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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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Dr. Standley's Daily Habitual Ritual


Using my Astrology, click here to see how I came up with the name of this section, the graphic and of course, how I ended up practicing hot yoga.

FIRST HOT YOGA CLASS OF THE DAY - 5:15 AM CDT This morning's class was a power yoga class. We weren't holding poses for super long periods of time, more like through several cycles of breath. I can't remember how many breaths because I'm still wore out! I LOVE Jamie's class, actually I LOVE all of the instructors for different reasons, although I am a bit intimidated by her class because I know that I will need something extra to come out of my spirit. But hey, if you want to be an eagle, you have to flap those wings and keep up with the eagles, even if you are flapping harder and bringing up the rear.

Speaking of bringing up the rear. Yesterday I wrote about crescent lunge and how it feels so much better for me to dig deep and go down deeper. It seems the lower I go, the better I feel and the more I can hold the lunge and keep my balance. What I didn't mention was how I get into a lunge. Since I have been planted on my rear-end for the past 17 years writing this website, my hips have become locked and stiff giving me little ROM (range of motion). Taking two (2) hot yoga classes a day my hips are slowly, but surely, beginning to open and increase in ROM.

When I started hot yoga four (4) months ago in April 2017, I was severely overweight and lethargic. Going into a lunge starting from a downward dog position I was only able to bring my foot forward about 6 inches. (*See video clip below) Then I would grab my ankle and pull my foot forward into place between my hands. Then I could come up into a lunge raising my arms above my head. Gradually as my hips have opened up, I have been able to bring my foot forward even more. I still cannot get my foot between my hands in one big swoop without having to grab my ankle and pull it forward, but I can now bring my foot halfway and sometimes just a tiny bit past halfway from its starting position in downward dog to the final landing position between my hands. If you cannot get your foot from downward dog into a lunge position in one swoop, do not be embarrassed. Just grab your ankle and pull it forward. I was doing this 'grab the ankle thing' before I knew it was even a modifier. Believe me, even the eagles started somewhere in yoga so you are not alone. They have all been there. Maybe the eagles could always do this, or maybe there is something else they had to modify on their way to eagledom. There is always something in yoga that will challenge you and take you months to reach, but it is well worth the effort. In the meantime, I keep going to class and flapping my wings and grabbing my ankle. By the way, that is not me in the video. My second class today will be posted below.

SECOND HOT YOGA CLASS OF THE DAY - 6:00 PM CDT I could not wait to get to this class because my body was so sore, not from class this morning, but from sitting at my desk all day typing. It was just one of those days where I needed to get way ahead in my writing so I stuck it out all day long behind the desk. After the 5:15 AM class I came back home, sat at my desk all day and typed. I had a bowl of soup, a lot of water and a lot of green tea. Today nearly looked like one of 'the old days' where I worked non-stop and barely moved all day. What I really should have done was break away and went to the Noon class and then back again at 6:00 PM because sitting for that long made my legs, back, butt and right shoulder sore. I was so stiff, I felt as though I had never taken a yoga class. You can only imagine how bad of shape I was in on April 5, 2017 when I started my new habitual ritual with hot yoga.

Fast forward to tonight. The class was amazing and Kellie (the owner of the studio) always manages to say the right thing at the right time that makes you believe "I got this!" Her encouraging words are gentle, but they aren't for sissy's either. "Get what you came here to get" she says. And then there is a rise in all of us where you can feel the energetic response as, "Hell yeah!"

Remember yesterday when I talked about doing 'plow pose'? Well, I did it again tonight only this time I laid my arms and hands down on the mat. (*Example pic below) I'm pretty certain my arms were not as flat as the example pic, in fact they probably looked contorted or like monster arms all twisted and scary (LOL) but I did it. I laid those arms down. My knees were probably on my face, but by golly my toes touched the floor and it actually felt pretty Good. Next time, I'm going to make certain I have a little grace and control in this pose. I can't wait until tomorrow . . .

How To Do Plow Pose on DrStandley.com

Dr. Standley's Daily Habitual Ritual on DrStandley.com
by Dr. Loretta Standley
About Dr. Standley

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