A planet is 'in the void' when it is in the midst of moving from one sign into the next sign. It only makes sense! You may have seen on other sites and calendars that the Void of Course (VoC) space is, “. . . when the Moon makes no more major aspects to other planets before it leaves a sign.” I have found through years of research and pattern study that the time period when a planet prepares to leave a sign, then actually leaves the sign and then settles into the next sign, is the space that is ‘the void’. It’s that cuspy area where the planet is ‘on the cusp’ of being in this sign or that sign. Certainly there is controversy about the VoC Moon’s impact and influence, but I think you will find, the time period that I calculate to be the VoC to be incredibly accurate and useful.
Look at it this way . . . you know how you feel when you move from one house (residence) to another house (residence)? There is a lot of packing, moving about and just general chaos keeping track of all of your stuff in trucks as it's being shuffled from one house to another. Well the energy of a planet preparing to move feels the same chaotic way. Energy is shifting and it feels off balance and cranky to say the least. This is not the time to sign something new or make a new plan while you are in the midst of change. In the dark blue areas of each of my calendars I call your attention to the 27 to 3 degree time period. So the degrees involved are 27, 28, 29, 00, 01, 02 and up until the start of 03 degrees. I calculate the start of the void at 27 degrees 00 minutes up until 02 degrees 59 minutes 59 seconds . . . once the next second ticks away and the 3 degree mark is reached, then it is out of the void and the planet has settled into the next sign. Now compare this to how you feel when you move from one house (residence) to another and the need to get settled and unpacked before you can finally settle down and relax on the couch in your new space. The Void of Course Moon works the same way.
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