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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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Audio'Siyo or Osiyo [Hello in Cherokee]

Read the last Daily Message titled, My Obsession

This morning's Musical DLG ™  (Download from God ™ ) is called, "Are You Gonna Go My Way" by Lenny Kravitz. Those of you who are familiar with my morning DLGs ™  must know by now how spiritually significant the songs are that wake me up. Those of you who are newbies to my Daily Messages may need a quick explanation. Every single morning without fail I wake up to a song that goes off outside of my head much like an alarm clock. The song is always audible to me as if it is coming from a radio, but it is not. It's just out there . . around me . . in stereo . . playing . . waking me up. The song inspires me and I write about it here. I've been archiving these Musical DLGs ™  since 2006 even though I have experienced them my whole Life.

Earlier today on Facebook a series of postings was taking place on my wall that reminded me of a previous Daily Message I had written back in February 2011 called, "On The Edge of Tears and Crazy". I mentioned that many of my Musical DLGs ™  are just like having a conversation with God. He says something and then I say something in return. It's wild how these songs pan out like that and this Musical DLG ™  is no different. This particular song is very easy to get caught up in the music and completely miss the juice in the lyrics. In fact, waking up to these words made me feel like Jesus was standing there talking to me saying, "I was born long ago, I am the Chosen, I'm the One". It's like He was talking for a bit and then I chimed in with what I wondering, questioning and figuring out on my own. It was cool. (See lyrics below the video)

I don't think this song needs too much explanation from me once you hear the words. You will get the jest of it. Notice the joy of the people in the video how caught up they are in this song. It's like they are drunk in unrestrained joy, which I prefer to call 'Spiritual Ecstasy'. This is one of those songs that you can crank up and get your groovey on and get lost in Spiritual Love. It's awesome! I see this song about enjoying and participating in Life, expressing Love and following all that is Good and Right. This song could easily make you high as a dang kite and all you snorted was Love! (winky wink) Enjoy the song and the message within.

Oh, and the drummer you see in this video. I Love her! She is actually Cindy Blackman-Santana. Yep, she is married to 'THE' Carlos Santana. As usual, the lyrics are posted below video. Enjoy!~

by Lenny Kravitz

[Jesus talking to me]
I was born long ago
I am the Chosen, I'm the One
I have come to save the day
And I won't leave until I'm done

[Jesus talking to me]
So that's why you've got to try
You got to breathe and have some fun
Though I'm not paid I play this game
And I won't stop until I'm done

[Jesus talking to me]
But what I really want to know is
Are you gonna go My way?
And I got to got to know

[Me talking to Jesus]
I don't know why we always cry
This we must leave and get undone
We must engage and rearrange
And turn this planet back to one
So tell me why we got to die
And kill each other one by one
We've got to Love and rub-a-dub
We've got to dance and be in Love

[Jesus talking to me]
But what I really want to know is
Are you gonna go My way?
And I got to got to know

[Jesus talking to me]
Are you gonna go My way?
'Cause baby I got to know, yeah

AudioDenadagohvyu ['Until we meet again' in Cherokee]

"Now get out there, go place yourself UP!
and practice being you."
-- Dr. Loretta Standley

[ back to top ]


Audio'Siyo or Osiyo [Hello in Cherokee]

Read the last Daily Message titled, My Obsession

This morning's Musical DLG ™  (Download from God ™ ) is called, "Losing My Religion" by R.E.M. I was immediately tickled hearing this song upon waking because the first time I saw my Scorpion King I was so caught off guard by how handsome he was that I became so nervous my hands started shaking. Seriously! I remember thinking, "Oh geez! I could lose my religion over this guy." (winky wink) The interpretation of that phrase basically means anything that could get so much of your attention that it takes you off your game and causes you to lose sight of God.

According to lead singer Michael Stipe this song is about obsessive and unrequited Love. You know how it is when you are so in Love with someone that you search for a hidden meaning in anything they say or do and then you take it as a hopeful sign that your Love was meant to be? Oh yeah, we have all been there and done that. Michael Stipe said the lyrics, "I thought that I heard you laughing, I thought that I heard you sing. I think I thought I saw you try" refers to this hopeful obsession. I prefer to call it, "obsessive mind tripping".

I don't know about you but I do know about me. I'm a fast and flighty thing and if I do not keep myself checked and on task then I will flicker, look the other way and run off in a ditch. That would only lead to excuses for being who I am or lead to excuses for not being all I could be. In short, I'm a gal that needs to keep herself responsible and disciplined and it just so happens that religion does that for me. It's my moral code or my compass. If it doesn't do that for you, well Good for you. I have not yet reached that pinnacle of physical existence where I can operate without it. I'm speaking for myself here. Not to mention, I enjoy my religion. Still, most of us have some sort of spiritual or religious moral code that speaks to us that keeps us on task.

Aside from the use of the 'r' word today (religion), which can cause some people to gasp for air or cough up a lung, I thought the message was very clear today and that was to recognize when we are grasping at straws and chasing unicorns with obsessive mind tripping instead of keeping our act together and staying on task. Enjoy the song!~

Losing My Religion
by R.E.M.

