Bat People are learning to sense their way through the dark, only to come out of the darkness reborn into a "new" person. In the darkness is the "old" self, the "old" habits, and the "old" behaviors. You may have found that if a bat has come before you that you have been going through a dark time in your Life when you "must" let go of who you used to be in order to become who you desire to be.
When Bat Medicine grabs your attention it is asking you to take yourself through a ritualistic rebirth. As a Native American (Cherokee) ritual resonates with my spirit. I've taken myself through this ritualistic rebirth after a long-long-term relationship ended. My desire was to change myself and move forward quickly so I would not slip back into an old relationship pattern or behavior. I consistently changed by routine, habits and behaviors for 40 days. My ritual consisted of daily yoga, prayer and meditation, rebirthing and rolfing sessions, colonic irrigations and severe dietary changes for 40 days. Needless to say, I emerged from the darkness without looking back. Considering that the "old patterned relationship" was 12 years long, drastic rebirth was necessary in order to move through the Life change. I WAS GREAT!!!
Look here and read why I'm so hung up on 40 days.
In Bosnia, Tonga and West Africa, bats are considered the physical manifestation of a separable soul. Bats have been associated with vampires, who are said to be shapeshifters, where they can change their shape into bats, fog or wolves. (That is "fog," not "frogs.") Bats have also been associated with ghosts, death and disease, but keep in mind, where their is death, there is rebirth. E.g. - The death of a relationship and the rebirth of a new relationship with myself.
Some Native Americans, namely Apache, Cherokee (which I AM) and Creek, the bat is considered the "trickster spirit," like the coyote. In Chinese lore the bat symbolizes longevity and happiness. In Poland and Macedonia, the bat is considered "lucky." The United Kingdom states all bats are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Acts; therefore disturbing a bat or its roost can result in a heavy fine. In Western Culture, the bat is symbolic of the night and its foreboding nature. Even before a baby is born, the baby hangs upside down in the mother's womb, waiting for the birthing process to take place. And once the baby is born - joy, happiness and all kinds of celebratory noises are heard.
Bat's message is about rebirth, ritual and initiation. When you are initiated, you are taken to your "Higher Self." Bat is asking you to go beyond sight when you are in the darkness. Get quiet, meditate and listen to your soul and the soul is "deep!" Bat doesn't see with her eyes, she "hears" her way around by sonar echolocation. Invoke Bat medicine to hear your soul calling from the dark side of yourself. Dig deep into psychic realm and to develop a sensitivity to your own intuition. INTUITION IS LISTENING!
**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.