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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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Activities of Daily Living
February 12th

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) is a real term used in healthcare that refers to daily basic self-care activities in an individual's residence, outdoor environment or both. The ability or inability that an individual performs their ADLs is a measure of the functional status of the individual, particularly the injured, those with disabilities and the elderly. Very young children require assistance from adults to perform ADLs since they have not yet developed the skills necessary to perform ADLs on their own.

Basic ADLs (bADLs) are the things we normally do such as bathing, dressing, feeding ourselves, functional mobility, personal hygiene and grooming. Instrumental ADLs (iADLs) are things such as housework, money management, preparing meals, shopping and work.

Sometimes it is necessary to review the rules of kindergarten to remember how to be nice to others and use Good manners. And sometimes we just need to go back to the basics of the 'Activities of Daily Living' in order to take better care of ourselves and start living Life rightly.

Below you will see 7 simple activities to accomplish at some point during the day all under the motivation of the the daily mentation question below. You have 24 hours to get through this question along with the 7 activities. READY? SET? GO!

Daily Spiritual Progression Path ™  readings Main Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) Page

Activities of Daily Living - Mentation Question

Am I the type that makes excuses and gives up
or am I the type that doesn't take "no" for an answer?

Activities of Daily Living - Hygiene and Grooming

Do not hide discolored, thick, cracked, or crumbling toenails with polish because it could be a nail fungus. Applying nail polish to an infected nail could make the problem worse. Two external cures I have found are either Grapefruit Seed Extract (not Grapeseed but Grape'fruit' Seed) or smearing Vicks VapoRub over the affected areas and sleeping with socks on. At the same time take a probiotic to build the body's immune system internally.

Activities of Daily Living - Physical Activity

This is a killer squat. Stand with your feet and legs together. Hold your arms out in front of you, parallel to the ground. Rise up on your toes and lower down until your butt is almost touching your heels. While still on your toes, return to standing. If this is too difficult, then modify by keeping your feet flat or just going halfway down until you get stronger. Stop right now and give me 5!

Activities of Daily Living - Housework and Cleaning

It's time to clean out your dresser drawers. Grab a bag and start tossing a few things in there that you can take to work and give away, drop off at Goodwill or cut up and use as rags. Organize your clothes and take care of them because chances are, you paid Good money for them. If you haven't wore it in a while, chances you aren't going to.

Activities of Daily Living - Financial Management

Writing down all of your bills on a calendar or having a bill pay book will help keep your financial story straight. Not knowing how much money you have or don't have is living financially dangerous and irresponsible. Stop the denial of debt and write it all down.

Activities of Daily Living - Work and Productivity

Make a 'Monthly List' of the bigger things that you need to get completed during that particular month. Maybe this month it is filing your taxes, pre-Spring cleaning or automobile maintenance. Only put the 'big must do-able' things on your monthly list so that you have that urgency to get 'er done.

Activities of Daily Living - Food Preparation

I freeze banana's for smoothies. I buy banana's at the Farmer's Market by the box. I peel them, break them in half and put both halves in a sandwich baggie. I take all of those individually wrapped banana's and put them in a gallon freezer baggie. When I am ready to make a smoothie, the banana is ready to use. I freeze strawberries too. A handful of strawberries in a baggie, freeze them the same way. Blueberries? Same thing, only I use a 1/2 cup of blueberries.

Activities of Daily Living - Today's Healthful Nutrient

Choose two (2) of the 'ZINC' foods below
and incorporate them into your diet today.
Get creative!

DESCRIPTION: Zinc is important in the function and growth of reproductive organs. It is needed for collagen formation and protein synthesis. It also is an important anti-oxidant and promotes a strong immune system. Zinc plays a role in the sense of smell and taste.

POTENTIAL BENEFITS: Helps to maintain proper amounts of Vitamin E in the blood. It supports your immune function, tissues and joints, playing an important role in cell division, repair and growth. It may also assist in insulin function.

SOURCES: Beef, brewer's yeast, egg yolks, fish, lamb, legumes, lima beans, liver, meats, mushrooms, nuts, oysters (cooked), pecans, poultry, pumpkins seeds, sardines, seafood, seeds, soy lecithin, soybeans, sunflower seeds, tourla, yogurt, and whole grains.

Daily Spiritual Progression Path ™  readings Main Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) Page

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**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.