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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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Full Moon in Taurus at 12 degrees - Saturday, November 4, 2017 at 1:23 AM EDT There is a Full Moon in Taurus at 11 degrees 58 minutes (round up to 12 degrees) on Saturday, November 4, 2017. This is your 6th month check-up to the New Moon in Taurus that occurred 6 months ago on Wednesday, April 26, 2017. What was that 'new beginning' or 'fresh start' that you initiated back then that had to do with your self-worth and personal finances. This Full Moon serves as your 6th month check-up to see how you are coming along with that plan. You should be well into your project or well on your way into turning over that new leaf. There are now 6 months left until the next New Moon in Taurus, so this Full Moon in Taurus is the halfway point that will complete the full cycle.

A Full Moon is when the Sun and the Moon are in opposite signs. The Sun is in Scorpio and the Moon is in Taurus and will be exactly opposite (180 degrees) across the chart wheel from each other. Download the chart wheel for the Full Moon in Taurus here! Now take this Chart Wheel and lay it over your personal Natal Chart lining up the degrees and signs so you can see where this Full Moon in Taurus at 12 degrees will impact you personally rather than as an entire population under one Sun Sign.

Keep in mind this Full Moon in the sign of Taurus is all about your self-worth. So what are you worth? Do you feel worthy? Folks, this is precisely why your self-worth so heavily impacts your finances because finances are a reflection of how worthy we feel. This may be a hard pill for some to swallow but someone has to say it so I guess it will be me. Those who struggle financially or who have come from some painful financial roots will find it a challenge to find their worthiness, but these folks can come through this and there are many who do and go on to become incredibly successful and wealthy individuals. We hear about these stories all the time. Some of THE MOST successful people in the world have come through painful financial roots and decided that they are worthy, they can have and by golly they will have. The most interesting thing about this awareness is no one has to go without in order for you to have. If someone goes without in order for you to have, then that is what is called, "Ill gotten gain."

This Taurus Moon's motto is, "I have therefore I am." Many people find it a challenge to embrace abundance and will err on the side of "entitlement (gimme)" instead of stepping on to the side of "entitlement (divine right)". Folks, there is a HUGE difference. Even Jesus said, "The poor will always be with you." Simply put, there will always be some who cannot or will not shake their lower self-worth or who feel as though they do not deserve. There will also be those who consciously and deliberately choose to shake their lower self-worth, then turn around and help teach others not only how to fish, but where to fish. Venus Opposing Uranus on DrStandley.com

This Full Moon is accompanied by one challenging aspect. It doesn't directly impact this Full Moon by way of an aspect (angle) but it is in the daily chart and it is exact within 29 minutes of the Full Moon occurring. Venus opposing Uranus can fall out of Love, just as easily as it fell in Love. Venus opposing Uranus can lose money as quickly as it attracted money. This aspect reveals a sudden turn in events where Love and/or money are concerned. Basically it is 'unstable Love' and 'unstable finances' and that is putting it mildly. WHOOSH! What the hell happened?!?! You may be mumbling under your breath unkind words about your partner or the opposite sex. You may be right there, right there on the edge of fed-up. You may find yourself saying, "I don't need this! I can be miserable on my own, I don't need any help!" At the same time, when in the midst of fresh or brand new Love, you may fall in Love so quickly that you skip over the getting-to-know-you phase and go straight into planning your coupled-up future. Venus rules not only the heart, but the finances as well. This could stimulate spending so quickly that the rent or mortgage due in a few days isn't even a consideration. Money may be spent quickly on what you Love and those you Love. Talk about Love is blind!

Keep reading . . more all on 12 Sun Signs below.

And speaking of money, do you know how many successful and wealthy people have the exact same birth date as you? Chances are, there are many individuals who were born on the exact same day as you in the exact same city. Do you know how many millionaires and billionaires there are who were born in large metropolitan areas, where many babies were born on the exact same date, and are self-made individuals? You can be one of these people. This is where Astrology leaves free-will up to you. While certainly some individuals may have had an easier start in this lifetime than you, but the Truth is not all of them did, and plenty of them didn't. You get to choose, embrace and believe your own self-worth.


