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Venus moves into Libra - August 29, 2024 until September 22, 2024. The Venus glyph is the upright symbol of Mars, where Venus is feminine (yin) energy and Mars is masculine (yang) energy. It is represented by the circle of spirit over the cross of matter. It represents the spirit overcoming matter through Love. Venus is the yin side of our emotional nature and rules Love, beauty, harmony, affection, appreciation, sensual, vanity, flirtatious, art, music and aesthetics. The house that Venus occupies in your Natal Chart or Solar Return is where these characteristics will manifest the most. Venus reveals how we like to relate to our environment and other people. Venus also shows how you express your emotions in personal relationships, especially where marriage and Love are concerned. Venus will reveal if we are attracted to strong, sensual and intense relationships or if we prefer freedom and independence. It also indicates what we value, and therefore is linked with money, personal possessions, resources, creature comforts, aesthetic, social values and morals. The house that Venus occupies in your Natal Chart is where these characteristics will manifest the most. Here is a nice little piece of Venus trivia for you. Venus will never be more than two Sun Signs away from the Sun. This means someone who has their Sun in Libra, will have their Venus within 2 Sun Signs on either side of Libra or it will be in the sign of Libra. This means there are five possibilities that a Libra Sun Sign individual might have their Venus -- Venus in Leo, Venus in Virgo, Venus in Libra, Venus in Scorpio or Venus in Sagittarius. This helps you guess someone's Venus even if you don't know their exact birthdate but you know their Sun Sign. You can rule out Venus in the opposite sign (Aries) or the three signs on each side Aries (Taurus, Gemini, Cancer) and (Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn). Cool huh? Venus is the planet of Love, romance, pleasure, relationships, self-worth, dignity and all things beautiful. Venus also rules our self-worth, personal finances, earned income, morals and values. Venus is like the Greek root phil- or philo- which means to have a Love of or strong affinity for something or someone. So when you think of Venus in your Natal Chart or Solar Return think "Love of" whatever sign is involved. Venus in Libra is actually in its Home or Domicile placement. This is a Good thing! Venus places a HUGE emphasis on relationships and them being nothing but peaceful, workable and happy. Venus in Libra wants to be able to sit on the couch with someone in comfortable silence without the need to answer the question, "What wrong?" Simply put, Venus in Libra wants peace. Venus in Libra says, "Let's all hold hands and sing Kumbya!" Venus in Libra wants a close personal connection with someone that has Loving security and puts the heart at ease. Arguments, discord and strife will shut down Venus in Libra .... SO FAST! .... that they will fall quiet and will simply not argue with you. In other words, you will lose this fight because they will not fight. Don't waste your time. You might be thinking "passive aggressive?"
Oh yeah, in its finest hour it is passive aggressive, especially directed at the person who wants to fight. Still, you will lose if you insist on fighting. You better come at the situation from another direction rather than with a loud mouth and a fist in the air. Venus in Libra flat out does not like arguments and disagreements. Discord is an unnatural feeling, as it should be between two people who really do Love each other. Don'tcha think? When there is discord, the natural tendency with this placement is to iron it all out quickly rather than allow it to fester. Venus in Libra wants harmony and agreement at all costs. While Venus is in Libra, there will be a heavier emphasis on relationships and the harmonic dance between them. This becomes significantly important during this transit. Individuals aren't as concerned about their appearance as they would be when Venus is in the sign of Taurus. By the way, Venus naturally rules Taurus and Libra. Think about this for a moment. Taurus is in the 1st Quadrant (1st, 2nd and 3rd houses) which are concerned with the self and the appearance of the self. Libra is in the opposite 3rd Quadrant (7th, 8th and 9th houses), which are concerned with ourselves and someone else, and the appearance of the duo. Both are naturally beautiful energy, but Libra is more concerned about what benefits the couple rather than the self. Venus in Libra is very sociable, well-liked and absolutely cannot stand crude, uncouth or coarse behavior. Men with Venus in Libra do not like hard, sassy, loud-mouth, cursing women and women with Venus in Libra do not like hard, sassy, loud-mouth, cursing men, especially out in public. Both men and women with Venus in Libra do not like that kind of behavior at home, much less in public. We will all find ourselves standing in line or sitting in a booth or at a table in public over-hearing someone curse and drop 'F' bombs as if they are sitting in their own living room. The social behavioral standards for Venus in Libra is super-high. Venus in Libra wonders about crude and loud people, "If you act this way in public, how do you act at home?" Venus naturally ruling both Taurus and Libra shows up quite differently in each sign. Venus in Taurus is more attracted to money, while Venus in Libra simply attracts it. This is because Venus in Libra surrounds themselves with not only beautiful things, but beautiful people. Venus in Libra is more concerned with the relationship first (personal and business) and then everything else comes after that. So Venus in Libra actually has it all. Venus in Libra's social skills make them better at dealing with all kinds of people, which enhances their ability to do business and acquire wealth. Honestly folks, it is super-dooper hard not to like someone with Venus in Libra. People want to know them and be their friend. You can use the knowledge of Venus in Libra in your personal natal chart by applying this information to the area of your chart where Libra resides. Venus in Libra is not as concerned about how they look like Venus in Taurus, and why should they, because these people wake up looking great. There is no need to spend absolutely any time primping or prepping. If they do, then its just their ego. While Venus in Taurus may spend their hard earned money on a designer wardrobe, Venus in Libra can throw anything on, even a paper bag, and look great. Yeah, they are one of those people! Those with Venus in Libra in their natal chart will never lose their looks. EVER! Venus in Libra people will always be very Good-looking people. The same goes with those who have a Libra Rising Sign. They are just attractive people who always attract members of the opposite sex and the same sex. Venus in Libra no doubt makes for a popular individual. They are well-liked, well-respected and attract a lot of attention. When they walk into a room, people do take notice. Venus in Libra is also very artsy. While Venus in Taurus is typically musically inclined, Venus in Libra is artisically inclined toward painting, sculpting, interior decorating and fashion design. Venus in Libra absolutely, hands-down, wants their partner to look great at all times. If you have a Venus in Libra partner and you are not taking care of yourself, I guarantee this bothers them to their core and you will likely hear about it more during the Venus in Libra transit. Do not kid yourself about your Venus in Libra partner because they do not like it if you are out of shape. What Venus in Libra people do not understand is they can wake up looking great and probably with fresh breath, while everyone else has to work at it. This is where they may be superficially judgmental and thinking everyone can be just like them. Not so! While Venus in Libra may act like they don't know they look great . . believe me, they do! Although there are some Venus in Libra people with an over-developed ego due to something else in their chart who you will find bragging about themselves and comparing themselves to how others look. You will not have to tell Venus in Libra people that they look great because they will tell you how fantastic they look, how they take care of themselves, how much others don't take care of themselves, and how much people are attacted to them. About 70 percent of those with this placement 'will not' compliment themselves so much. Sometimes those with this placement will say that "they intimidate people" which is not the case at all. It is more likely that they are tired of hearing such braggadocious self-chatter. Oooopsie! Yes, this placement 'can be' highly conceited. Stay Astrologized™. DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind. |