This aspect depicts conflict which, when resolved, results in growth. Oppositions show a tug of war between opposing forces. If they are resolved, then the oppositions become the backbone and strength of the chart.
It is important to understand that the Jupiter is happy-go-lucky and optimistic. Jupiter is lucky, adventurous and abundant. Jupiter is also very benevolent, generous and philanthropic. It rules religion and higher education. Neptune is in-tune. Think of Neptune as being intuitive, in-tune and tuning in like a Tune-Ah-Fish, since Neptune is the ruler of Pisces (the fish).
This aspect reveals an artistic talent. Those who have this placement in their natal chart will have artistic talent whether they know it or not and will often believe that it is their partner who is the talented one. These talents need to be nurtured and developed within the self.
Since Jupiter blows up whatever it touches out of proportion, there may be a struggle with a tendency to exaggerate. When putting together this awareness with a need to develop one's talents, this will help direct the fertile imagination into a creative project. Read more in my Astrology Aspects eBook - click the graphic below!
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