This aspect depicts conflict which, when resolved, results in growth. Oppositions show a tug of war between opposing forces. If they are resolved, then the oppositions become the backbone and strength of the chart.
It is important to understand that the Moon rules the home and the family. It also rules the emotions, feelings, sensitivities and moods, while Mercury rules the reasoning and conscious mind that forms conclusions. The Moon is emotional, while Mercury is intellectual. The Moon rules the stomach, while Mercury rules the nervous system. With this opposition, there is a tendency to worry so much that it can result in an upset stomach, butterflies in the stomach, gastritis or a full blown ulcer.
While oppositions are opposite energy, they can also become the perfect balance when channeled appropriately. The emotions and the mind are at odds under this transit, which result in poor decision making or no decision at all, this being due to the tug of war between the heart (emotions) and the head (mind). The Moon rules the gut (stomach) so when the individual does not trust their gut, it results in indecision. The individual needs to meet themselves halfway in order to arrive at a decision. But then again, no decision is still a decision. Read more in my Astrology Aspects eBook - click the graphic below!
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