[Posted 9:30 AM EDT - Tuesday morning, October 23, 2012]
'Siyo or Osiyo [Hello in Cherokee]
Read the last Daily Message titled, AMUSING MUSINGS
Daily Messages are coming back! There are several reasons why I'm bringing this page back to Life but the two main reasons are . . . 1) I need to utilize a page on this website to make announcements. 2) All of the Scorpio energy present affects Gemini's Solar 6th house of daily regimen and I'm a GEMINI.
As a natal North Node Virgo, it is the sign of Virgo that naturally rules the 6th house and as a Gemini, this means that I have a double whammy where I need to focus on my daily regimen, the daily grind and daily routine. Yesterday, October 22nd. the Sun moved into Scorpio (until November 21, 2012), the North Node is in Scorpio (until February 2014), Saturn is in Scorpio (until September 2015), and Mercury is in Scorpio (until October 29, 2012). Folks, I use my chart very deliberately, VERY DELIBERATELY, so here I am working this Daily Message page, which brings out the daily regimen area that I'm supposed to focus on. There is a reason why it's called, Daily Message because I'm a natal North Node Virgo.
When I first created this page it was for the purpose of making announcements and changes to the site and then it morphed into using the page to share my morning Musical DLGs ™ (Musical Downloads from God ™ ). A Musical DLG ™ is a song that I hear in my head, not on the radio, when I wake up every morning, without fail. It's typically around 4:00 AM and it's the song that wakes me up like an alarm clock, not a physical alarm clock. As time and the years rolled along, I ended up writing more under the "Astrology" button on this website, which took time away from writing on this Daily Message page. There is only one of me (actually two of me since I am a Gemini) who writes for this website and every single day I receive requests from visitors to write more information about something. Quite honestly, until the floodgates open with daily donations to support my writing in my spare time, then you will just have to appreciate and enjoy what I have to time to do and what I have to offer.
Since my last trip to Cherokee, NC a couple of weeks ago to see my parents, there was an awareness that just popped inside of me. It was just an ephiphany about many things in my Life and because of that I have decided to return to my natural relaxed and fun approach to updating 'any page' on this website. I had been pushing and pushing and pushing myself to get everything updated by a certain date and time and suddenly I wasn't have fun anymore. I wasn't enjoying any of it. Instead of wanting to write, I was having to write. And I don't want to 'have to' do anything. That's just how I am and how I roll. I'm a Gemini with Jupiter in Aquarius, you don't get much more freedom-Loving than that! I even contemplated not writing another single word on this website. No kidding! Folks, I absolutely and unequivocally 'have to' enjoy my work or I will not do it. That's the boredom of the Gemini twins coming out. It has taken a few weeks for me to shift gears and find a way to enjoy writing again.
The straw that broke the camels back while visiting my parents was I was not allowing myself to just wake up and be with them first and enjoy a cup of coffee. I was choosing to write first and then enjoy a cup of coffee with them on the porch. Then I realized while sitting on the porch enjoying the mountains that back at my home office I was even writing first and missing the sunrise. I wake up around 4:00 AM every single day and there is no reason why I should miss the sunrise. Folks, I have never chose work over my personal Life enjoyment and it isn't going to start now but that is certainly the direction I was headed.
That reminds me, several years ago one of my website visitors called and said, "Dr. Standley, I just wanted you to know that I get so much out of your website and I wanted to thank you for writing this website for all of us."
I gently responded, "Oh, no, no, no. While I appreciate this phone call immensely and your gratitude, I do not write this website for you. I write it for me. This makes me feel Good to write and say all of what I'm saying here. Writing feeds my soul and if I did not choose this forum, then I would be interrupting people all day and talking non-stop about everything I know. I do this me. The great thing about being so committed to my own desire and passion is that you benefit from my committment to myself. I do believe in making myself happy FIRST and therein lies the golden nugget. Because of my committment to feeding my soul, you benefit and your soul is fed."
My Life Theory is 'committment to self'. While it may sound selfish, quite honestly, I don't really care because it is my Spiritual Progression Path ™ . I couldn't possibly be the best I can be unless I committ to my own happiness. I create my happiness and from my past Life experience, when I 'commit to self' then everything else naturally falls into place. It just does. Committment to self has worked for me in the past and it will work for me in the future.
From this day forward, I will be updating this page first. So drop by in the mornings and see what's up with timeline on updates and anything new that floated through my brain while I was sleeping. I feel refreshed and renewed. Right now (as of this writing 10:00 AM EDT) I'm heading over to the Daily Horoscopes, then the Weekly Horoscopes and then updating the Monthly Horoscopes because the Sun has moved into Scorpio so your Sun Opportunity will be updated later today. I do post on Facebook and Twitter when these updates occur. My Twitter handle is @drstandley and I have two Facebook pages. One is under Loretta Standley and the other one is under Dr. Loretta Standley.
Denadagohvyu ['Until we meet again' in Cherokee]
"Now get out there, go place yourself UP!
and practice being you."
-- Dr. Loretta Standley
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**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.