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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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Dr. Loretta Standley is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

Dr. Loretta Standley is an 'Experienced' Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance

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Sanity to the Insane
Humor to the Humorless

Dr. Loretta Standley

Health questions are now only answered over the phone. 314.420.5099

[Read more e-mails here!]

q Hello Dr. Standley: (Sanity to the Insane)

I was shocked to hear you are no longer on WGNU. I never missed your show!

You always brought some sort of sanity to the insane, some reasoning to the unreasonable and humor to the humorless. Thank you so much! I love your opinionated and straight forward approach. I know you call this "GWT" for Gut Wrenching Truth and I started adopting "GWT" in my own life because of you. I'll be listening and searching for your new show.

St. Louis

a Dear Tim:

This is a Good thing, so try not to be shocked. Progress takes place in the coolest ways. You'll see!

Hey! Maybe it was my own insanity that resonated with the insane, my own unreasonableness that matched the unreasonable and my own lack of humor that was so humorous.

NOT!!! . . . hahahaha . . .

No matter what, I still just want to "twist and dance" in dialogue. I feel Good just knowing that I was able to make John (a regular caller) chuckle for once. He's much too serious for his own Good! (smiles)

I Love "GWT" because it's the Truth for us even if it's filled with distortions and illusions. Once you get to what the Truth is for you, then you have some idea of what needs to be changed or what is severely out of touch with reality.

Distortions and illusions can be fun to watch. Just take a peek at the Democratic party! hahaha . . . or look at the debate on same sex marriages. Heck, we can't even come together and decipher our Constitution to recognize that our country was founded on the principle's of God much less locate some sort of code in there that supports same sex marriages. Whew!

This is Good stuff - distortions and illusions.

And now look what the Janet Jackson fiasco has led to. Chit-chat on Capitol Hill. What a way to spend our tax dollars!!! If pop stars and those under incredible influence can't behave and make Good decisions, and if we as parents can't behave and make better decisions with our children . . . are we asking for Capitol Hill to make those decisions for us?

I always say, "If someone can't make a Good decision and chooses to let their life spin out of control, then they'd only be asking someone else to make those decisions for them." Sadly, that's what happens.

Hmmmmmm . . . Just stuff to think about.

Thanks for the nice e-mail and keep checking back.

Gobs and oodles of blessings

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