AudioDenadagohvyu ['Until we meet again' in Cherokee]

"Now get out there, go place yourself UP!
and practice being you."
-- Dr. Loretta Standley

[ back to top ]


Audio'Siyo or Osiyo [Hello in Cherokee]

Read the last Daily Message titled, Brewed To Perfection

This morning's Musical DLG ™  (Download from God ™ ) called, "Obsession" by Animotion (pronounced An-ee-motion) is a classic 80's tune anyone can probably identify with when you lose your personal focus. When I awoke at 2:58 AM this song immediately reminded me of when I started writing before I birthed this website. I realized that I had a knack for putting words on paper (or screen) when I was in college taking English Composition 101 and my third grade daughter (in 1989) was doing my editing. Side note - I didn't start college until I was 27 years old and then stayed in full time including summers for 8 years. I could write a paper that had been assigned two weeks earlier and crank that puppy out the morning it was due. Once I had a title in my head, which came to me like my Musical DLG ™  does now, I would be ready to rumble but it always came to me the morning it was due. I knew the title would come as a DLG ™ and it did. I just trusted the process. Since I have dyslexia, my daughter would edit the paper over breakfast and I would be able to turn in the paper by 9:00 AM and receive an A+ every single time. Thankfully now, I have a computer that catches most of my writing flaws.

While this song came out a few years earlier than when I started college, it never really reminded me of a man, as the song obviously intends. My brain always interpreted this song into something else that I was obsessing over and while I was in school, it was my education that was the obsession. If you have read my bio page, then you can see all of certifications that just go on and on and on. On weekends I was taking certification and more continuing education. I was a maniac! I was single and raising my daughter and the last thing I was going to do was use being a single mother as an excuse for not being all I could be or use it as a reason for being all I could be. I was me for all kinds of reasons. The stranger in this song was anything or anyone that had the potential to take me off my education game. It just wasn't going to happen but God knows there were plenty of things that attempted to take me off my game during those 8 years. I wasn't in school to make friends and socialize. Sure, I made some friends for the time being and socialized very little but the education was all I wanted. As the Blues Brothers would say, "I'm on a mission from God." During those years, this song was my theme song. It was my mantra. It was my code. It was my compass. I was an animal. And my education was my obsession by Sun or candlelight. Enjoy the tune!~

by Animotion

AudioDenadagohvyu ['Until we meet again' in Cherokee]

"Now get out there, go place yourself UP!
and practice being you."
-- Dr. Loretta Standley

[ back to top ]

Audio'Siyo or Osiyo [Hello in Cherokee]

Read the last Daily Message titled, Think About Direction

This morning's Musical DLG ™  (Download from God ™ ) called, "Kashmir" by Led Zeppelin is on my list of favoriate rock songs that has 'the sound' of a full orchestra. I don't think there is any musical combination better than hard rock mixed with an orchestra. I absolutely LOVE it! There are some heavy metal rockers who come down pretty hard on this kind of musical mixture but I think that is just a case of self-limitation and in-the-box thinking, which only leads to one hit wonders. Even though this song is played on a keyboard to sound like it is played with a full orchestra, Led Zeppelin has indeed performed this song with a full orchestra.

The other thing that I Love about this song is its story. It was truly an evolution collaboration between the band mates each contributing vital pieces to the song. Still, the orchestral sound and the evolutionary collaboration is not why I Love this song so much. The real reason why I Love this song so much is because it serves to remind me that anything with flavor and longevity takes time to unfold and expand on itself. It's the same way with anything in Life that we want to last beyond the immediate including relationships, careers, money, etc. The sad thing about the time we live in now is that society has embraced immediate gratification and response so much that few things in Life are nurtured, savored and brewed to perfection anymore. When it comes to relationships, money and even careers often times our self-absorption and lack of patience for growth reveals our weakness, not our strength. Kashmir reveals something wonderful to all of us. Even as an 8 minute song, this song has stood the test of time because it was supported and fed with patience and Love and then brewed to perfection.

On top of everything else, you are really going to enjoy the lyrics to this song. IT'S AWESOME! All will be revealed.

by Led Zeppelin

AudioDenadagohvyu ['Until we meet again' in Cherokee]

"Now get out there, go place yourself UP!
and practice being you."
-- Dr. Loretta Standley

[ back to top ]

Audio'Siyo or Osiyo [Hello in Cherokee]

Read the last Daily Message titled, Longing to Linger 'Til Dawn

This morning's Musical DLG ™  (Download from God ™ ) called, 'Stand' by R.E.M. is my favoriate R.E.M. tune. The awareness I immediately had about this song is that it is directional. Go this or that way. Do this or that! But for Pete's sake, just do something! I Love that! Direction is a course of action intended to reach a destination, which requires participation on our part. Direction is also guidance given through instruction. Still, no matter how you slice it, direction is participatory.

So here I wake up to a song called, 'Stand' by a band who changed direction many times in their career. First they broke out as a rock band, then changed direction a bit and became a solid alternative rock band and then changed direction again only to return to their roots, which was hard rock. Alternative is rock but it's a different genre. Still, they changed their musical style a few more times and ended up in the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame, the pinnacle of rock achievement.

I Love the impact of direction, change, evolution, transition and revision on the self. I also Love the complication of reinvention of the self. Think about all of the challenges you have right now. If you did not have any challenge or dissatisfaction in Life, then how would you be able to practice your skill set or even upgrade your skill set for that matter? How would you become a better person if you never upgraded, improved or mastered a part of the self? Whatever your Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame is for you, how would you get there if you didn't change or reinvent yourself? The best part of standing were you are right now is realizing the many directions from which you 'get to' choose. Enjoy!~

by R.E.M.