Taurus naturally rules our 2nd house of self-worth on the internal plane, as in our morals, value system and how we feel about sex and Love. When we are having sex, whether that is through masturbation or with another person, what is in our own head falls underneath Taurus's rulership. When I read someone's chart this is how I can tell how that individuals feels and thinks about sex, whether they share those thoughts with another person or not. This 2nd house runs very deep when digging, rooting around and uncovering your self-worth. Your 2nd house gives all kinds of clues as to what you will and will not do for sex. It will also tell what you will and will not do for money. Sex and money run a very close race in this 2nd house.

Folks, lay your foundation with your morals and values. This will dictate your self-worth. Then on top of your self-worth will come your earned income, personal finances and then lastly your personal possessions, but the morals and values have to come first. Do you see how this 2nd house takes physical form out of morals and values?

The fact that Taurus rules morals and values speaks volumes for how this manifests itself in your personal money (checking account) and your possessions. For instance if your value system is in lack, waste, minimalism and cheap Goods and services, well then that's what your bank account will reveal. Lack thinking begets lack spending. It's just the way it is. It's hard for me to hear someone say, "I'm broke!" I would rather not have a couch or a car rather than no food in the fridge or disconnected utilities. There is always money somewhere! Always! Where have you put your money? Your financial stability really depends on how far you are willing to go to get your financial house in order. This Full Moon requires you to get your personal finances in order and to use money rightfully.


If you overdraft your checking account and incur a lot of banking bills, don't pay your bills on time or don't pay anything at all, but yet feel entitled to make incidental purchases that add up to a payment to a credit card, then you have a lot to learn about money and your self-worth. Good luck seeing your finances straighten out anytime soon. No, you don't deserve to go get your nails done before you pay the electric bill. No you don't deserve new boots before paying the car insurance. This Full Moon will show you just how much you should be getting a stronger handle on your money and how you use it. Even if you straightened out your mind yesterday and started your 'right action' today then the Universe will reward you handsomely when It sees that you got, the get. BUT, if you are still in 'entitlement (gimme)' mode, you will have more to learn. Get your mind straight now! In other words, you cannot and will not get out of a financial mess unless you learn your lesson and use your money differently. Start with 'right action'. Show the Universe that you can be trusted with a little bit of money, so that you can be trusted with even more money. Can you be trusted to handle more money? Will you trusted?

There is a delicate balance that needs to occur here where many couples need to sit down, hold hands and state outloud, "Enough with the struggle, we choose a higher standard of living." This means to hold yourself to a higher standard instead of giving up, settling and operating at a lower standard than you are capable. It's all choice folks. It always has been and always will be. Again, too many people have rose from the ashes (Scorpio energy) and embraced abundance (Taurus energy) in the midst of despair, heartache, abandonment and tragedy for this not to be the Truth. A Full Moon is, Taurus and Scorpio energy because the Moon is Taurus and the Sun is in Scorpio. Both of these signs are MONEY SIGNS! This Truth of 'rising up from the ashes' has been accomplished by too many people not to be the Truth! We hear about these stories all the time in business, sports (especially during the Olympics) and many other circumstances. It's not only one of Life's great Truths, it is the Astrological Truth! Why do you think motivational and inspirational messages of heartache, struggle and overcoming tragedy move us to action?

This Full Moon at 11 degrees 58 minutes (12 degrees) is accompanied by the Moon sextile Neptune at 11 degrees 33 minutes. This is an exact hit. The Moon sextile Neptune brings about 'unconscious prompting' which heightens your natural psychic and/or intuitive nature. See if you can pay closer attention to your 'unconscious prompting' which you may see an instinct that is something that incites you to action or it guides you in a direction. Moon sextile Neptune on DrStandley.com

The day before this Full Moon we experience the Sun trine Neptune at 11 degrees and just one day later when this Full Moon hits, the Sun trine Neptune will still be at 11 degrees, which makes a direct 11 degree hit to it as well. Take a peek at the chart wheel and you will see the Sun and Moon at 11 degrees 58 minutes and Neptune at 11 degrees 33 minutes. You will see a blue-dashed line going from the Moon to Neptune (that is a sextile) and you will see a blue solid line going from the Sun to Neptune (that is a trine). This trine from the Sun to Neptune can Love through your own pain or Love through someone else's pain. Notice in this Astro-Meme that there is 'perfect-timing' that is occurring as these two cats walk into each other's space and their tails make a heart. This is the kind of Love that comes out of this aspect. On a physical level it is accidental, but on a spiritual level it is on purpose. Take notice and see during this Full Moon if you see hidden codes or symbols of Love such as this. Sun trine Neptune aspect on DrStandley.com

