Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) is a real term used in healthcare that refers to daily basic self-care activities in an individual's residence, outdoor environment or both. The ability or inability that an individual performs their ADLs is a measure of the functional status of the individual, particularly the injured, those with disabilities and the elderly. Very young children require assistance from adults to perform ADLs since they have not yet developed the skills necessary to perform ADLs on their own.
Basic ADLs (bADLs) are the things we normally do such as bathing, dressing, feeding ourselves, functional mobility, personal hygiene and grooming. Instrumental ADLs (iADLs) are things such as housework, money management, preparing meals, shopping and work.
Sometimes it is necessary to review the rules of kindergarten to remember how to be nice to others and use Good manners. And sometimes we just need to go back to the basics of the 'Activities of Daily Living' in order to take better care of ourselves and start living Life rightly.
Below you will see 7 simple activities to accomplish at some point during the day all under the motivation of the the daily mentation question below. You have 24 hours to get through this question along with the 7 activities. READY? SET? GO!
If I know that someone's character is hostile, mean,
indifferent or insensitive, why am I so hurt?
If you feel the need to rub your eyes, either grab a tissue or use the back of your hand to avoid transferring bacteria and germs into your eyes. Conjunctivitis (pink eye) is highly contagious from one person to another and from one eye to another. |
Buy some 1, 2, 3, 4 and/or 5 lb. weights that you can leave in various areas of the home for use when you are immobile, yet you can still use your arms. During the winter I am a lot less active outside so I ride a stationary bike, using 3 lb. weights while watching a LMN movie. Even sitting on the couch watching the news, you can work your arms. And if you spend way too much time on the toilet, well then same thing, work your arms. LOL! |
To make your shower door shine, use a teaspoon of lemon 'oil' on your shower glass doors about twice a month. Water will bead up and just roll off. You can also use Rain-X, which is a car care product for car windows that keep rain off the windshield, which will just bead up and roll off. |
You don't have to be cheap to save money; you have to be smart about how you 'use' money in order to save money. We 'rarely' ever eat out because I honestly believe that I cook better and fancier (with better ingredients). Spending $20 here and $40 there for meals that aren't even close to what I can do at home just rubs me the wrong way. I just can't justify it. If we do eat out, then I would rather go all the way and dine, but not waste our money on half-way. |
In order to accomplish anything really great in Life, you need to be incredibly ruthless in blocking out distractions. Whether that is bringing back a wandering conversation to its original subject matter or whether that is turning down an invite when you have work to do, you must be able to block out or turn down distractions. Either your goal is important to you or it is not (simple as that) and your ability to turn away from distractions will be your measuring stick. |
Whatever your food weakness is, take the time to research that particular food so you know all about its nutritional value. I'm talking about the food that both tempts you and the food that makes your body feel heavy and tired. If you are boldly aware of its nutritional value, then you are more likely to avoid it. Make certain you are aware of the nutritional value of alcohol as well. When I see someone drink a Blue Moon I think to myself, "I wonder if they know that 12 oz. bottle of beer has 171 calories." |
Choose two (2) of the 'Methionine' foods below
and incorporate them into your diet today.
Get creative!
DESCRIPTION: Methionine is an essential amino acid, which is an extremely powerful detoxifying amino acid. It helps protect the body from environmental toxins and is not made in the body. It is regularly converted into homocysteine in your body.
POTENTIAL BENEFITS: Helps with the utilization and assimilation of selenium and zinc. Assists in liver, heart, kidney and brain health.
FOOD SOURCES: Protein rich sources: eggs, corn, rice, dairy products, eggs, fish, meat, nuts and seeds.
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**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.