AudioDenadagohvyu ['Until we meet again' in Cherokee]

"Now get out there, go place yourself UP!
and practice being you."
-- Dr. Loretta Standley

[ back to top ]

Audio'Siyo or Osiyo [Hello in Cherokee]

Read the last Daily Message titled, You And Me! Yes-Sir-EE!

This morning's Musical DLG ™  (Download from God ™ ) called, 'Dream a Little of Me' by The Mamas and the Papas immediately brought to mind the little things that The Scorpion King (my fiance') and I do to keep our spark alive. Naturally I can't share the more intimate details of the crazy little things we do because that would be breaking the Secret Agent 007 Scorpio security clearance that I have earned. There is a security code that accompanies a Scorpio that is not really stated, it's just understood by the right person. (winky wink)

It's important to have sparklers in your relationship to keep the fire burning and sometimes you even have to change the igniter to give it a little extra special heat. Once you stop hugging with two arms and squeeze, that can lead to the one-armed-two-second-hug, which will eventually lead to the distant-torso-hug accompanied by a pat on the back. Next thing ya' know you aren't Kissssssing with passion anymore, you're kissing with pursed lips and a peck, if that! Once you allow the little things to slip out spite, vengence, moodiness or stubbornness, then that's the new playing field for your relationship and it will most definitely play out from that field simply because the rules have changed. You can be stronger than that!

Most of us have experienced that horrible feeling of not to wanting to come home to that person on the other side of the front door. This song really makes me appreciate all of those wonderful little things that The Scorpion King and I do that keep us coming back for more and longing to linger 'til dawn just to see each other, again. "See you in the morning!" We aren't a perfect couple but we are perfect for each other. The lyrics are below the video. Enjoy!~

by The Mamas and the Papas

Stars shining bright above you;
Night breezes seem to whisper "I Love you"
Birds singing in the sycamore tree
Dream a little dream of me

Say nighty-night and kiss me;
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me
While I'm alone, blue as can be,
Dream a little dream of me

Stars fading but I linger on, dear---
Still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear,
Just saying this...

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you---
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams, whatever they be,
Dream a little dream of me

Stars fading but I linger on, dear---
Still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear,
Just saying this...

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you---
Sweet dreams that leave all worries far behind you
But in your dreams, whatever they be,
Dream a little dream of me

AudioDenadagohvyu ['Until we meet again' in Cherokee]

"Now get out there, go place yourself UP!
and practice being you."
-- Dr. Loretta Standley

[ back to top ]

Audio'Siyo or Osiyo [Hello in Cherokee]

Read the last Daily Message titled, Cast of Characters

This morning's Musical DLG ™  (Download from God ™ ) called, 'This Will Be' by Natalie Cole is one of those songs that I interpret as a spiritual Love song. Just like Celine Dion's song, "The Heart Will Go On" from the Titanic. Oh, now that song just puts me over the spiritual edge and makes me go straight into the ugly cry. "This Will Be" is uplifting, cheerful and exuberant. I think it needs to be sung in Church with the same rhythm and excitement or even sung when doing housework, laundry or whatever. In fact, I would Love to have this song broadcasted loudly at my funeral.

When it comes to Love songs that's just the way my mind rolls out. I don't get all sappy and gooey over a human being when I hear a Love song, I get all sappy and gooey in a spiritual way. I decided a long time ago that when it comes to Love, I would no longer put a human being before God. I could have probably done a lot of things better in my Life if I would have just kept my mind focused on what I claimed was really important to me. Then one day I just said to myself, "The hell with it! I'm choosing a spiritual path and if anyone has a problem with it, then it's not my problem, it's their's and they can move on but I'm staying put!" And folks, I don't budge on my spirituality because when I hold my spiritual focus, then everything falls into place. It just works for me. I don't tame it, I don't contain it and I certainly don't explain it by debating it. Love it or leave it baby! That's my position. (winky wink)

I won't say too much more about this song except notice below the video where the lyrics are, I have capitalized the words that I associated with God in this song. If you ever notice from my writings whether it is this website, Facebook, Twitter, etc., I always capitalize the words Good, True, Truth, Life, Love, and Live. They are associated God words to me. Good looks like more God (if that's even possible) and since God is Good, then I need to capitalize it. The lyrics are below the video. Enjoy!~

by Natalie Cole

This will be, an Everlasting Love
This will be, The One I've waited for
This will be the first time anyone has Loved me
Oh, oh, oh

I'm so glad, You found me in time
And I'm so glad that, You've rectified my mind
This will be, an Everlasting Love for me
Oh, oh

Loving You, is some kind of wonderful
Because You've shown me, just how much You care
You've given me, the thrill of a Lifetime
And made me believe You've got more thrills to spare, oh

This will be, an Everlasting Love, oh yes it will now
You've brought a lot of Sunshine, into my Life
You've filled me with Happiness, I never knew
You gave me more Joy, than I ever dreamed of
And no one, no one, can take the place of You, ooh

This will be, You and me, Yes-Sir-ee, Eternally
Hugging and squeezing and kissing and pleasing
Together, forever, through rain or whatever
Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, You and me

So long as I'm Living, True Love I'll be giving
To You I'll be serving cuz You're so deserving
Hey, You're so deserving, You're so deserving
Yeh, yeh, yeh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love
Love, Love, Love, Love
Love, Love, Love, Love, Love
Love, Love, Love
From now on, from now on, yeh
From now on, from now on, yeh

AudioDenadagohvyu ['Until we meet again' in Cherokee]

"Now get out there, go place yourself UP!
and practice being you."
-- Dr. Loretta Standley

[ back to top ]

Audio'Siyo or Osiyo [Hello in Cherokee]

Read the last Daily Message titled, Where Do You Wanna Go Eat?

