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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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(Click a letter to choose words from English to Cherokee)


A B  C D  E F  G H  I J  K L  M N  O P  Q R  S T  U V  W X  Y Z

cabbage s-que-wi

cabbage u-s-ge-wi

cairn da-ga

cake u-ga-na-s-dv

camera di-da-tli-lo-s-do-di

camp su-s-ti-yi

campfire a-tsi-la su-s-ti-yi

candle u-ka-na-wi a-tsv-s-do-di

candy ka-li-se-tsi

cane i-he-ya

cane a-da-la-nv-s-ti

cane u-da-la-nu-s-ti

cannibals yv-wi-gi-s-gi

canoe tsi-yu

canvas a-go-li-ye-i-do-s-di

cap u-gv-tsa-di a-li-s-que-ta-wv

captive u-hu-tsi

captive catcher da-hu-di-gi-s-gi

card a-qua-ni-yo-s-di

cardinal do-tsu

care a-ga-se-s-do-di

carraige u-s-di--da-qua-le-lu

cat we-sa

Catawba Indians a-ni-ta

catch-fly ga-ni-da-wa-s-gi

caterpillar s-go-ya a-ne-s-gi-lv-v-s-gi

catfish tsu

catgut di-s-ta-i'-yi

cattail a-s-ti-s-lu-s-gi

cause ni-gv-ni-si-s-gv

cave u-s-ta-ga-la-yi

cedar a-tsi-na

center a-ye-li

centipede tsu-ga-no-tsi

central a-ye-li

ceremonial mound ga-u-wa-tlu-ne-hi

certain u-do-hi-yu

chain a-na-da-de-sv-da

chair ga-s-gi-na

chance u-dla-nv-da-de-hv

change ga-ne-tli-yv-s-di

chapter a-ya-do-lv-i

charcoal gi-na-s-gi

cheap u-s-di--tsu-gu-wa-lo-di

cheese u-nv-di--ga-du-nv

Cherokee tsa-la-gi-yi

Cherokee tsi-tsa-la-gi

Cherokee tsa-la-gi

Cherokee Indians a-ni-tsa-la-gi

cherry ta-ya

cherry gi-ta-ya

chest ga-ne-tsi

chestnut ti-li

chestnut u-ti-ti

chestnut bread di-s

chickadee tsi-gi-li-li

Chickamauga tsi-ka-ma-gi

Chickasaw Indians a-ni-tsi-ka-su

Chickasawa Indians a-ni-tsi

chicken tsa-ta-ga

chicken tsu-ta-gu

Chief du-we-u-we wa-ni-da-tsi

Chief v-ga-nu-we-u-we

Chief a-s-ga-ya yv-wi yv-wi

Chief da-na-wa-ga-we-u-we-e

Chief u-gv-wi-yu-hi

child a-yu-le

child a-yo-tli

child v-gi-ni-si

child tsv-gi-li-si

children di-ni a-yu-le

children di-ni-yo-tli

children tsu-gi-ni-si

children tsv-gi-li-si

chimney a-hu-tsa-wa-la-gv-i

chin a-ni--ha-yu-ge-ni

chipmunk gi-yu-ga

chipmunk gi-u-ga

Choctaw Indians a-ni-tsa-ta

chosen ga-su-ye-u

chosen a-su-ye-ta

chosen su-ye-ta

Chota i-tsa-ti

Christmas u-na-de-ti-yi-s-gv-i

Chunky tsv-ge

Chunky tsv-ga-yv-yi

Chunky ga-ta-ya-s-ti

Chunky yard tsv-ge-yi

church da-ni-la-wi-ga

church di-ga-la-wi-i-s-di

church tsu-ni-la-wi-s-di

circle ga-sa-qua-lv

Citico si-ti

Clans u-ga-ya

Clara tla-qua

clay ga-da-qua-li

clay ga-da-qua-la

clean u-da-nv-ga-lv-da

clear yi-ga

climb lu-hi

climber gu-le-ga

