This aspect is a seat of inner tensions. The tension of the square gives us motivation. Squares are dynamic aspects that give us the drive to succeed. What begins as an inner problem is overcome or accepted, and then becomes a door to understanding.
Venus rules Love, beauty and relationships. Venus is aesthetic, artistic and romantic. Uranus is the planet of a sudden change in circumstance, much like a lightning strike. Uranus also represents innovation, invention and
independence. It literally strikes out and strikes out on its own, like lightning. Uranus is unconventional and electrifying; thereby bringing about sudden change in an instant, which can show up as being erratic. You can pretty much expect the unexpected when Uranus is involved and since it is coupled with Venus in this scenario, then relationships can change in the blink of an eye.
This aspect is restless and lacks commitment in personal relationships. Venus square Uranus is willful and sees anyone else's claim on them as an obstacle to their freedom of self-expression. There is a need to learn compromise and enjoy a partner's unique contribution to one's life. This aspect says, "Don't cling to me!" and "These boots are made for walkin'."
There is a constant testing and experimenting in relationships that also includes experimentation with sex and possibly other couples or partners. This can change the rules of engagement with relationships in a flash and it can also change the status of finances in a flash. Nothing stays the same, nor is it permanent. These are dramatic and unusual changes. Do not expect stability with Love, relationships or money. Read more in my Astrology Aspects eBook - click the graphic below!
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