Surprisingly this morning, I found myself already recalculating one week after we just finished a yoga challenge. Typically, Monday through Friday I will attend two yoga classes a day, with one blazing hot at 107 to 110 degrees, and the other class either being another hot yoga at about 90 degrees or maybe a stretch class that has no heat. I wish they were all at 107 to 110 degrees, but hey, what can you do? Saturday's it would not be uncommon for me to bail out on the 6:30 AM class and just attend the 8:30 AM class. But then again, sometimes I will go to both. Sunday's I rarely ever go to yoga as I take the day off from all exercise, unless of course my Scorpion King (fiance') and I go for a long bicycle ride.
I found myself recalculating this morning because yesterday (Friday) I only went to one hot yoga class at 9:00 AM. After the morning class I poured myself into work since I have a lot of changes I am implementing tomorrow (Sunday). The next thing I know time was on top of me and I cancelled for the 4:30 PM class. I worked and worked and worked, typed and typed and typed until about 1:00 AM this morning (Saturday). My body was getting so stiff and my low back was aching because I would only get up to get more coffee. I wasn't drinking water (only coffee) and I was going hours with even going to the bathroom. Old habits rise up so easily if unchecked. Then I was too tired to make the 6:30 AM class this morning (Saturday) and had to cancel because I was exhausted. I kept my reservation for the 8:30 AM class, but there I was, already back to the old-bad-habits that put me in such horrible shape over 35 lbs. ago. Damn, it doesn't take much to jump right back into the cesspool of Life.
The Truth is, since I work from home, I need to peel myself away from the computer twice a day because I will sit here for hours on end working and get so stiff that I will get sore. I need to continue with what works for me and that is going to hot yoga twice a day, once in the morning and once in the late afternoon or early evening. It's just what I need to do if I am going to carry on with this website and work the hours that I do. I don't mind skipping yoga on a rest day but skipping because I'm working too much is just bad decision making. What I do mind is cancelling a class because I wouldn't tear myself away from my desk. That is what I have a problem with because the body wants to move. The body has to move. [Keep reading . . .]
The Good news is all week I have been working very hard at better form with my 'pigeon pose'. I envisioned that I was more like the woman in the purple pic rather than the woman in the white pic. This week I discovered that I had not even been walking my hands back to my hips to even get more upright and then go into a slight back-bend before folding forward over my knee to the mat. In fact, I was not even attempting to sit upright and give a small back bend. This week I finally heard the instructor say, "Walk back your hands." I would be willing to bet every instructor had been saying this but I finally got 'the get'. Now I can see that I am more upright like the pic in the white rather than the pic in the purple. I still need more 'cowbell' (more arch in my back) but I'm getting there.
Today I was also able to do a halfway almost descent kinda sorta 'bound side angle pose'. I was so tickled. The instuctor gave me an assist but just as my fingers were within a 1/2 inch or less from touching, my arms slipped from all of the sweat and I missed the grip. Still, I was pretty darn tickled that I was that close and my shoulders and chest (heart) were finally opening. I probably looked more like a humble warrior facing the ground than I did the wall, but I'm still content with my effort and progress. Hear ye' hear ye' - I can't wait until tomorrow. I'm going to class on a Sunday, only because I want to shake myself up and give my body some movement since I have been working all day and I will be planted in my chair working all day tomorrow (Sunday). I am recalculating and making certain that I always take care of myself first. Always! I told the Scorpion King that we may never have dinner together again if I keep going back to a late afternoon/evening class and he's fine with it. He is happy with my results. (Winky wink)
**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.