This is your motto for this particular house.
If Gemini is your "Rising Sign" aka "Ascendant". Your Rising Sign is the sign that rules your 1st House cusp. If I wrote your chart, there is a graphic at the beginning of this Natal Chart that will show you where your Ascendant is located.
Because Gemini is on your 1st House cusp, you would take on the nature, characteristics and tendencies of Gemini in this particular house.
Click on the following link to read the Gemini horoscope, rulerships, characteristics and tendencies. Then apply the information to this particular house in your chart.
In addition to reading your daily Sun Sign horoscopes, also read your daily Gemini horoscope.
BIG TIP TO REMEMBER --- Anyone who has the same Sun Sign as your Rising Sign will automatically be your competition. So all Gemini's are your competition. Notice how you act and react in a group when a Gemini is present. Both of you will be competing for the attention of anyone else present. This should not turn into a dual. This is something you should know and use in order to build your character and personality. You should be a better person because of this information and you should leave all people better than you found them, including your competition. After all, your Rising Sign is all about your personality, appearance and worldly outlook. These competitive people can be just about anyone - spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, friends, family members, children, co-workers, etc. It's just downright fascinating!
This house rules the head, face, upper lip, and upper jaw, cerebrum (brain).
The 1st House is about identity. This house also rules the personality, attitude, how you see the world, how you look, appearances, your worldly outlook, and self-awareness and how you respond. It describes how you see yourself and how others see you. It can also describe your physical appearance. Other keywords include: the self, ego, anima, projected image, expression of inner motivation, soul purpose, initial approach to life, the aura.
Gemini Rising natives take on the personality of the Gemini. Gemini's are highly ambitious, experimental, aspiring and curious. Since I AM a Gemini, this is one reason why I call myself an "experiential junkie." Gemini's are also the most intellectual sign of the zodiac giving their mind to investigation, curiosity and inquiry. They Love to think, which is why their motto is "I think, therefore I AM."
Gemini will quiet themselves long enough to hear someone else talk, and you can literally see the cogwheels churning in their mind as they listen. They are thinking! They are also adaptable, active and quite capable of engaging in two different things at one time, making them highly dexterous. They can literally pat their belly and scratch their head at the same time. They can listen to the radio and watch TV at the same time. Actually, they can usually juggle 12 projects at once. If a Gemini has only one project to engage in, they will typically get bored and quit. They need many projects churning at once.
Their nature is sympathetic, sensitive and highly intuitive while at the same time being perceptive to the world around them and quite imaginative. They are thinking! They typically have an idealistic nature about them and will be attracted to all kinds of mental stimulation. Give them a puzzle and they'll be busy until they finish it. Gemini's like to be known as being very intelligent.
Gemini Rising natives seek pleasure because it's fun and are attracted to all types of adventure, science and pursuits that bring about expanded education. Because they are action-oriented beings, they are usually restless in nature and high-strung most of the time. They are mentally indecisive, irritable, timid and easily excited. Gemini's Love change and may adopt the philosophy, "Change is Good, change is often." Their Love of diversity makes them adaptable to most situations, much of the time. Their temperament can change faster than the weather and if you stick around long enough (just a few minutes) they'll forget they were upset or angry in the first place.
In order to be truly happy, a Gemini must be very busy. Any inactivity on their part will lead to boredom, lethargy and impatience. Gemini's are also inventors and have the ability to pioneer something brand new to the world. They are progressive, mechanically and technologically gifted and may be found taking something apart just to see how it works. It's a cogwheels thing! They have the mental capacity of genius and possess an incredible ability to converse about any topic known to man and have a literary gift.
Gemini Rising natives will do best in a career where there is an abundance of activity and diversity. Their mind has to be active. TV can literally shut down the Gemini mind, unless of course they are the star on TV. Gemini rules broadcasting, TV and radio. Because Gemini rules the arms and hands, they can work faster than a jack-rabbit on a project that involves their hands.
The best outlet for a Gemini would be the literary world, writing, publishing, speaking, broadcasting, etc.
Gemini Rising natives tend to be tall and slender with limber and flexible figure. They have fast and active body movements such as; walking fast, talking fast and eating fast. They have long arms, fingers and thin features that reflect in a longer face, chin and nose. Their complexion may be sanguine or have a red tone to it. The eyes are usually gray or hazel with typically darker brown hair.
Gemini's are quick studies and can learn anything in a heart-beat. They Love to read and write, journaling their thoughts for a later book. They have an inquisitive, curious nature that causes them to just want to know. They typically have a Good education because they are so curious and schooling can satisfy the drive for the intellect. They are dexterous and prone to doing two things at once.
They have lively personalities that draw many different types of people toward them and are usually the Life of the party. Their quick wit makes conversation with a Gemini native interesting and stimulating. They have a fondness for music, dancing, traveling, drawing, painting, various languages and invention. They are typically restless and energetic, while at the same time shy and retiring. Their disposition is generally upbeat all the time and they are humanitarians.
**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.