This morning's Musical DLG ™  (Download from God ™ ) called, 'Suddenly I See' by KT Tunstall is the second time I woke up to this song. The first time was back in June 2008 where I called that Daily Message, This Is What I Want To Be. As I stated then, this song is one of my Musical Totems. A Musical Totem would be like your anthem, which by definition is a rousing uplifting song that you can closely identify with or that closely identifies you. This is a completely different side of the pendulum than the song I posted yesterday. The rhythm, the melody, the words, the feeling, the meaning . . this is more my attitude and style about my Life. This song fires me up and gets me excited about who I am and what I have going on in my Life, including all of the great things I don't even know about yet. That's flippin' exciting! I Love this song for the same reasons that I wrote about back in June 2008 but today's writing has a different take. Today I feel inspired to write more about inspiration and its source.

KT Tunstall says this song was actually inspired by Patti Smith (pronounced Smyth). Remember her? Patti Smith was hotter than a damn firecracker back in the late 70's and sang, "Because The Night." It's interesting who inspires and motivates us in Life. I remember reading on one individual's website (who shall remain anonymous) who said that they inspire people. I thought, "Isn't that something someone is supposed to say about you, not something you say about yourself." For me personally, the cast of characters who inspire me is completely different than the cast of characters who motivate me. Both casts charge me to become a better person but for different reasons. Those on the list who inspire me is due to their religious, spiritual, ethereal or philosophical take on Life. They are the thinkers! Those on the list who motivate me are those who I don't want to be like. It's not that I hate them or dislike them, I just don't want to be like them. Does that make sense? Therefore, they motivate me. At the same time, those who inspire me, motivate me and those who motivate me, inspire me even though they originate in different columns of reasoning.

Enjoy the song and identifying those in your Life who motivate and inspire you to become all you can be, and more.

by KT Tunstall

AudioDenadagohvyu ['Until we meet again' in Cherokee]

"Now get out there, go place yourself UP!
and practice being you."
-- Dr. Loretta Standley

[ back to top ]

Audio'Siyo or Osiyo [Hello in Cherokee]

Read the last Daily Message titled, POOF!

This morning's Musical DLG ™  (Download from God ™ ) called, 'Rosewood Bitters' by Michael Stanley isn't really even a song that I enjoy. It is a classic but still, if I hear it on the radio I would more than likely change stations rather than listen to the whole thing. In fact, I don't believe I have ever listened to this entire song but this morning my Musical DLG ™  made sure that I did this time. Aaaarrrgggghhhh! In all it's weirdness, it's now 2:55 PM when I'm finally sitting down to write about this damn song. SEE, that's how much I don't like it! There is nothing about this song, the music or the lyrics that make me feel Good. The twangy whine and pitiful sound of the music just pulls me down. I don't want to write about IT!!!

So here I was thinking all day long about why I had to listen to this sad and whiney song. WHAT! What is it so I can get it out of my head and get on to thinking about more positive sounds. What the heck was it about this song that I had to hear it. I wondered if it had to do with Michael's last name (Stanley) and my last name (Standley). Then I wondered about bitters, the alcohol herbal concoction. Then I wondered about rosewood. Then I wondered about rosewood essential oil, which is soothing to the mind and it's an aphrodisiac.

Then I wondered about the word bitter. Am I bitter? Am I angry? Well, I can be angry as anyone can be but am I bitter? No, I would not call myself bitter simply because I would be too afraid to experience what bitterness would do to my body if I chose to be a bitter person and hold onto anger as a grudge or vengefulness. That would create a liver and gallbladder issue that I do not want to invite into my body. I get over being angry too fast. And sometimes I get over being angry so fast that I forget what I was angry about in the first place. There is an issue in getting over anger so quickly because sometimes the other person doesn't recover as quickly as me. I could definitely get over a nasty anger and then in the next breath say, "Where do you wanna go eat?" So yep, that could be a problem.

Now keep in mind that I'm only searching for my answer, not your answer. I know that I'm just supposed to put this Musical DLG ™  out there and let the chips fall where they may and we are left to figure out ourselves. Then it dawned on me how different we all are at handling our issues. Some people cry in their beer. Some people sing about other people's troubles to ease their own troubles. Everyone is dealing with their own stuff in their own way the best way they can and then we have to collectively make our actions and reactions work together while not only understanding ourselves but understand each other too. Pardon my directness when I say, "Well that blows!" We all respond to pain, sadness, grief, stress, etc., in our own way. As I kept working through this song ALL DAY it gave me a newfound awareness of something I needed to hear, whether I wanted to hear it or not.

The lyrics are below the video.

by Michael Stanley

Too long on the road, my friend
Too long between rides
Too long between roads again
Too long without someone by my side

And Lord, there's something 'bout a sad song
that helps to ease the pain...
Here I am, Lord, just singing up a storm
and I'm all alone again...