This Full Moon is accompanied by other aspects that are not directly impacting it, yet these aspects still show up within a few degrees and still have a strong influence on us. If you notice on the 'Daily Astrology Chart Wheel't that Saturn is trine Uranus. Even though this aspect is exactly 01 degree away from each other, it is still much alive and active thereby having an influence on us. It will not be until next Saturday, November 11, 2017 when this aspect is exact, but it is present now at 01 degree 'applying' (approaching). This aspect has a knack for moving people, things and situations around like they are moving pieces on a chessboard. Notice how much you will be using strategy to get what you want or need. This aspect will adapt and do what it needs to do in order to make things work out. This aspect along with the others has strong intuitive insight and understand the 'Laws of the Universe'. This aspect understands the meaning of the word 'karma' and will structure Life keeping this in mind. Saturn trine Uranus on DrStandley.com

This Full Moon is also accompanied by Venus sextile Saturn within 01 degree of separation. This is a wonderful aspect for relationships as well as the Sun trine Neptune. Venus is the natural ruler of Taurus, which brings in the subject of money (and Love). This aspect is wonderful for an enduring marriage and commitment as it also brings longevity, stability and solidarity to a couple. This aspect thinks in terms of the couple, rather than in terms of oneself. In a relationship, this aspect brings two individual's together as a force for the Good of the couple, rather than as individuals. Venus Sextile Saturn on DrStandley.com

Overall, this is a wonderful Full Moon in Taurus, and after all of that writing, I want to remind you that this is about your SELF-WORTH! Know your worth folks because it will change your Life. This is a mindset and a Lifestyle, not something you are plastering on social media with a chip on your shoulder. This is not an 'I deserve' type of thing because quite frankly, maybe you don't if you have not been handling money correctly. The Universe wants you to own what you did, meaning take responsibility so that you can and will make improvements that will impact both your money and Love. Stay warm and Stay Astrologized™

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All about Aries on DrStandley.com

This opposition involves your 2nd and 8th houses. The 2nd house of value systems, physical possessions and money, personal self esteem and talents. This house also rules your personal earnings, bankers, budgets, money that "you" make, material resources, value system, monetary gains and losses, security. Basically this house is about your self-worth. And the 8th house of the wealth of your spouse or business partner, joint resources, support from other people, insurance, legacies, other people's money, stocks, bonds, taxes, inheritances and wills. It also includes, surgeries, spirituality, astral experiences, the metaphysical realm, transformation, regeneration and covers death or endings (rebirth), sex and an element of legal matters. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

Well aren't you the lucky one who gets so much focus in the money area of the chart wheel, this 2nd house needs and wants security in this area of your Life. This could involve a raise or some sort of increase in income for you personally. You can look forward to money either arriving within hours or within the next few weeks. Whatever is going on in your Life, whether it is Good, bad or indifferent, the Full Moon will shine its Light on the subject matter so that you can see it. Folks, it really is as easy as that. You should also look to the house that is ruled by Taurus in your Natal Chart because these brilliantly lit moonbeams will also be shining on that subject matter. Aries may not be able to think about anything else except money. The key to your success, since you are so competitive, is making everything out to be a game. This is how you win because you have to develop a strategy and course of action. Remember the secret to Wayne Gretzky's success was not skating to where the puck was; he said the key was skating to where the puck was going to be. In other words, you need to be 'ahead' of the game.

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Planetary Transits and Progressions on DrStandley.com

All about Taurus on DrStandley.com

This opposition involves your 1st and 7th houses. The 1st house of identity and how other's see you. This house also rules the personality, your attitude, how you see the world, how you look, appearances, your worldly outlook, and self-awareness and how you respond. It includes the self, ego, anima, projected image, expression of inner motivation, soul purpose, initial approach to life and your aura. Take special note that this first house rules your soul's purpose and your inner motivation. And the 7th house of contractual relationships. This house also rules unions, lawsuits, contracts, partnerships, marriages, agreements, and open enemies with the public. This can be partnerships in business, marriage or a committed relationship that is a live-in arrangement. It also includes long-term associations, the animus (underlying passion or force), the relationship between soul and personality. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

