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Daily Horoscopes are written according to where the Moon is located.
For that reason you will see the Moon information 1st paragraph (below), the 2nd paragraph is the house that affects your Sign, and the 3rd paragraph is the horoscope itself based on the information of the 1st and 2nd paragraph.
THE MOON IS IN CAPRICORN TODAY! Keywords: Work, career, public image, status, rank in society, social status in the community, manager, ambitious, responsible, materialistic, conscientious, cold, cautious, prudent, pessimistic, business minded, the boss, manager, father, older men, authority figures, the military, fame, public recognition, level of fortune The Capricorn Moon is moving through your 12th house of the hidden realm, subconscious, past, pain, karma, jails, institutions, hospitals, finances of friends, secret sorrows, fears, self-destruction, large animals, skeletons in closet, self-undoing and self-injury. It is about your hidden strengths, weaknesses and what you don't want others to see or know about you, unredeemed karma and selfless service to humanity. Refrain from letting this house frighten you because it is necessary that you look at your own self-undoing in order to keep yourself on the straight path. If you missed Yesterday's Daily Horoscope, click back a date to read what I wrote because it's worth it to read the set-up for today's New Moon in Capricorn at 2:44 PM EST, which is part of a Stellium (4 of more planets in the same sign). Today we have the Venus, Pluto, Mercury, the Sun and the Moon all in Capricorn, with the Moon and the Sun conjunct (in the exact same degree). This energy is so exciting because it is so close to the beginning of the New Year and sets a Lovely determined tone for the rest of the year. The next New Moon that I am absolutely in LOVE with will be on April 10, 2013 when the New Moon will be in Aries, THE SIGN of all signs of new beginnings, which will also be accompanied by a Stellium as well. But back to today's New Moon in Capricorn, which is all business and no monkey business. Capricorn is serious, it is ambitious, it is the ladder climber of the zodiac, it is focused on success and nothing but success. Capricorn will reach the summit by shear determination and will get exactly what it wants 'using' everything in its power. Did you know that Capricorn is symbolic of both the fish and the goat? Capricorn's 'ancient' symbolic glyph is the sea-goat. It's modern symbolic glyph is the mountain goat. Greek mythology surrounding this glyph is that the goat-god Pan was attacked by Typhon, so the goat-god jumped into the Nile and the part of the goat that was under the water became a fish and the part above the water remained a goat. Hang with me here folks because I'm just a little enamoured with Capricorn energy since I do have a natal Capricorn Moon and I Love embracing this energy. Anyway, the great thing about Capricorn is that whether symbolized by the mountain goat or the sea-goat the main thing to remember is that both the mountain goat and sea-goat are capable of leaping. They both leap easily and effortlessly through the air, much like flying. If you turn your back for one minute the mountain goat has bounced up another level of the mountain and stands perched looking over everything else. Capricorn Loves to be on top and above all else, which is why you will usually see a Capricorn drive an SUV or at the very least a very expensive car. Things always look better from above than below. ALWAYS! And the sea-goat can use it's tail to propel itself through the air. Not only can it leap, it can fly. This is important to remember no matter where the energy of Capricorn happens to be in your personal Natal Chart. In other words, you do not have to take the stairs, you can take the elevator. FLY! You can make it easy on yourself and fly! You can skip some stairs on the way up because you can be like Superman and leap over anything in a single bound. Oh I Love my Capricorn Moon. Wherever Capricorn is in your chart is also where you are most 'sober'. If you have ever been drunk, then you know that it's direct opposite is sobriety. If you have ever been over-emotional, then you know that it's direct opposite energy is serious, sober, hard and cold. Capricorn's opposite sign is Cancer, which is moody, emotional and drunk with emotions and feelings. I'm not saying here that one is drunk and one is sober (as in booze) it's a figure of speech used for describing how both signs deal with feelings and emotions. Those who have a Capricorn Moon will not only sober up their emotions faster than others but they will also sober up from a night out of drinking quicker than most people. A Capricorn Moon wakes up and gets serious pretty darn fast. So when I talk about hitting you with my two by four, that's my Capricorn Moon talking because I'm basically saying that a conversation with me with sober you up real fast. BAM! Once you understand the energy of a sign and it's symbolism, then it is easier to put the energy to Good 'use'. Oh, there's that word again (use) that I talked about yesterday. You know how I always tell you that Capricorn is THE MOST materialistic sign of the zodiac. Not only because Capricorn sits atop of the highest mountain but it is only attracted to all things that are the best of the best. Also in Greek mythology, the Capricorn goat's broken horn was transformed into the 'cornucopia' (the horn of plenty) that we now associate with abundance, nourishment and prosperity. It was the goat that suckled and gave nourishment to the Greek god Zeus when he was an infant. Every single person (especially a Capricorn) should have a symbolic cornucopia somewhere in their home simply because we all have Capricorn somewhere in our natal chart. This New Moon in Capricorn actually affects Aquarius' 12th house of solitude, reflection, skeletons in the closet, what you don't want others to see or know about you and your own self-undoing. When the Moon is in Capricorn that is usually the time of the month when you withdrawal and no one sees you. In fact, you may not even answer your phone. You're just MIA (missing in action) because Aquarius is always so full of action. During this New Moon you may be tucked away behind closed doors contemplating every single thing that these five planets represent -- Venus (Love, relationships), Pluto (transformation, change), Mercury (communication and travel), the Sun (ego, the self, personality) and the Moon (moods and emotions). If you put this New Moon to Good 'use' then you will emerge from this New Moon with a make-over from head to toe, inside the body and outside of the body. This is the perfect time to put action into all of those things that you thought about doing during the quiet moments along with yourself. You see Aquarius, this 12th house rules your spiritual and mental health, where the opposite house (6th house) rules physical health. This is where you have to get your spiritual and mental health back on track and then your physical health will likely follow. If you are unemployed, this will not be for long because this Stellium of new energy will be changing your circumstances since this 12th house rules unemployment. Saturn sextile to Pluto brings in a supportive foundation for transformation. Check the Daily Message even before you read the Daily Horoscopes or progress to any other page because I will update that page first, which may contain a website announcement, a story based on my morning Musical DLG ™ (Download from God ™ ) or any other additional information regarding this site or one of my other websites.
DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind. |