Too much going down today
just can't take it in
Too much running 'round today
can't tell you where I've been

And seems that just like singing in the only thing to do
only thing to help me pass the time
Songs are just like ladies--can't forget them when you're through
and they're always on your mind...

And the rosewood bitters
Help me meet the sunshine in the morning
And the rosewood bitters
Help me through the night
When I feel blue

Too few stops to pass the time
Guess that's how it goes
So sure that there's much more than this
when really no one knows

And easing into midnight
as the bitters pass around
crying in my beer
Singing someone else's troubles
help to ease your own
Goodnight, Irene, my dear...

And the rosewood bitters
Help me meet the sunshine in the morning
And the rosewood bitters
Help me through the night
When I feel blue

And the rosewood bitters
Help me meet the sunshine in the morning
And the rosewood bitters
Help me through the night
When I feel blue

AudioDenadagohvyu ['Until we meet again' in Cherokee]

"Now get out there, go place yourself UP!
and practice being you."
-- Dr. Loretta Standley

[ back to top ]

Audio'Siyo or Osiyo [Hello in Cherokee]

Read the last Daily Message titled, Give Me Just A Little More Time

This morning's Musical DLG ™  (Download from God ™ ) called, 'Dust In The Wind' by Kansas surprised me a bit because I can hardly believe that I have not had the opportunity to write a Daily Message to this song. Even though I was startled from my sleep this morning, that Musical DLG ™  clicked off in my head like a radio alarm had gone off. The song just turned on and that was that. Then I started listening to it and knew that going back to sleep was futile. Maybe being startled was also part of the message.

Is that what it is? Do we need to be startled into change by being startled awake and dropped on our heads? Do things have to fall apart before we realize what we have? Whatever we have, whoever we are and whoever we are with could all be gone tomorrow. Just like that! POOF! And for what? Because we don't want to be wrong? Because we don't want to change? Because we don't want to apologize? Because we are too busy? What does it take in order for us to get, the get? This Musical DLG ™  left me more with more questions than anything else. I'm pretty clear that I don't have to have all of the answers in my Daily Messages and that I just need to put it out there.

I find the lyrics, "Same old song" very telling as Mercury (the planet of communciation) takes us back to rehashing the past (old business). This could not be a more perfect time to fix what is broken or improve upon what already is because that is how Mercury serves us. Remember, we are to handle the energy and not let the energy handle us. Retrograde planets are do-overs and we all get a do-over before progressing forward to the next level of where we want to be. We are in an adjustment and regrouping period especially where our level of communication is concerned. If this song does not rattle you or startle you into making some self-correction instead of correcting others, then I don't know what else to say. Enjoy the enlightenment!~

It slips away
And all your money
Won't another minute buy

by Kansas

AudioDenadagohvyu ['Until we meet again' in Cherokee]

"Now get out there, go place yourself UP!
and practice being you."
-- Dr. Loretta Standley

[ back to top ]

Audio'Siyo or Osiyo [Hello in Cherokee]

Read the last Daily Message titled, A Teaching Moment

This morning's Musical DLG ™  (Download from God ™ ) called, 'Give Me Just a Little More Time' by The Chairmen of the Board immediately reminded me of the Swiffer ®  commercial because this is the background song to the product. By the way, I Love my Swiffer ®   and this is an unpaid endorsement. (winky wink)

I didn't quite understand the Musical DLG ™  at first because I was also receiving the visual of the commercial and then it hit me. Just the other day I was asking The Scorpion King (my fiance') how in the hell do people who work outside of the home get all of their stuff inside and outside the home accomplished, especially if they work full time? Then he responded, "I don't know. And what about those people who have kids." We were just floored (no pun intended with the Swiffer ®  reference) contemplating and kicking around how two people working outside of the home manage a household. Surely something suffers and if that 'thing' suffers, is it worth it? Then we talked about all of the extra-curricular activities that the kids are involved in. And if the parents have time for extra-curricular activities, when do they do that? When do they pick up the cleaning? When do they run to the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) to renew their driver's license?

What brought this conversation on was I was falling behind in my household chores. The Scorpion King and I have the divide and conquer approach. He has his household chores and projects and I have my household chores and projects. We live on several acres of land so it's quite a handful to maintain, so we divide and conquer that as well. I suppose hiring someone is an option but why have this beauty surrounding us if we don't enjoy getting out there, which includes the enjoyment of maintaining it. Still, what about those households where both parents work, they have a couple of kids and they have a normal size yard? I'm home all day long because I work from home and I was still falling behind. I have worked from home since I was 22 years old and at this writing I'm 51 years old. When I look back on my Life raising my daughter as a single person, it was the easiest thing I ever did. But that's just me and I only had one child and her father was very present and helpful. Not to mention both sets of grandparents were very much present and helpful. Still, how do some people do it; surely something is suffering and is it worth it?

Over the past month and a half, since early October 2012 I have been juggling my own time management. I have always been a fantastic juggler of time but lately I had not been fully content on what I was juggling. I have always been fully committed to my own happiness first. You may have read yesterday's Daily Message called, A Teaching Moment. I was running out of minutes everywhere and I just don't operate my Life that way. I don't do what I don't want to do and I do what I want to do without a guilty bone in my body. Somehow, my wires were getting crossed and I was out of alignment with what makes me happy. The big ah-ha was when I was in Cherokee, NC visiting my parents in early October 2012 and I was updating Daily Horoscopes before having coffee with my 75 year-old parents on the deck and watching the daybreak. It was a real eye-opener. So you can see over the past month and a half, my focus has definitely shifted. My priorities are straight.

