal red tape, then it will likely be cut and settled once and for all with nice results for you. There will be many Pisces who find themselves back in church again or at your place of spiritual connection or worshop. Also keep in mind that Jupiter and Venus are in Scorpio as well, along with the Part of Fortune, which is like having another Jupiter in the chart. The Part of Fortune is also in Scorpio snuggling up close and personal to this New Moon thereby making this New Moon 'luckier' than it already is with Venus and Jupiter so close in proximity. So this 8th house is full of Goodies and golden nuggets with this Midas Touch New Moon in your 9th house.
The flow for your Solar Chart (your Sun Sign) is -- Pisces would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Aries 2nd house, Taurus 3rd house, Gemini 4th house, Cancer 5th house, Leo 6th house, Virgo 7th house, Libra 8th house, Scorpio 9th house, Sagittarius 10th house, Capricorn 11th house and Aquarius 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here![ back to top ]
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