
Using my Astrology, click here to see how I came up with the name of this section, the graphic and of course, how I ended up practicing hot yoga.
Since I had done 4 hot yoga classes on Wednesday and then 3 hot yoga classes on Thursday I was down for the count last night and knew that making the 5:15 AM class this morning was out of the question. At the end of the day, my back felt weak, tight and a bit vulnerable, so I cancelled myself out of 5:15 AM and signed up for the 9:00 AM. I'm all about giving myself what I need and taking away from myself what I don't need. I can do that! I will admit to a healthy ego, but I know better than to be stupid with my body (anymore). I already did the stupid and let myself inflate by 42 lbs. and now that over 30 lbs. has dissolved, I've learned my lesson. I haven't weighed in several weeks but I'm certain I have probably hit the 35 lb. mark by now.
Class was amazing (as usual) and I did take it easy on my low back. I eased in and out the poses and didn't go as deeply in certain directions as I normally would have. My low back just needed a rest. By the time class was over and I was walking out of the hot room, I was thinking, "What low back ache?" The heat, the ease, the Love, the awareness dissolved the issue.
Oh and the awareness I mentioned . . before Kellie's classes she always reads a passage from the book, 'Journey to the Heart' and it really resonated with me this morning. It resonated with me so much that it changed me. Instantaneously, that reading today changed my soul, in a Good way. I'm so grateful that I did not bow out of today's class, instead I bowed in. [Keep reading . . . ]
I really had a hard time during this class and feel like I was all roughed-up. I just couldn't get it together. In 4-1/2 months of nearly daily hot yoga and often times twice a day, this was the first time that I just stopped for a minute or so, wiped my face, drank some water and jumped back in. I never just completely stop, but today I stopped several times. This sequence really had me rattled and I did what we aren't supposed to do and that is hang on to the last pose. The last pose is already the past and my mind was still four poses behind and I couldn't let go. I was so frustrated. Now see that's what happens when we allow ego to land on the mat.
The Good news is when it came time to do wild thing and then go into wheel (a back bend) my right shoulder was stronger and I was able to support my body much better. So for that, I am grateful and left that class a very happy yogi.
by Dr. Loretta Standley
About Dr. Standley
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**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.