This Full Moon has transformative qualities for you, especially where your personality, attitude and approach to the world are concerned. This also has to do with your soul's mission in Life. You could easily be thrust into this transformative change once and for all. Change is not easy for a Taurus, so to be thrust into change is going to have to be what it takes for change to occur for you. This could involve such a shift in attitude that you truly become the melodious cow instead of the stubborn snotty faced bull. Whatever is going on in your Life, whether it is Good, bad or indifferent, the Full Moon will shine its Light on the subject matter so that you can see it. Folks, it really is as easy as that. You should also look to the house that is ruled by Taurus in your Natal Chart because these brilliantly lit moonbeams will also be shining on that subject matter. Pay close attention to those 'pennies from Heaven'. Meaning, when you see a penny on the ground, pick it up because this is an example of how financial opportunities can just drop right out of the sky and into your path. If you see coins on the ground or even in a fountain, this is a very Good indication that money is on its way for you. Naturally you cannot take coins out of a fountain but it sure is a nice way of seeing how money can appear out of nowhere for you. Think about money in a positive way and you will see money show up in a positive way.

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Expansive Natal Chart on DrStandley.com

All about Gemini on DrStandley.com

This opposition involves your 6th and 12th houses. The 6th house of daily life, health, hygiene, food, work ethic, employees, service, skills, servants, clothing and sickness. It is about the service you give to others and your daily habits, routine, the working environment, pets, animals and service. And the 12th house of the hidden realm, subconscious, past, pain, karma, jails, institutions, hospitals, mental health, finances of friends, secret sorrows, fears, self-destruction, large animals, skeletons in closet, self-undoing and self-injury. It is about your hidden strengths, weaknesses and what you don't want others to see or know about you, unredeemed karma and selfless service to humanity. Refrain from letting this house frighten you because it is necessary that you look at your own self-undoing in order to keep yourself on the straight path. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

This actually has to do with your mental health more than it does your physical health because this 12th house rules mental health whereas its opposing 6th house rules physical health. This could involve getting plenty of rest and taking some much needed breaks for your mental health and to gather your wits and brain function again. Gemini needs a spiritual retreat, even if it is in your own home. Whatever is going on in your Life, whether it is Good, bad or indifferent, the Full Moon will shine its Light on the subject matter so that you can see it. Folks, it really is as easy as that. You should also look to the house that is ruled by Taurus in your Natal Chart because these brilliantly lit moonbeams will also be shining on that subject matter. This Taurus Moon is all about money and that is exactly what is on your mind right now. The hidden realm has your subconscious mind thinking about money. Since you are going to think about money, then think about ways to solve your issues. One of those solutions could easily be to stop spending when you have bills to pay. Jupiter in Scorpio moving through your 6th house of work could make you lucky where more work is concerned. You may find yourself saying, "Whew, that was close!" When that happens you certainly won't want to waste that kind of wonderful financial energy. Get your financial act together.

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Dr. Standley's Expansive Natal Chart

All about Cancer on DrStandley.com

This opposition involves your 5th and 11th houses. The 5th house of pleasurable activities, parties, romance, dating, Love affairs, playtime/acting, sensual emotions, Lovers, parenthood and sexuality, creativity, artistic pursuits, hobbies, recreation, procreation, babies, pregnancy, children. It also includes leisure, games, sports, self-fulfillment, joy and bliss. And the 11th house of friends, groups of people, social acquaintances, former relationships (ex's), organizations, alliances, fraternities, memberships, money from the employer, finances of employer and stock exchanges. It is also about your hopes, wishes, dreams and the future. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

This 11th house makes you feel very sociable and the party won't start until you show up. Aquarius naturally rules this 11th house, so in a sense, you are the Aquarius right now that needs and wants security in this area of your Life. This could involve a party, gathering, function, meeting, invitations, memberships or an organization. Whatever is going on in your Life, whether it is Good, bad or indifferent, the Full Moon will shine its Light on the subject matter so that you can see it. Folks, it really is as easy as that. You should also look to the house that is ruled by Taurus in your Natal Chart because these brilliantly lit moonbeams will also be shining on that subject matter. This 11th house naturally rules the 'future'. In order to move into the future then something needs to change right now. Cancer can be quite comfortable with the status quo. If fact, if you just look around you can see how hard it is for Cancer to let go of their possessions because they have so much piled up here and there. This does not mean you have to let go of your possessions. It is just an example of how you need to change something about you in order to have change show up in your Life. If you want something to change, then change YOU!

