Even though I enjoy surrounding myself with things that remind me of unlimited prosperity and abundance, the most important thing is to remember my Source. I am not a big believer in direct deposit from employer to bank. Participating in this type of pattern or running from payday to the bank skips a crucial step in manifesting more abundance.
I created a prayer/meditation room in my home. In this room I have built an altar that has a beautifully framed picture of the love of my life, Jesus Christ. This altar has candles, flowers, and a gold urn with a flowing plant representing "my cup runneth over." It has a container to burn the incenses of frankincense, myrrh and damascus rose.
When ANY amount of money comes across my hands, I immediately take this money and lay it before Jesus. I then drop to my knees in complete gratitude and thanksgiving. Firmly and lovingly I acknowledge God as my only Substance and Supply. I pray that He blesses this money with His Divine Goodness and that He multiplies it 7-fold as He had done with the loaves and fishes. I also pray that the person whom He chose to send this money through, be blessed 7-fold the amount of the money in return. The money stays on the altar overnight as I pray and hold the intention for a blessing for everyone involved.
When we direct deposit paychecks or when we receive a paycheck from our employers and immediately run to the bank in order to cash the check, we have missed a fabulous opportunity to connect with God for being so Good to us. Sometimes it may feel as though we need that money right now or it may compromise our life in some way. The fact is you won't die because you didn't get that money in your bank. Paying something the next day may mean a small late fee, then so be it. A life without God is a compromised life.
When you get paid, take some time to simply "be" with the money. Enjoy your blessing and just be with it. When we run to the bank quickly and anxiously, it creates a feeling of lack and urgency. Listen for what God is telling you to do with the money, especially if you have a lot of bills to pay. Let Him guide you and direct you on a peaceful path.
If you don't yet have an altar, then lay your checkbook out with a note that says, "God" on it and pray for a blessing. If we can teach our children to leave notes for Santa Clause, then we can surely as adults leave notes for God. If you have direct deposit that cannot be changed due to company policy or some other reason, then lay your checkbook out for God to bless before spending any of the money deposited. Train yourself to get to a calm place of gratitude and drop to your knees in thanksgiving. It's a "Woo!" kind of feeling.
There is nothing, and I mean nothing more important than connecting with God as your Source and Supply. He deserves the praise and recognition, so put your hands together and go crazy with excitement.
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