For the third time in my Life, I have recommitted to my yoga practice. Three times! This last and final time was 9 months ago, in April 2017. After going to 'hot yoga' every single day and most days twice a day for 3-1/2 months, by mid-July 2017 I had dropped a total of 35 pounds. Right at about the same time, the studio where I practice was starting YTT (yoga teacher training) that I knew I wanted to do, but also knew that it wasn't my time for many reasons. I told myself, "The next teacher training that rolls around, I'm all-in." When I tell myself things like that, I actually follow-through.
As each day in the late Fall ticked by, all of the studios in the area began advertising their next upcoming teacher training. In my mind it was already a done deal, it was just a matter of deciding where I want to be trained, and who I wanted to be trained by. I took this decision very seriously because I understand that I am in a position of influence, where I not only influence thousands of people through this website, my influence is actually in the millions. Out of 1.7 billion websites in the world, this website has a consistent daily traffic rank of 120,000 - 140,000 with Google taking the #1 slot. Those are so pretty staggering stats. So you see, I am very aware of, 'Whoever influences me, influences you.' That is the reality. I have been keenly aware of how others can influence me since that one friend back in High School. I remember it like it was yesterday.
I began talking to anyone and everyone I knew who had been through YTT (yoga teacher training) and their experience with it. The feedback I received was incredibly insightful and caused me to look even closer at 'who' I wanted influencing me. It was an important choice. Who did I want to influence me? And who trained them? What kind of energy, awareness, information and study will be passed on to me? I did not assume that just because I was practicing at GO YOGA! express that I would be trained at GO YOGA! express. This is my yoga experience and just like anything else, it is my 'get to'.
Fast forward to late November 2017 and just days before Mercury turned Retrograde. I walked into the studio and asked my friend and owner 'Kellie Mathes' of GO YOGA! express a few questions about her upcoming YTT. Her immediate response was, "What is important to you?" I answered, "Philosophy". As we chatted a bit about this, it wasn't even 24 hours later that I had realized Kellie was my teacher. I had remembered back to late Spring 2015 during my second recommittment to yoga when I first met Kellie. I distinctly remember saying to myself, "When the student is ready the teacher will appear." I knew back then, but had forgotten. The teacher was the most important thing to me. [Keep reading . . . ]
I can't tell you how excited I am to begin this new adventure and experience, which begins January 19, 2018 and I will complete the YTT (yoga teacher training) in May 2018. I'm certain this will be the first of many training programs that I will engage in because I know me, when I'm all-in, it's already done.
Kellie Mathes E-RYT®, YACEP® and Tier 1 Baptiste Certified Teacher
Kellie has been practicing yoga since 2008. She fell in love with yoga while looking for a way to regain strength, while battling breast cancer and the debilitating side-effects of chemotherapy, countless surgeries and medical procedures. She began taking gentle yoga classes and before long, became as physically strong and mentally confident as she was pre-diagnosis. Within a few short months of practicing yoga, she was stronger than she had ever been in her life. Kellie's mission is to share the healing powers of yoga with you. [Keep reading . . . ]
In 2009, with a lot of encouragement from friends, Kellie began teaching yoga to a small group. Two years later, she opened her first yoga studio with partners which led to where she is today, launching Go Yoga! express as sole proprietor. Kellie is passionate about continuing her education as a teacher, constantly learning and practicing new skills to empower each and every student she has the honor to teach. She currently holds two yoga teaching certifications and is working on two more certifications. She is both, a 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher, certified through Yoga Alliance and a Tier 1 Certified Baptiste Teacher. In addition, she is currently working on her 500 hour Registered Yoga Teacher certification and continues to train with Baron Baptiste and The Baptiste Power Yoga Institute, where she is in the process of becoming a Tier 2 Certified Baptiste Teacher. More recently, Kellie has added personal inquiry and meditation to her practice and teaching.
**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.