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The Works! Expansive Natal Chart package on DrStandley.com

All about Leo on DrStandley.com

This opposition involves your 4th and 10th houses. The 4th house of home and family. It describes your roots, your heritage and your private life. This house also rules land, property, residences, domestic affairs, psychological foundations, biological inheritance and place of abode. And the 10th house public life. This house also rules fame, notoriety, occupation, career, ambition, government, military, chief executives, business life, goals, ranks, political position, status, standing in the public eye, position in society. It shows your standing in the community and social status. It can reflect your attitude to parenting. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

My Goodness what have you been up to with regard to your career. Something is definitely shifting in this 10th house where you are going to a higher level or you are going in a completely different direction, which will take you to a higher level of career achievement. For Leo small business owners, business may be booming or it will be booming sooner than you can say, "Cash this check!" Besides, the only Good check is a cashed check. Right? This could involve a raise, a transfer, a promotion, more business, more business projects or contracts or a hefty check. Whatever is going on in your Life, whether it is Good, bad or indifferent, the Full Moon will shine its Light on the subject matter so that you can see it. Folks, it really is as easy as that. You should also look to the house that is ruled by Taurus in your Natal Chart because these brilliantly lit moonbeams will also be shining on that subject matter. This stubborn and hard-headed energy today could make it a challenge to get your way, much less get the recognition and attention you desire. Keep in mind this Taurus Moon does square (challenge) your sign so make certain you are not trying to force something that just will not work today. All you will end up doing is frustrating yourself and roaring at everyone else, which is not very attractive. Control yourself Leo. Remember how old you are and then act like it. OUCHY!

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Basic Starter Astrology Package on DrStandley.com

All about Virgo on DrStandley.com

This opposition involves your 3rd and 9th houses. The 3rd house of communication, writing, mental abilities, sales, marketing, media, advertising, publicity, campaign, blog, website, lower education from 1st to 12th grade, early learning, immediate environment, short journeys, local travel and travel within your own country. It also rules neighbors, siblings and extended siblings such as cousins, nieces and nephews. And the 9th house of the dreams, visions, goals, ambitions, new adventures, new experiences, higher-thinking mind, religion, college, higher education, teachers, legalities, brothers and sisters-in-law, philosophy, prophecy, philanthropy, all things "foreign", intuition, long distance journeys abroad, churches, airlines, vacations and international commerce. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

There may be an increase or change in your travel plans. You can probably get by with a small suitcase or even just a toothbrush. Comings and goings for educational purposes or even higher learning for personal reasons is likely. Watch for opportunities over the coming months. Continuing education classes could take you on the road as well. This could involve classes, workshops, travel abroad, planes, trains, automobiles and distance learning. Whatever is going on in your Life, whether it is Good, bad or indifferent, the Full Moon will shine its Light on the subject matter so that you can see it. Folks, it really is as easy as that. You should also look to the house that is ruled by Taurus in your Natal Chart because these brilliantly lit moonbeams will also be shining on that subject matter. This is a wonderful time for your intuition and you could be introduced to something new that you just need to give it a chance, especially before you start dissecting it piece by piece. Remember a rose is a rose for the totality of its parts. Refrain from tearing something apart petal by petal to find its beauty when the beauty is right in front of you. Virgo could use some appreciation for the bigger things in Life without having to analyze it to smithereens.

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Dr. Standley's Expansive Natal Chart

All about Libra on DrStandley.com

This opposition involves your 2nd and 8th houses. The 2nd house of value systems, physical possessions and money, personal self esteem and talents. This house also rules your personal earnings, bankers, budgets, money that "you" make, material resources, value system, monetary gains and losses, security. Basically this house is about your self-worth. And the 8th house of the wealth of your spouse or business partner, joint resources, support from other people, insurance, legacies, other people's money, stocks, bonds, taxes, inheritances and wills. It also includes, surgeries, spirituality, astral experiences, the metaphysical realm, transformation, regeneration and covers death or endings (rebirth), sex and an element of legal matters. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

This is a fabulous placement for the Full Moon because it ushers in money through other sources that are not necessarily your own. In other words, money comes to you through other people including the partner, spouse, a bank, a lender and even through a bonus, lottery, settlement or windfall. It's crazy! This 8th house needs and wants security in this area of your Life and it will get it. This could involve a payment or bonus for work previously done. Heck, your benefits at work could also be increased. Whatever is going on in your Life, whether it is Good, bad or indifferent, the Full Moon will shine its Light on the subject matter so that you can see it. Folks, it really is as easy as that. You should also look to the house that is ruled by Taurus in your Natal Chart because these brilliantly lit moonbeams will also be shining on that subject matter. This 8th house rules transformation, which is exactly what Libra has been going through on many levels, especially if you are in the midst of big changes. This is a Good thing so refrain from allowing this to frighten you. Change is when you move up another level in your growth and development. Things seems a bit tight and uncertain right now but in the long run (actually the short term) it is all Good.

