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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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To better understand the 'Void', please read the following two paragraphs before clicking the calendars.
Believe me, it will make a lot more sense. Have fun!

In 13 years since publishing this website, I have had less than a handful of people call me and ask why my Void of Course Moon Calendars have different times than other site(s) that post a Void of Course Moon Calendar. Recently I had one astrologer call to school me on my translation but yet he/she never bothered to entertain the calculation between the 27 degree and 3 degree movement. I don't understand how this movement cannot be considered when its clear that when we move from one house (residence) to another, we are in the midst of chaos. Many people are forgetting to simply observe astrology and then practice what they learn in the daily Life. No wonder astrology does not work for some people! A planet is 'in the void' when it is in the midst of moving from one sign into the next sign. It only makes sense! That calculated time 'should be' between 27 degrees of one sign and 3 degrees into the next sign. Other Void of Course Calendar's that you may see on the web state the Void is when the Moon makes no other aspects to other planets before it leaves its sign. It is a flat out ridiculous thought process to think that nothing is happening at any given time. I'm telling you folks, this calculation does not work in terms of the chaos and shake up movement as it does when it moves between 27 and 3 degrees. Not to mention THE MOON DICTATES OUR EMOTIONS! Now wonder we get all freaked out when changing from one thing to another . . that involves movement from one place to another. This particular astrologer who called pressed me to change my take on this in order to agree with others interpretations and I just won't do it because it simply does not work like it does when you use the 27 degree to 3 degree calculation. I'm sticking to my guns and that's final.

You know what I always say, "When it's the Truth, it shows up everywhere." So folks, make certain when you are studying your astrology that you can boldly and plainly see it. You will be able to see that this Void of Course Moon between 27 degrees and 3 degrees is OBVIOUS because when it's the Truth, it will show up everywhere.

Look at it this way . . . you know how you feel when you move from one house (residence) to another house (residence)? There is a lot of packing, moving about and just general chaos keeping track of all of your stuff in trucks as it's being shuffled from one house to another. Well the energy of a planet preparing to move feels the same chaotic way. Energy is shifting and it feels off balance and cranky to say the least. This is not the time to sign something new or make a new plan while you are in the midst of change. If you notice in the dark blue areas of each of my calendars I call your attention to the 27 to 3 degree time period. So the degrees involved are 27, 28, 29, 00, 01, 02 and up until the start of 03 degrees. I calculate the start of the void at 27 degrees 00 minutes up until 02 degrees 59 minutes 59 seconds . . . once the next second ticks away and the 3 degree mark is reached, then it is out of the void and the planet has settled into the next sign. Now compare this to how you feel when you move from one house (residence) to another and need to get settled. I have checked some of the other Void of Course Moon Calendars out there on the web and I can tell you based on the time zone they have listed, it doesn't make sense and the Moon is 'still' making aspects to other planets. Go figure.

When reading the Void of Course Moon Calendars . . make certain you are aware of this next paragraph. On this website I always post everything according to ET (Eastern Time). Since I have to choose a time zone to post everything, then I chose to use Eastern Time because most people know their time in relation to Eastern Time. When 'Daylight Saving Time' takes place again next Spring then everything will be written in EDT (Eastern Daylight Time). 'Daylight' time is the spring and summer months and 'Standard' time is the fall and winter months. If you are reading a website that is written in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time aka Greenwich Meridian Time) then it will be 5 hours ahead of EDT, 6 hours ahead of CDT, 7 hours ahead of MDT and 8 hours ahead of PDT. Please note that UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) and GMT are the same thing and is the local time at the Prime Meridian that passes through Greenwich, England. This can seriously mess you up if you do not know what time zone a particular website is operating in. By the way, Z Time (Zulu Time), GMT, UTC are the same thing. I have placed this link CLICK HERE FOR THE TIME ZONE CONVERTER just above each calendar listed below.

WHEN THE MOON IS "VOID OF COURSE" THERE ARE DELAYS, FALSE STARTS AND UNEXPECTED HASSLES. Some people call this a "curve ball." This is because the moon will be moving between two different signs. This can last between a few seconds, minutes or hours and it can sometimes last a day or two. When the energy is faulty and unexpected, refrain from making decisions because judgment could be faulty because you would be making a decision when all the factors are not known. Do not sign contracts, shop or promise anything during this time. Also refrain from getting your feathers ruffled when the moon is "void of course" because it is better to just submit to spontaneity. How Fun? It can be plenty of fun if you work it right!

The 'Moon' itself describes what your immediate emotional response looks like with regard to daily Life circumstances, everyday affairs and domestic scenes. The Moon is a fast moving planet and changes every 2 - 2 1/2 days. How's that for dynamics and the ebb and flow of relationships? It also represents the attitude that you developed in childhood from your family.

Since the Moon rules the mother, it shows your relationship with your mother, just as Saturday,urn rules the father and shows your relationship with your father. It may also show dietary habits and preferences with food.

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**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.

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