Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) is a real term used in healthcare that refers to daily basic self-care activities in an individual's residence, outdoor environment or both. The ability or inability that an individual performs their ADLs is a measure of the functional status of the individual, particularly the injured, those with disabilities and the elderly. Very young children require assistance from adults to perform ADLs since they have not yet developed the skills necessary to perform ADLs on their own.
Basic ADLs (bADLs) are the things we normally do such as bathing, dressing, feeding ourselves, functional mobility, personal hygiene and grooming. Instrumental ADLs (iADLs) are things such as housework, money management, preparing meals, shopping and work.
Sometimes it is necessary to review the rules of kindergarten to remember how to be nice to others and use Good manners. And sometimes we just need to go back to the basics of the 'Activities of Daily Living' in order to take better care of ourselves and start living Life rightly.
Below you will see 7 simple activities to accomplish at some point during the day all under the motivation of the the daily mentation question below. You have 24 hours to get through this question along with the 7 activities. READY? SET? GO!
Would I want to be forgiven in the same way that I forgive others?
If you are out and about and cannot brush your teeth after eating, at the very least drink some water and swish it around your mouth to rinse your gums and teeth. |
Pick up your speed and do a bit of speed walking. Drive to the local high school and speed walk the track. Imagine its a stadium filled crowd cheering you on to victory. |
Use the buddy system while you clean. Make the bed and pick up things while you are talking on the phone with a friend. You can accomplish more while on the phone than you think. |
If you are struggling to make a payment on a particular date, call the creditor and ask for a different payment date. They will do this on student loans, car loans, credit cards and so much more. Make the call! |
Do not fall into the blame game. If it is always someone else's fault for the reason you are not doing better, then guess what? It's not their fault, it's yours! It's unrealistic to believe or think that it is 'always' someone else's fault. If you need a reality check, then give it to yourself. |
Do your grocery shopping early in the morning before 8:00 AM or later in the evening after 9:00 PM. This is when the grocery store is the least crowded and its all yours. |
Choose two (2) of the 'ORNITHINE' foods below
and incorporate them into your diet today.
Get creative!
DESCRIPTION: It is a non-essential amino acid that is manufactured from the amino acid arginine. It is used to metabolize nitrogen. It should be taken with arginine. If it is taken with both arginine and carnitine, it may help facilitate the metabolizing of body fat. When supplementing ornithine, it is most commonly taken in conjunction with arginine.
POTENTIAL BENEFITS: Aids the liver and immune system.
FOOD SOURCES: Fish, meat, beans and dairy.
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**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.