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Little-Bit-Of-Everything Astrology Package on DrStandley.com

All about Scorpio on DrStandley.com

This opposition involves your 1st and 7th houses. The 1st house of identity and how other's see you. This house also rules the personality, your attitude, how you see the world, how you look, appearances, your worldly outlook, and self-awareness and how you respond. It includes the self, ego, anima, projected image, expression of inner motivation, soul purpose, initial approach to life and your aura. Take special note that this first house rules your soul's purpose and your inner motivation. And the 7th house of contractual relationships. This house also rules unions, lawsuits, contracts, partnerships, marriages, agreements, and open enemies with the public. This can be partnerships in business, marriage or a committed relationship that is a live-in arrangement. It also includes long-term associations, the animus (underlying passion or force), the relationship between soul and personality. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

This Full Moon wants to bring a relationship closer together and if you are single, it wants to bring the awareness of relationships closer to you. If you are coupled-up a conversation may be taking place that puts you both on the same track and settles something once and for all. This is a Good thing. This 7th house needs and wants security in this area of your Life. This could involve a marriage proposal, a new relationship agreement, a marriage or an agreement to move-in together or improve upon your living together circumstances. Whatever is going on in your Life, whether it is Good, bad or indifferent, the Full Moon will shine its Light on the subject matter so that you can see it. Folks, it really is as easy as that. You should also look to the house that is ruled by Taurus in your Natal Chart because these brilliantly lit moonbeams will also be shining on that subject matter. This Taurus Moon could put you in a lethargic mood which will give you time to think about relationships. If you are coupled-up, then consider the things that 'you' can do to make the relationship better instead of waiting for someone else to change. When you change, then the world really does change with you simply because they HAVE TO respond to your change. They don't have a choice. Now that is some very cool Scorpio manipulative power. You are using it wisely when you change first and for the better. Transform your energy into productivity and that will definitely make you feel better.

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Phone Reading with Dr. Standley

All about Sagittarius on DrStandley.com

This opposition involves your 6th and 12th houses. The 6th house of daily life, health, hygiene, food, work ethic, employees, service, skills, servants, clothing and sickness. It is about the service you give to others and your daily habits, routine, the working environment, pets, animals and service. And the 12th house of the hidden realm, subconscious, past, pain, karma, jails, institutions, hospitals, mental health, finances of friends, secret sorrows, fears, self-destruction, large animals, skeletons in closet, self-undoing and self-injury. It is about your hidden strengths, weaknesses and what you don't want others to see or know about you, unredeemed karma and selfless service to humanity. Refrain from letting this house frighten you because it is necessary that you look at your own self-undoing in order to keep yourself on the straight path. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

This is about your physical health more than it is about your mental health. Of course, one impacts the other but the focus is really on you taking care of your physical health and getting on the right track. This 6th house needs and wants security in this area of your Life and wants you to solidify and get those answers from the questions regarding health that you had back in April 2017. This could involve a follow-up doctor appointment or making an appointment that you have been avoiding. Maybe its just something as simple as getting a weighted hoola-hoop, or a dancing CD and start exercising again. Whatever is going on in your Life, whether it is Good, bad or indifferent, the Full Moon will shine its Light on the subject matter so that you can see it. Folks, it really is as easy as that. You should also look to the house that is ruled by Taurus in your Natal Chart because these brilliantly lit moonbeams will also be shining on that subject matter. You may feel sluggish and lethargic today when what you really need to do is get self-motivated in this 6th house of work ethic, organization and health. Maybe posting some notes around that say, 'MOTIVATE' will get you motivated. Take note that whenever this Taurus Moon moves into your 6th house you will likely feel tired and probably lazy barely budging from the place you are standing. Self-motivation is the key. This Taurus Moon does not give you permission to do nothing. 'MOTIVATE'.

