Homeopathy is from the Greek homoios, meaning "similar" or "like" and pathos meaning "suffering".
Hippocrates first observed in the fourth century B.C. that large amounts of certain natural substances can
produce symptoms in healthy people resembling those caused by disease, while small doses of these same
substances can relieve those symptoms!
Two thousand years later, in the 1790s, a German doctor took the concept and developed the practice called
homeopathy. He found that tiny amounts of substances derived from plants, minerals and animals can
enhance the body's resistance to disease. He prescribed quinine used to treat malaria, then displayed the
symptoms of the disease. Very small doses of quinine then treated the symptoms.
Microdoses stimulate the bodies defense mechanisms. The more dilute the agent is, the greater the healing
Homeopathic remedies are prescribed by practitioners who look at the complex you-your lifestyle, your
environment at work, home; your state of mind; diet; personality; and family history. The remedies are
immunologically strong and pharmacologically weak.
Many anecdotal examples support homeopathy. In 1994, Pediatrics reported that American doctors treated
eighty-one Nicaraguan children suffering from diarrhea with homeopathic agents and placebos. Those
treated had much shorter bouts of diarrhea.
Conditions Benefited by Homeopathy:Stimulation of the bodies defense mechanisms. |
**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.