While I was running out of minutes and wanting more hours in the day, what I really needed to do was manage my Life in the amount of time that I'm already given, which is the same 24 hours in the day that everyone else is given. Now that I think about it differently, I'm given all the time I need and what I do with my time makes all the difference in the world.

by The Chairmen of the Board

Give me just a little more time
And our love will surely grow
Give me just a little more time
And our love will surely grow

Life's too short to make a mistake
Let's think of each other and hesitate
Young and impatient we may be
There's no need to act foolishly
If we part our hearts won't forget it
Years from now we'll surely regret it


You're young and you're in a hurry
You're eager for love but don't you worry
We both want the sweetness in life
But these things don't come overnight
Don't give up cos love's been slow
Boy, we're gonna succeed with another blow

Give me just a little more time
And our love will surely grow
Baby please baby
Baby please baby

Love is that mountain we must climb
Let's climb it together your hand in mine
We haven't known each other too long
But the feeling I have is oh so strong
I know we can make it there's no doubt
We owe it to ourselves to find it out


Give me just a little more time
And our love will surely grow
Baby, please baby
Baby, please baby

[Repeat And Fade]

AudioDenadagohvyu ['Until we meet again' in Cherokee]

"Now get out there, go place yourself UP!
and practice being you."
-- Dr. Loretta Standley

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Audio'Siyo or Osiyo [Hello in Cherokee]

Read the last Daily Message titled, I Love You More

I will be spending the entire day making changes to the services that I offer on this website. As I have often relayed to you that this website receives very little in donations, which typically amounts to maybe $30.00 grand total every two months or so. That's pretty much it. Often times it is less. That's just the way it is when you have a South Node Pisces like I do. What that means is my South Node in Pisces is the giver. I'm the benevolent one; it does not work the opposite way for me. The giving on this end just keeps going and going and going and going . . like a fish gulping water or fish food and never getting full. Haven't you ever heard the phrase, "Drink like a fish?"

My South Node in Pisces is benevolent, empathetic, sympathetic and overly compassionate, which is also my achilles heel. Just like your South Node is your achilles heel. What this causes me to do is give too much, which therein becomes my drain. I know this about myself and I just keep doing it . . day after day, week after week, year after year, hoping that things will change but now I realize they won't, I have to change it. I know better this, just as I teach you not to give in to your South Node, but there I go and do it every single day. I cannot fill up that bottomless pit and I need to stop and change direction rather than swimming in circles doing the same thing every single day and wearing myself out by trying to swim against the current and do something I should not be doing. I have to do a complete 180!

Basically what this means is that it is only me that financially supports this website without the help of donations or advertising. While I 'can' continue to work hard on free services, the fact is, I don't want to. It's just too time consuming, it tires me and utilizes about 5 to 6 hours of each day. That is a lot of free services that as a South Node Pisces, I should not be doing in the first place. We South Node Pisces literally jump overboard into the depths of the Ocean and do not know when to stop giving. For so many reasons, this has to change. I need to be more North Node Virgo. Not to mention with the results of the election and the reality of the changes in healthcare, this has only stimulated more phone conversations with me and my website visitors due to surprises that more individuals are realizing with the new health changes on the way. I think there is going to be one rude awakening once everyone realizes the healthcare changes are not going to be as pretty and pink as anticipated and it would be in your best interest to take better care of yourself from this moment forward.

The nutshell, I have held off as long as I could to keep things the way they were, but it is obvious to me now that changes need to be made and I'm making those changes today! It's long overdue and perfect answered timing by me during Mercury Retrograde. My spirit needed to address this old business and growing frustration from within and I needed to do it now.

From now on, I will not be answering health questions for free simply because a standard question is something you can easily Google and research on the web yourself. When it comes to a personal conversation with me, about you, from now on I will be charging a fee for this service. Fees for health conversations. I consider a conversation about your personal health to be a volleying of questions and answers between you and me. Before this writing I was conversing with an individual (for free) from 15 to 45 minutes when they called with a question. It was never just a question and I cannot do that anymore.

Those who ordered a Free Natal Chart Wheel before this writing, you will receive it in your e-mail within the next couple of days. I have removed the link for Free Natal Chart Wheels and will no longer offer them as they are just too time consuming.

Those of you who have ordered Transits and Progressions Reports, there was a free phone conversation that came with that report. I will still be honoring that free conversation for those of you or ordered a Transit and Progression Report previous to this writing but it will no longer be included in future reports. What I would have said in that phone conversation will be included in a letter with the report from this point forward.

Those of you who are Treat Yourself SPECIAL e-Course students are still welcome to call me anytime with questions regarding anything that we discussed during our initial phone conversation before beginning the program.

These are the changes that I am implementing today. Thank you for your continued trust and interest in my work and this website as I strive to meet your needs and my own.

AudioDenadagohvyu ['Until we meet again' in Cherokee]

"Now get out there, go place yourself UP!
and practice being you."
-- Dr. Loretta Standley

[ back to top ]

Audio'Siyo or Osiyo [Hello in Cherokee]

Read the last Daily Message titled, I Wanna Start A Fight!