climbing tsi-li-hu

clock wa-tsi

close a-s-du-di

closed ge-wi

closed tsv-gu-li-s-ge-wi

cloth a-na-wo
cloth a-nu-wo

cloud u-lo-gi-dv

cloud u-lo-gi-lv

clouds u-ni-tsi-la

coal tsi-no-s-ga

coat ga-sa-le-na

coat ga-se-le-na

coffee go-we

cold u

cold u-yv-dla

cold u-yv-tsa

collar u-na-ya-tlv-di

color di-ka-no-di

colt a-gi-na so-qui-li

comb a-li-ta-wo-s-di

come e-he-na

come nu'-la

come de-ha-na

comet a-tsi-la-tlv-da-tsi

comfort nu-tso-se-dv-na

commitee a-ka-mi-ti

common tsu-tsa-ta-quu

company u-na-da-tlu-gi

comparison u-tlo-yi--na-gv-ne-hv

compass a-la-ni a-ga-da-di

competition a-da-go--nv-do-di-yi

complete ka-li-wo-hi

complete u-du-lu-la

computer e-li-s

conceived ne-ha

condition nu-s-di-da-nv

conjuror da-du-ne-s-gi

conjuror di-da

connection di-li-go-ta-nv-hi

conscious a-de-lo-ho-s-gi

constipation tsv-de-ge-wi

container a-tli-s-do-di

control a-ge-ta-di-s-di

cook a-da-s-da-yv-hv

cook a-da-s-ta-yu-hu-s

cook a-da-s-da-yv-hv-s-gi

cooked u-wa-nu-su-hi

cooking gu-ne-s-ti

cool u-ne-sv-yv-tli

coon gv-li

copper tsi-yi

copper a-tsi-yi

copperhead wu-di-ge a-s

copy da-tli-lo-s-ta-nv

cord u-ni-qua-te-na--a-s-di

corn ga-ha-we-si-ta

corn se-lu-gu-we-sa

corn se-lu

corn gruel ka-nah-e'-na

corn meal se-lu-e-si

corn meal pudding u-ga-na-s-ta

corn tassel u-tsi-tsa-ta

cornbread tsa-lu-ga

corner u-nv-si-yv-i

cotton u-tsi-lv

cougar tlv-da-tsi

cough u-si-wa-s-gv

council a-na-s-ga

Council House a-na-s-ka-yi

country a-ni-tsa-la-gi-ga-do-hi

country do-yi-di-tlv-ga-du-hv

cousins gu-s-di i-da-da-dv

cove u-ge-da-li-yv-i

cover gu-tlv-di

cow wa-ga

cow wa-ka

cow wa-ga

coward u-s-gi-a-nu

cow-itch ga-ne-da

coyote wa-ya

crack u-tla-nv-dv

cracked u-ne-s-tla

crane ga-nu-tsi-ta-li

crawfish tsi-s-ka-gi-li

crawfish tsi-s

crayfish go-dv-nv

crazy nu-da

crazy u-na-s-ti-s-gi

cream du-da-tlv-da

cream u-da-tlv-di

cream u-da-tlv

creation di-ne-tla-na

credit a-da-du-di

creek a-ma a-wa-ya

creek ni-la-dv-yi

creek u-s-di--u-we-yv

Creek Indians a-ni-gu-sa

Creeks a-ni-ka-wi-ta

cricket ta-la

cricket ta-la-du

crime a-s-ga-nv-tsv

cross a-s-ga-si-ti

crossing place a-sa

cruel u-yo--i-ya-da-dv-ni-hi

crush ga-ta-we-du-na

cry a-tlo-ya-s-di

cucumber ga-ga-ma

cup a-gu-gi-s-di

cup ga-nu-hi-lo-di

current a-li-yi-sv--ka-no-he-di

curtain a-ya-do-la-dv-di

curve a-da-yo-hv

cushion a-s-gi-lu-di

cut a-ye-la-s-di

Alihelisdi!-- Ganag'ati Lowe'di Alahusgi'

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**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.