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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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Daily Spiritual Progression Path
February 17th

Daily Spiritual Progression Path ™  readings Main Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) Page

This is a daily game to guide you along your Spiritual Progression Path ™ .
Daily Affirmation, Mentation Question, Quote, Scripture and Prayer
Read slooowwwly and let the words sink in.
It's up to you to find out how they apply to "your" Life.

Daily Mentation Question for the Spiritual Progression Path

What Good thing is present in my Life without me having done anything to earn it or deserve it?

Daily Quote for the Spiritual Progression Path

"Grace is unearned favor from God. We did nothing and can do nothing to deserve it. It is a pure gift that requires absolutely nothing from us in return."

~Dr. Loretta Standley

Daily Affirmation for the Spiritual Progression Path

My faith stimulates Source.

Daily Prayer for the Spiritual Progression Path

For a more enriching experience,
go down on your knees to pray or take it one step further
and prostrate yourself (lay face down) on the floor while praying.

Father, one of the hardest lessons to learn is how to let go and trust You to direct, guide and inspire me. Having such a firm grip of control on my Life and how things turn out for me leaves You on the outside waiting for the invitation into my Life. That's strange because You are the One who gave me Life. How fair is that? I also understand that You gave me the gift of free will and I can do 'as I' please, 'when' I please and control every situation without inviting You for input. That is what is so beautiful about Your gift of 'free will' that You trust me but often times I don't put my trust in You. You give it all to me, but yet I don't give it all to You. Even stranger, You don't even require me to Love You with my free will. I get to choose that too! I don't have to choose You but yet You choose me. You don't leave me, it is I who leave You. Often times I rely so heavily on myself trying to measure up to all of my human numbers such as earnings, timelines and arrivals when the only thing that should matter more than anything else is You. It is one thing to put You at the top of my list and say You are most important in my Life but it is a whole other thing to act on it and fully believe that You have me in the palm of Your Hand.

The disciples in the Scripture below had already witnessed four thousand people being fed from a few loaves and fishes and now they were concerned about how they would eat? It reminds me of when Jesus said, "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" (Matthew 6:26) Father, I'm asking You now to please guide me along my path in all of the situations I encounter. Thank You for helping me realize that I have nothing to fear when I depend on You. I now know that the degree of my Faith stimulates You because in another scripture it says, "For by Grace you have been saved through Faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God." (Ephesians 2:8) In short, when I see Your Grace, then You see my Faith, and my Faith stimulates Your action. That is so cool. A relationship with You should be THE most important relationship in my Life. And finally, Jesus said to the Apostles in the scripture below, "Do you still not understand?" I can now answer, "I do understand."

Through Jesus Christ's Most Precious Blood, Most Sacred Name and Most Holy Face, I thank You for this awareness. Amen~

Daily Scripture for the Spiritual Progression Path

A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Mark

Mark 8:14-21

14 They had forgotten to bring bread, and they had only one loaf with them in the boat.

15 He enjoined them, "Watch out, guard against the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod."

16 They concluded among themselves that it was because they had no bread.

17 When He became aware of this He said to them, "Why do you conclude that it is because you have no bread? Do you not yet understand or comprehend? Are your hearts hardened?

18 Do you have eyes and not see, ears and not hear? And do you not remember,

19 when I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many wicker baskets full of fragments you picked up?" They answered him, "Twelve."

20 "When I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand, how many full baskets of fragments did you pick up?" They answered (him), "Seven."

21 He said to them, "Do you still not understand?"

The Gospel of the Lord
Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ

Daily Spiritual Progression Path ™  readings Main Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) Page

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