This morning's Musical DLG ™  (Download from God ™ ) called, 'In My Life' by The Beatles didn't really surprise me too much because I am a person who often contemplates my own mortality. In fact, I think of it every single day. I really do. I'm just keenly aware that the other side of Life is just right there. Right there! I'm pointing to the spot next to me. It may sound a bit morbid to the fearful but fear is not how I roll. I openly embrace the fact that any day could be the day when Life as I know it turns out to be my spirit's graduation day. It's something that I consciously prepare for on a spiritual and physical level and I want to be ready. I know at any give time it could be my graduation day and someone will be going through my personal belongings. (winky wink) Well, it's True. For this hippie chick, there is nothing more important than meeting my Maker. Nothing!

I think it's important to consider your impact, influence and destination while doing your 'Homework' (with a capital 'H') in this Lifetime. If these things didn't matter, then why would we be here? I'm very in-tune with my spirit's origin, while also keenly aware of my body's physical origin. In other words, I'm well aware that my spiritual DNA is from God and my physical DNA is from my parents. What an interesting combination to create a me! While I do have family, friends and a fiance' who know that I Love them, I Love God more and they know it and I hope to God, it shows.

But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with You
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of Love as something new
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I Love You more

by The Beatles

AudioDenadagohvyu ['Until we meet again' in Cherokee]

"Now get out there, go place yourself UP!
and practice being you."
-- Dr. Loretta Standley

[ back to top ]

Audio'Siyo or Osiyo [Hello in Cherokee]

Read the last Daily Message titled, Secret Agent 007

This morning's Musical DLG ™  (Download from God ™ ) called, 'So What' by Pink (Alecia Moore) is one of my fave Pink songs. I have always enjoyed her music because of her Miss Independent, Miss Understood and Miss-Kiss-It-Right-Here attitude and approach to Life. By the way, one of her albums is called, "M!ssunderstood" with the exclamation point where you see it in the spelling. She is as rebellious as I have always felt but certainly more rebellious than I have even been. Still, I relate to her.

This morning I had to dive straight into a handful of 15 minute readings with the other side of the world on SKYPE and then sit down write a few charts before stopping on this page to write about today's Musical DLG ™ . What I find so interesting about the timing of this writing is I will usually turn on the TV in my office and mute it while I'm writing. If I see something interesting then I will un-mute and listen. Since I had left my TV on the Biography Channel yesterday then that was the channel that was on. And there it was, the biography on Pink. Well how do you like that? I wake up to a Musical DLG ™  by Pink and then her biography comes on as confirmation. As I always say, "When it's the Truth, it shows up everywhere."

I believe we are all creative where we are motivated and inspired to action by things that scratch our bone. While watching Pink's biography she had made the comment (I'm paraphrasing here) that now that she had free reign to do her own thing it was a bit uninspiring. Pink thrived on throwing wrenches, wreaking havoc and rebelling against the slightest 'no'. She broke away from the mold that her producer (L.A. Reid) had in mind for her and proved herself on her own terms, even shocking him. By the way, you may recognize L.A. Reid from the X Factor.

This brings me to this morning's Musical DLG ™ . Pink had taken the experience of trouble in paradise with her husband Cary Hart (Motorcross rider and 'Inked' star) and channeled it into this song. This wasn't done in such a mean and vindictive way as the song sounds because she actually called Cary to be in the video, which you will see him in the video below. When Pink sings, "I wanna start a fight" she's basically looking for a way to channel the energy. Interestingly enough, they were reunited after this song and recently became proud parents. My point is not their relationship or how long you will continue to bash your ex before you finally shut up about your ex and do something productive with that energy. After all, you picked him/her. Enough already! My point is the creative channeling process. No matter what challenging situation you find yourself in this very minute, there is always a way creative way to manipulate and twist the experience into something workable, manageable and Good. Always!

The lyrics to the song are posted below the video.

by Pink

Na na na na na na na na na na na na [x2]
I guess I just lost my husband,
I don't know where he went,
So I'm gonna drink my money,
I'm not gonna pay his rent,
I got a brand new attitude and
I'm gonna wear it tonight,
I wanna get in trouble,
I wanna start a fight,
na na na na na na na I wanna start a fight,
na na na na na na na I wanna start a fight


So, so what
I'm still a rock star,
I got my rock moves,
And I don't need you,
And guess what,
I'm having more fun,
And now that we’re done,
I'm gonna show you tonight,
I'm alright,
I'm just fine,
And you're a tool,
So, so what,
I am a rock star,
I got my rock moves,
And I don't want you tonight.

(Uh check my flow, aw)
The waiter just took my table,
And gave it to Jessica Simps (shit!),
I guess I'll go sit with drum boy,
At least he'll know how to
, What if this song's on the radio,
then somebody's gonna die,
I'm gonna get in trouble,
My ex will start a fight,
na na na na na na na he's gonna start a fight,
na na na na na na na we're all gonna get in a fight!


You weren't there,
You never were,
You want it all,
But that's not fair,
I gave you life,
I gave my all,
You weren't there,
You let me fall


No, no, no, no
I don't want you tonight,
You weren't there,
I'm gonna show you tonight,
I'm alright,
And you're a tool,
And your a tool,
So, so what,
I am a rock star,
I got my rock moves,
And I don't want you tonight!