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This opposition involves your 5th and 11th houses. The 5th house of pleasurable activities, parties, romance, dating, Love affairs, playtime/acting, sensual emotions, Lovers, parenthood and sexuality, creativity, artistic pursuits, hobbies, recreation, procreation, babies, pregnancy, children. It also includes leisure, games, sports, self-fulfillment, joy and bliss. And the 11th house of friends, groups of people, social acquaintances, former relationships (ex's), organizations, alliances, fraternities, memberships, money from the employer, finances of employer and stock exchanges. It is also about your hopes, wishes, dreams and the future. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

You may be meeting Love in all the right places under this Full Moon. If you are in a relationship, you may end up taking it to the next best level. If you are single, then you could end up meeting Mr. or Miss Wonderful very soon so you may as well get out of the house and become more sociable. This 5th house needs and wants security in this area of your Life. With Venus moving into Scorpio on November 7th you are definitely getting the support you either needed or wanted. This could involve dating, socializing, romance and possibly even meeting 'the relatives' of someone special. Whatever is going on in your Life, whether it is Good, bad or indifferent, the Full Moon will shine its Light on the subject matter so that you can see it. You should also look to the house that is ruled by Taurus in your Natal Chart because these brilliantly lit moonbeams will also be shining on that subject matter. Capricorn, you could literally start a business out of nothing more than a great idea. It makes me wonder if the e-Bay inventor was a Capricorn. All you need is a great idea and then you can run with it and create a ton of money. The only thing you need is belief in yourself and it is done. No belief, then no money. This 5th house rules creativity, which can stimulate money-making ideas for you. The amount of time it takes you to reach the summit is really up to you.

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All about Aquarius on DrStandley.com

This opposition involves your 4th and 10th houses. The 4th house of home and family. It describes your roots, your heritage and your private life. This house also rules land, property, residences, domestic affairs, psychological foundations, biological inheritance and place of abode. And the 10th house public life. This house also rules fame, notoriety, occupation, career, ambition, government, military, chief executives, business life, goals, ranks, political position, status, standing in the public eye, position in society. It shows your standing in the community and social status. It can reflect your attitude to parenting. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

It does not matter if you own, lease or rent out your own property, your 4th house needs and wants security in this area of your Life. This could involve a move, an update to the property or even an artistic change with interior design. Whatever is going on in your Life, whether it is Good, bad or indifferent, the Full Moon will shine its Light on the subject matter so that you can see it. Folks, it really is as easy as that. You should also look to the house that is ruled by Taurus in your Natal Chart because these brilliantly lit moonbeams will also be shining on that subject matter. This Taurus Moon can make you feel 'stuck' in a family situation that you really don't want. This could be nothing more than a family gathering where you would rather make an appearance and then wander off to greener pastures. It is possible that you might lock horns with a family member today and the best way to avoid it is . . to avoid it. Simple as that!

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All about Pisces on DrStandley.com

This opposition involves your 3rd and 9th houses. The 3rd house of communication, writing, mental abilities, sales, marketing, media, advertising, publicity, campaign, blog, website, lower education from 1st to 12th grade, early learning, immediate environment, short journeys, local travel and travel within your own country. It also rules neighbors, siblings and extended siblings such as cousins, nieces and nephews. And the 9th house of the dreams, visions, goals, ambitions, new adventures, new experiences, higher-thinking mind, religion, college, higher education, teachers, legalities, brothers and sisters-in-law, philosophy, prophecy, philanthropy, all things "foreign", intuition, long distance journeys abroad, churches, airlines, vacations and international commerce. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

This Full Moon has you coming and going, like a traveling salesman who is here, there and everywhere communicating with many people in many places. This involves cars, phones, computers, contacts, maps, messages, e-mails, texts and sales. This 3rd house needs and wants security in this area of your Life and it could bring more money as well. This could involve the purchase of new gadgetry or even transportation needs in order to get you to the place that you need to be. Whatever is going on in your Life, whether it is Good, bad or indifferent, the Full Moon will shine its Light on the subject matter so that you can see it. Folks, it really is as easy as that. You should also look to the house that is ruled by Taurus in your Natal Chart because these brilliantly lit moonbeams will also be shining on that subject matter. Communication and transportation could be a challenge for you. This could lead to missed phone calls or wrong turns in your navigation system. Make certain you do not let this energy take over your emotions and cause you to get angry because that will not help your purpose. This is a time for you to learn how to respond to change and pressure. Besides, if you cannot handle something small, then how would you be able to handle something big that involves more responsibility. You know, even an increase in money involves more responsibility.

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