AudioDenadagohvyu ['Until we meet again' in Cherokee]

"Now get out there, go place yourself UP!
and practice being you."
-- Dr. Loretta Standley

[ back to top ]

Audio'Siyo or Osiyo [Hello in Cherokee]

Read the last Daily Message titled, Love Is Lovely

This morning's Musical DLG ™  (Download from God ™ ) called, 'Espionage' by Green Day just cracked me UP! It's no secret that I am a huge Scorpio fan. After all, I am engaged to a Scorpio who I call 'The Scorpion King.' I have also seen every single James Bond film ten times over and then some, not to mention the sun sign of Scorpio is the Secret Agent 007 of the zodiac. But that's not the reason why this song cracked me UP! This song is actually the theme song to the movie, "Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me," which is a spoof movie on the Bond films starring Mike Myers.

As I often remind you in the Horoscope section of this website, we all have every single sun sign in our birth date. In our personal natal charts we each have all 12 signs in the wheel. There are 12 signs, each sign has 30 degrees. 30 degrees x 12 sun signs = 360 degrees (a wheel). I knew this Musical DLG ™  was about embracing that Scorpio energy within us, especially since the Sun is currently in Scorpio, Saturn is in Scorpio and the North Node is in Scorpio.

Scorpio is THE MOST resourceful sign of the zodiac. Think about how resourceful James Bond is when he is getting himself out of a sticky situation. He grabs the nearest object and makes use of it. Nothing is wasted, until of course he's completely done with it and then obliterates it. (winky wink) We all have that James Bond area in our chart where we are to be resourceful, skillful, adaptable and prepared. Since the sign of Scorpio is the researcher, detective and secret agent of the zodiac, this is why I always say, "Never ever lie to a Scorpio because they will find out." Scorpio knows from the first breath whether a person is lying or telling the Truth. James Bond trusts no one; he goes and finds out for himself. This reminds me of the Zen Master who says, "Don't believe anything I say, go find out for yourself."

Scorpio has quite an imagination who can take any situation and twist it into something completely different. It's a full blown transformation (the Phoenix Rising) because Scorpio is not only represented by the Scorpio and the Eagle but the Phoenix Rising as well. Up, out of its own ashes it became refreshed and brand new. IT'S A MIRACLE! If there were ever a 'miracle sign' it is the sign of Scorpio. I'm getting that we all need to tap this gift in our chart. Scorpio takes a straight pretzel and twists it into something else. Scorpio takes lemons and makes lemonade. Scorpio is the sign with the Midas Touch turning whatever it touches into gold. It's the dangdest thing I have ever seen and we all have this ability within us. Those Scorpio's who believe in themselves and embrace this gift about them know exactly what I'm talking about. It's miraculous!

The most important piece of this Download from God ™  was to have humor. I mean, I wasn't given the typical Bond music as my DLG ™ , I was given the music to the humorous version. Humor makes all the difference in the world, not just in your approach but in the outcome.

by Green Day

AudioDenadagohvyu ['Until we meet again' in Cherokee]

"Now get out there, go place yourself UP!
and practice being you."
-- Dr. Loretta Standley

[ back to top ]

Audio'Siyo or Osiyo [Hello in Cherokee]

Read the last Daily Message titled, Wind of Change

This morning's Musical DLG ™  (Download from God ™ ) called, 'Let It Grow' by Eric Clapton has one of deepest yet simplistic descriptions of Love I have ever heard. The music, the melody, the swirling feel of the rhythm . . all Love.

Let's face it folks, a lack of Love makes for bad choices. It just does. Stop reading for a second and think about what a lack of Love can lead to. This is deep! Lack of Love can grow into many things really fast and spin out of control like a weed. Lack of Love can lead to low confidence, obsession, perversion, bullying, abuse on all levels and of course, crime. It's interesting how those who we think don't deserve Love at all are precisely the ones who need it the most.

When you do not root yourself in Love, then you expose yourself to all kinds of emotional elements. For example, when you are angry, you are not in a state of Love. You might tell your child, spouse or friend, "You know I Love you" but when you are in that state of emotion it's not Love, it's anger. Your motivation might be Love but you allowed it to twist and transform into something else. Therein lies the loss of self-control. You can dress it up any way you want and tell yourself what you need to hear but when you are not in a state of Love, you are in something else. From the child, to the spouse, to the sibling, to the parent, to the server, clerk and volunteer, when you are not rooted in Love, it shows.

When you choose the emotion, consciously or unconsciously, then you are choosing the flow of the outcome. While others will always have their actions and reactions according to their free will, you have to root yourself in Love so that you at least have control over yourself. When you slide into anger, worry, doubt, fear or anxiety then that is your root system. If you Love, then act and react like it. As Eric says, "Love is Lovely" and there is a lot of Truth in that statement.

This video did not come with lyrics so you will find them under the video. Enjoy!~

by Eric Clapton

Standing at the crossroads, trying to read the signs
To tell me which way I should go to find the answer,
And all the time I know,
Plant your love and let it grow

Let it grow, let it grow,
Let it blossom, let it flow
In the sun, the rain, the snow,
Love is Lovely, let it grow
Looking for a reason to check out of my mind,
Trying hard to get a friend that I can count on,
But there's nothing left to show,
Plant your love and let it grow

Time is getting shorter and there's much for you to do
Only ask and you will get what you are needing,
The rest is up to you
Plant your love and let it grow


AudioDenadagohvyu ['Until we meet again' in Cherokee]

"Now get out there, go place yourself UP!
and practice being you."
-- Dr. Loretta Standley

Read My Daily Message

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**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.